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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
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6 лет назад

SECURIX.IO - A Token Driven Mining Company

Securix seeks to introduce a brand new crypto foreign currency mining technique that will observe investors generate a making money on line without having to bother about the unpredictability associated with the crypto currency market. System is currently located in Europe, Netherlands, and The Holland. The Netherlands was chosen because the head office as it is popular for its general opinion on almost all matters related to economics and politics. Consequently, the location was chosen depending on four primary considerations: scalability, strategic positioning, security, and safety.

To assure that the organization will be able to accomplish the driven goals they have set, the organization staff members, and also its administration, are all situated in one nation. This means that all of them are working and living in holland, where the exploration operations will be based. The thing that makes the business stand out from the remainder is the fact that it comes along with a highly vested and dedicated group of creators. This is a well known fact that has noticed it exceed the desired goals that it experienced set out in the roadmap in order to was beginning its trip. So far, the corporation has been capable to upgrade the electricity along with infrastructure.

The SRXIO symbol is supported by tangible, real life assets which includes mining equipment and facilities. SRXIO symbol holders can get to receive a regular monthly revenue through Securix’s ground-breaking month-to-month gross income sharing business structure. The company is additionally committed to making sure corporate durability and success through reinvesting or shopping for back SRXIO tokens from your market, therefore increasing both token worth and month to month output every token. In contrast to cloud exploration contracts, SRXIO tokens cannot be terminated as they are based upon smart agreements. These bridal party also offer this kind of benefits since flexibility because they can be exchanged or offered on an exchange, improved prevention of losses because of Securix’s business reserve system, and instant effectiveness compared to cloud exploration contracts that require a lengthy deployment intervals.

After starting operations, Securix will release its fresh token product sales mining system. On this program, Securix is providing a healthy substitute for traditional impair mining deals. The company's token-driven mining support will provide amazing benefits to investors, offering greater benefit than impair mining opportunities. SRXIO expression holders should receive a 10% gross earnings share out of this new extra token pool area gross income.

Securix’s management team, composed of seasoned financial professionals, Jacobus Donkersloot and Damian Strauss, is the same as those of Fintech Capital B. Sixth is v. -the founding fathers and supervision own and operate the two companies, and Fintech Capital B. Versus. is a totally subsidiary of Securix. Using its head office situated in Dubai as well as mining service based in holland, Securix is usually uniquely situated for success in running one of the most efficient exploration operation feasible.

The Securix token worth is currently included in the many a large number of mining devices that are presently running in holland facility. For each token that may be sold, zero. 85 pennies go towards purchase of fresh hardware, and upgrading the electrical system. It is important to notice that each symbol only costs 1USD.

Website : https://securix.io/

Whitepaper : https://securix.io/wp/Securix_Whitepaper_onepager_GB.pdf

Telegram : https://t.me/securixio

Twitter : https://twitter.com/securixio

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/securixmarketing/

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