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GoEureka Online Hotel Booking Platform

  GoEureka, a travel tech set up from Singapore provides today announced that they can end up being launching their online resort booking platform by the end of 2018. Unlike your traditional Online Travel Agent (OTA), GoEureka will end up being utilizing blockchain technology to provide a business first alternative which will disrupt the existing OTA business design. Built along with the Ethereum system, an open software program platform predicated on block chain technology that allows programmers to build and deploy decentralized applications. GoEureka shall problem the position quo by dtatching hefty OTA commissions paid by resorts. 

The Price-line and Expedia duopoly continues to control the web reserving sector, allowing them
to out-market resorts by offering customers more appealing packages and will be offering. OTAs are in a position to showcase an enormous selection of choices to also customers in a user-friendly manner, something a person hotel struggles to do. Hotels battle to provide breadth of preference and do not need the same amount of resources to compete on a known level playing field with the OTA. They are beholden to dealing with third-party booking engines under unfavorable conditions often. With commissions which range from 15% to since high as 30% depending on the size and OTA of the resort/chain, partnerships with OTAs are essential, at the however expenditure of a hotel’s margin.

 Little hotels either have to increase their price per room or be forced to reduce their profit margins to survive in an OTA-controlled environment. Sometime we see that hotels are limited by OTAs’ insistence on best price guarantee in terms of rate parity.  In many cases, Partner hotels have signed agreements with OTAs that ensure users that rates offered on these sites must match with those listed on the hotel-owned website.Although this thing may appear beneficial to consumers and hotels are left with little to no flexibility to increase their profit margin or attract customers to their website for direct bookings. This, in turn, ends up impacting profit margins, which are felt by customers after that's hotels turn to replace this by cutting costs in the areas. 


Of receiving rewards from hotels straight instead,clients are rewarded for reserving on OTA today channels regardless of type or make of property booked. The restrictions of participating in a single hotel loyalty system become apparent as the intro of loyalty applications by OTAs typically remove barriers where benefits points are limited to a little or single band of hotel brands. While OTAs perform provide publicity and new opportunities for hotels, in addition they limit the resorts’ ability to regulate customer encounters and data. Leading players are recognized to withhold email information or only reveal limited guest data with hotels.

 In response to the developing power of OTAs, GOeureka (Move) is focused on becoming an unbiased and transparent technology partner for hotels by giving a commission-free online booking system that leverages block-chain technology to transform traditional loyalty programs and deliver increasing worth to all or any consumers. Consumers expect personalized increasingly travel offerings and digitally-enabled one-stop services; the development of OTAs can be partly a testament compared to that. The GO system carries a web-based inventory administration system for hotels, web-centered booking engines for rooms and services, on both Google android and iOS operating systems, for customers.

Website : https://goeureka.io/
Whitepaper: https://goeureka.io/#download
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/goeurekatravel
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GoEurekaTravel/

  My Bitcointalk Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2296382

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