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6 лет назад

ICO review - Blackfolio 🚀

💥Dear friends, I welcome everyone on my blog! Today I will talk about a very exciting ICO project. We will discuss how Blackfolio is implementing blockchain technologies in a decentralized industry, and we will also talk in detail about the details of the ICO.
🚀Blackfolio - this is the leading social platform for trading, which helps users in managing wallets, cross-trading and much more. This platform uses artificial intelligence (AI), which puts all wallets in the center point for easy monitoring and control. AI gives you real-time information about current situations so that you can make the best move and in the process improve market performance. And as a social platform, it also helps to connect traders, share opinions and strategies and get information about the market. BlackFol.io offers an integrated crypto currency management service that can be customized to meet your needs. With Blackfol.io, you get full access to your assets, gain experience, view the experience of successful traders associated with them, and receive a written tax return.

  • Blackfol.io also willingly represents trading pairs on platforms with the best trading market, the availability of buying and selling, several exchanges, social and mirror trading, confidentiality such as profiles, tracking the progress of traders and greater clarity of traders selected for participating in the trade forums. Now, to get more interesting updates on the features of cryptography, you can give each user the opportunity to invest in other kryptons that were not known, but would have been brought to their attention by Blackfol.io.
  • With the advent of crypto currency in the masses, many began to use digital wallets. As a result, many online transactions are performed using crypto conversions through digital wallets. You might want to have a secure platform, with which you can manage all your digital wallets. If you are looking for such a solution, then Blackfolio will offer you this.
  • The cryptoresource is very bright at the moment. However, with proper guidance and management, you are unlikely to enjoy the benefits. Blackfol.io was founded to help traders get the best for their investments. Social cross-trade platforms bring the best minds in the trade to help you acquire tokens, manage your wallet, meet other traders, share tips, strategies, and more.
  • Distribution of tokens with a maximum of 600 million BLACK and a minimum investment of $ 100. It has a simple but effective roadmap that will help you understand how the ICO will go to relieve you of the need to constantly monitor the market. The benefit from Blackfol.io has a higher advantage, not just like any other platform. Blackfol.io has a monitoring process for beginners to move to an intermediate as well as an advanced level in cryptographic marketing through advertising in social networks and information, we get to show you proof of how well we took people from level to level and implement cryptographic marketing those who have not heard of the word

🚀 ICO details

  • Start ICO 25.03.2018 End 30.04.2018
  • Token name - BLACK
  • Token price - 1 BLACK=$0,04
  • Token type - ERC-20
  • Hardcap - 15,900 ETH
  • Softcap - 1,875 ETH
  • Total supply - 318,000,000

🚀Why is it worth supporting this project:

  • Team Blackfolio, absolutely all of its employees are working for the benefit of the company and are always ready to help in any matter. They are always in touch and do not lose sight of. Indeed, at the current moment, when we are talking about ICO projects, this fact is very important.
  • All the prototypes made by the Blackfolio development team are publicly available, right now you can get acquainted and try this system.
  • Blackfolio participates in every possible crypto, blocking forums, conclude serious contracts.
    After reading this blog, you probably will have questions. Be sure to ask them in the official sources of Blackfolio:
    📘 Website
    📘 Telegram
    📘 Facebook
    📘 Twitter
    📘 Whitepaper
    📘 Ann

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