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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Key Blockchain Problem Solution with Cardstack

Cardstack is a source code of the base and a consensus protocol that will let carry out the scalability. Due to this, each user has an opportunity to control each transaction. Now, you will be always aware of all changes and increase the number of transactions you can execute.
The main advantage of Cardstack is a fair reward for each developer of the software. This will also let eliminate problems with the centralization and blocking of the transaction execution.
Fundamentally New Decentralization Levels
The full-fledged implementation of the blockchain technology will be probably expedited if it is promoted on the platforms that are already known to the users. This is also important to have an opportunity to make transactions on your mobile phone. Not everyone can regularly sit at the computer but the gadget is always at hand.
Due to Cardstack, it is possible to break silos of centralized apps. This will let enable a direct comparison and detect all advantages and disadvantages of developments. Now, the users can combine services in different layers of the Internet. Such operations were almost impossible not so long ago. Cardstack Framework allowed to create powerful apps that really meet all market requirements. The data are transmitted via clouds or some chains.
Creation of Scalable Protocol
Tally is a new consensus protocol that lets simplify the process of the transaction execution. Just imagine that now you will not have to regularly confirm each action and this will not affect the project security. The protocol uses cryptographic messages to achieve the goal set.
This also allows to decrease the requirements to the Ethereum blockchain. Such technology is already implemented by countries that care about their digital security. The advantages of such solution are:
• each user’s security;
• scalability;
• opportunity to execute fast transactions.
Cardstack has all the necessary equipment to make first-class transactions. This has already attracted a lot of potential investors who are ready to invest money in the promising project.
WEBSITE - https://cardstack.com/
WHITEPAPER - https://cardstack.com/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram group - https://telegram.me/cardstack
ANN THREAD - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2768237.0
ANN/Bounty - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2805234.0

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