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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Media Protocol Project Specificity

Now content providers have a chance to receive a worthy reward for their efforts. Due to the Media protocol platform, they will receive funds in tokens, by means of which they can pay for different services and transactions. The main advantage of this project is a lack of facilitators who not only slow down the process of the transaction execution, but also charge a fee. Now, this is a thing of the past. There are only minimal expenditures and real proceeds for creators of popular videos and other products.
Due to the project, it will be possible to create decentralized apps, one of which has been already launched.
New Solutions from Platform Creators
Now it will be easier to create new products, as the process itself will become more user-friendly. It will be possible to receive a reward from ordinary users (if they have subscribed or rewarded someone); the other option is a connection with advertisers and traffic income. To gain tokens, the users need to promote the project in social media or develop it from a technological point of view.
All internal transactions are executed by means of the digital currency. This ensures:
• security;
• data safety;
• transmitted information reliability.
The impossibility of unauthorized entry should be also noted. The transparency of executed transactions attracts new investors. This is a characteristic of the cryptocurrency market that is dynamically developing. The transparency at each stage is a chance to secure all transactions and protect ourselves from unexpected consequences.
Project Development Prospects
Every new app created on the platform will be distinguished by a unique rewarding system. The first of them has been already launched and called CryptoCatnip. Money transactions here are executed by means of the internal token called MEDIA. This app focuses on the news of the cryptocurrency world.
The project ICO has already been implemented and is gaining momentum. The project creators expect that not only consumers, but also content providers, will be interested in this. As a result, it will be possible to build a profitable relationship that will help the cryptocurrency market come to a new level. The token of the ERC20 standard is the most popular version that is used in this market segment, so there will be no problems with its conversion and execution of money transaction.
WEBSITE - https://www.mediaprotocol.org/
WHITEPAPER - https://www.mediaprotocol.org/papers/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram group - https://t.me/Media_Protocol_Community
ANN THREAD - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3396313.new#new
ANN/Bounty - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3397199.0

My bitcointalk username - DimaGoGroup
My bitcointalk link – https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1157026
My wallet address – 0x62B0746098378f54b940c51DCFab3193Aea57859

0.049 GOLOS
На Golos с February 2018
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