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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

BitGuild - A new approach to gaming!

In the current state of the gaming industry, many games do not try to create the best gaming experience for their users, rather they are trying to maximize the amount of profit generated by the game. This unsuccessful shift in focus will not go unnoticed in the gaming community, just look at what happened to Star Wars Battlefront 2 a couple of months ago. It's becoming more widespread if you have a bunch of content unless you buy additional DLCs and most of the progression system will be replaced by pay-per-winner. Many current games do not even allow players to trade their goods with everyone, and those who often have restrictive rules are set. Bitguild seeks to change it all, they create a platform based on the chain of game platforms based on Ethereum smart contracts. Bitguild wants to be the largest community of gamers who can enjoy lots of great games on the same platform. Developers who want to create a game for the Bitguild platform may even raise funds from the Bitguild community, which, of course, are interested in games, so it's an ideal demographic for this type of fundraising.

A very cool mechanic based on the Guildbit platform is the ability to take what you have achieved in one game and use it in another. An example of this can be a specific element in the game, for example, legendary armor, if the game in which you received the armor, suddenly no longer playing, and you want to go to the most recent hottest game, you can move it the same armor to the new game. You could even use all the progress you made in one game to another. This creates a really useful experience while moving in the game, because you can take all your belongings with you in your next adventure. All of this is possible through blockchain technology, Bitguild games can simply extract your profile data from a block diagram and integrate it into a new game, and only you have the ability to let them take it, giving you complete control over your data and progress, items in the game will also be sold in a fully open market using smart contracts, which means that you can trade with anyone and nobody can stop you, just as if you had changed kriptovalnostnosti. In this sense, your digital wallet becomes more symbolic digital inventory that can display your various items.


To fund its project, Bitguild collects funds through the initial coin offer (ICO) by selling its ERC20 Platinum token. Platinum Token (PLAT) will be an integral part of the Bitguild ecosystem as it facilitates a range of services and payments. Platinum tokens can migrate to their block chains in the future, and in this case, all PLAT owners will receive new PLAT markers with a ratio of 1: 1

  • The solemn sale began on March 15th
  • Selling tokens expires on April 5th
  • 80,000 PLAT = 1 ETH
  • The total number of tokens issued is 10,000,000,000 PLATs
  • A maximum of PLN 4500,000,000 will be marketed at the time of sale
  • Rigid cover is 14 062.5 ETH
  • The soft cover is 5000 ETH


Web site: https://www.bitguild.io/
White Paper: https://www.bitguild.io/assets/bitguild-whitepaper-v0.72-en.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/HtbMeE8YtEEDQExesDQgPg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitGuildPLAT
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bitguildplat/
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3090005 

by kive2k: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1146942  

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