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Welcome to my simple article, and I am sure that my article will be of use to you. happy to read articles about the crypto world.

On this occasion I will discuss about https://gooreo.com/ from several companies in the world. I am very interested in joining this company, so do you. let's join this very promising company!...

Building trust between service providers and non-system providers allows communities to create electronic money trust stamps. Because its value will soon be an attractive Gooreo system. Many users are making the most of this new digital economy, based on the fact that the blockchain group will benefit from tokens that can serve as payment methods for many of the services offered. . In addition, payment reaches the capacity level of this platform. Become effective and gain market share in direct competitor identity management tools. Therefore, the profile gives people an overview of the eligible facilities and users about 5 million electronic money users.

What is GOOREO ?
The GOOREO platform is a customized market based blockchain for job search. It expands on some of the most innovative and dynamic advances from the fourth industry revolution: massive data, blockchain and artificial intelligence. GOOREO serves both workers and businesses, empowers those looking for careers or wants a career taken at the level of the measure.
The GOOREO platform will be integrated with AI Propel technology to help with job search. This technology looks for parameters to determine whether a job matches any object in the database. The ranking frame will be realized, showing that each profile is completed and the job creates a "GOOREO Reference List". This template will remain unchanged and verifiable through blockchain technology and with the use of our Quality Examiner framework, will ensure a fair market, non-discriminatory treatment for all parties relate to

Increasingly freelance work
Today, most workers choose their own way. Combined with a requirement for flexibility, there are many who want to build a different service. The world in which we live makes it possible for individuals to do this. For example, a boom in freelance when about 40% of US businesses hope to grow their free workforce over the next five years.
There is a remarkable advantage for managers. Free self-employed workers have surpassed those provided by the main workforce. Therefore, businesses can save cash by hiring only when they need it.

What will GOOREO solve?
At this time, the free world is dominated by traditional recruiting offices. These organizations earn billions of dollars in income each year. Each year, they help bring about 62,000 job seekers.

However, this method of working is considered with many different difficulties. The business industry can not seem to grasp today's technology. These early innovations were used in the fast-paced, cost-effective business. In addition, they have problems with adaptation.

In addition, the office has undergone the authenticity for a long time. Most of them have problems of fairness. Along with these lines, there is a significant measure of stress to eliminate the factors that contribute to discrimination.

GOOREO Solution
The free economy has promoted the development of important foundations. However, these additional platforms have a few problems. To solve these problems, designers are creating a platform that is supported by blockchain. They will combine it with huge data and AI.

Blockchain helps individual individuals connect with each other without the need of outsiders. With this technology, it will eliminate the problem of discrimination. In addition, there will be lower fees and smoother deals. GOOREO will search and
associate stakeholders.

The developers of this platform believe that GOOREO can really address the challenges that keep the business industry. The real goal is to empower people who need jobs to find them easily.

With the Gooreo platform, entrepreneurs can get a lot of time and money and find young people who can easily hire them in different areas. With the support of GOOREO, the community will benefit from their new insights and innovations and save a lot of money to create opportunities for graduates.

Token Details:

  • Platform Name: Gooreo
  • Ticker: OREO
  • Type: ERC233
  • Coin Supply: 1,000,000,000
  • OreoDecimals: 18
  • Date: 15 March 2019 - 30 April 2019
  • ICO's Token Supply: 458.000.000
  • Price: 0.01$
  • Soft Cap: 3000 ETH
  • Hard Cap: 25000 ETH
  • Accepted currencies: ETH


June 2018: Project idea and startup.
September 2018: Issuing the smart contract and writing whitepaper.
November - December 2018: Pre-ICO and ICO.
January - February 2019: Listing the Coin up to 3 Exchanges.
February 2019: Development of the Core Platform and Testing alpha and beta version.
May 2019: Release the platform
July - September 2019: Listing the coin on exchanges as much as we can.


Social Media
Website: https://gooreo.com/
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D6kmDoZbBXYlg-yYkdI32yLVNdjfCv89/view
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/gooreo
Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/GVFICBB5tyOUT1KzPkH3MA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/oreo_coin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gooreo.official/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gooreo
Medium: https://medium.com/@gooreo

Username: garpuh
Profil BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2321199
ETH : 0xc7a5Cf9e93693c468B4D2906e6614e5186dED3B6

0.038 GOLOS
На Golos с March 2019
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