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6 лет назад

Module Disruptive Block-chain 4.0 ICO Review


Module is a block-chain based platform designed to utilize PC, Smartphone’s, Laptops free storage and give reward back to the users. Through this disruptive platform everyone will be able to start earning mining reward even a Smartphone user will be able to earn some extra cash online. Module developed consensus system makes it possible to earn reward by just renting out there system free storage space. 

Today in the world vast amount of crypto currencies are present and mostly they present proof of work and proof of stake mining which is not profitable to average users. In proof of work mining only big companies can able to buy costly mining machines and earns mining reward while in proof of stake system only rich peoples can get benefit from it. In the decentralized crypto market still monopoly is present only big joint companies get all benefits.  For solving out this problem Module Present new way of mining called Proof of storage, space and time.  

Module platform consist of services and products for example video gaming console etc. It will provide complete solution for developing dapps and users are given permission to develop new crypto currencies. Module platform will focus of mobile devices as a way to power consumption in current mining system and will provide energy efficient mining system. According to Module on average 32GB storage is a waste which is world 50% total device storage and their main aim is to utilize that free storage.  Mining reward will depend on your device storage capacity, time and transaction type.  

Module will provide Peer to peer decentralized cloud network through which client side encrypted and it will easy to transmit and receive data without relying on third party services. This will eliminate central control and also fix a lot of problems like power cuts, control errors, privacy and data control etc. Decentralized cloud based network is better than any other storage network because it makes hacking and data leaks impossible. Also network is highly resistant to changes in data and authorized access that makes decentralized cloud network better than centralized network. 

Module with provide his own coin and proof of mining concept, in which clients will get storage and miners will get reward for lending out their storage devices. Their mining system will provide main two types of functions data storage function and data transfer function. Client and miners will determine the price of data storage and will process each client storage space order. Miners will support the overall Module network by generating new blocks and their reward will be proportional to time, space and storage capacity.

Module Platform is suitable for storing secret data that you want should not be hacked. They are utilizing secret sharing technique in which data is distributed into fragments and every fragment is stored into different place. For data retrieval, fragments are combined together and displayed to the user. Through combination of block-chain technology and secret sharing technique, user can expect high security and convenience. This kind of system can be used in various fields like supply chain, finance distribution, document management etc.  


Token Information:

Token Symbol :  MODLT
Total Supply:      15 Billion
Token Price:        0.008$ 

Soft Cap : $5million

Hard Cap : $18million

Token Distribution:

40% tokens allocated for platform developers.

30% tokens allocated for marketing purpose.

30% tokens allocated for recruiting purpose.

Team Members:

 Website : https://modltoken.io/
Whitepaper : https://modltoken.io/doc/whitepaper_en.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/MODULE_Project 

My Bitcoin-talk Profile URL:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2296382


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