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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Как поучаствовать в ICO A2B Taxi  (How to participate in A2B TAXI ICO)

[Напоминаю, что сейчас проходит ICO A2B Taxi. Команда проекта написала простой гайд по участию в их токенсейле]  

Hello, folks!

Good news for you: A2B Taxi, an ambitious Lithuanian taxi business, will announce the ICO soon. It is a great chance to acquire tokens which are possible to use every day, as the payments for A2B trips are completed in its native currency. For most of you, this reason is essential regarding the participation in the ICO of A2B Taxi.

Many of you might be not well-informed how to participate in ICOs. Shortly speaking, ICO is a non-regulated process when real money is raised for a new cryptocurrency. This method is usually used as a fundraising for new businesses, as, for example, start-ups.

However, it is not a problem if you have never participated in any ICO. For this particular process of A2B Taxi, we prepared a short guide, which is a genuine Santa’s little helper and will address the main points. Let’s start and enjoy this journey!

1. Each token will cost 1 USD, but you will have even 4 opportunities to get them cheaper (what is an ultimately great deal — we all do not mind saving up!). What is more, the hard cap of tokens for selling and acquisition is 60%. The rest of them will be invested in the team and airdrop users/drivers of A2B Taxi, as well as in the maintenance of liquidity. The most important thing (which may concern most of you) is to mark that as a responsible business, A2B Taxi will facilitate KYC and fraud detection procedures during the token sale to abolish the risk of fraud.

2. There will be four stages of A2B Taxi ICO, which will allow buying the tokens for a better price. It is important to mention that this company is a responsible business.

3. The Pre-Sale event will take place in December 2017. During this stage, all potential clients will have an opportunity to acquire 10 percent of the released tokens with the discount of 25%. Also, don’t forget that to participate in this particular event, you will need to subscribe the official page of A2B Taxi for a newsletter and, additionally, to contact the company with an inquiry to buy the tokens. The price of 1 token will be 0.075 USD.

4. Even though you have missed a chance to participate in the Pre-Sale event or have changed your mind (we all know some people are kind of skeptic regarding cryptocurrencies, glad you have decided not to make this mistake!), there is still an opportunity to get tokens for a lower price. The first public sale will occur in January 2018. During the event, another 10% of the released tokens will be sold for 0.085 USD per each (or for 15% less than its standard price).

5. Did not get the tokens of A2B during the first official sale? There is no need to worry! A2B Taxi is going to announce two following sales. These will be set in January 2018. The second public sale will contain the tenth of released tokens, and one of them will cost 0.090 USD (the discount of 10% will be applied). The third (and the last) public sale will provide the discount of 5%, and each token will be sold for 0.095 USD.

6. Even if you have missed all sales, the last 10% will be sold for a price of 0.1 USD per each token.

7. Fun and games: First 500,000 customers who will download the A2B app will be awarded free 100 tokens (worth around 10 USD at the time of the ICO). Additionally, there is a chance to get free miles for a particular number of tokens acquired…

8. The platform of A2B Taxi will be created, developed and released until September 2018. Stay tuned!

That is all for now. Best of luck in catching the best prices and enjoying this exciting process. It marks the advance of both finance and technology — just a few years ago probably no one could believe that cryptocurrencies would be applied to everyday purchases and services.

Originally published at medium.com on Dec 1, 2018.

WebSite: https://a2btaxi.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/a2btaxitoken

I`m on BitcoinTalk:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1539095   

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