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BaseFEX is presently providing commercialism services for commercialism cryptocurrency like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Binance Coin (BNB) Houbi Token (HT), OKB ... however BaseFEX solely accepts Bitcoin deposits. Like virtually cryptocurrency commercialism platforms, BaseFEX provides smart security with two-factor authentication, advanced secret writing technology, ... and a few special options simply have in BaseFEX. Let's check it out.

BaseFEX presently possesses the foremost advanced technologies that permit the event of skilled crypto exchange. If you own associate degree crypto and appearance for a good partner to develop the commercialism platform, BaseFEX can give a comprehensive resolution.

BaseFEX is committed to the protection of our platform and users. we have a tendency to believe rigorous and conservative security measures, and can not compromise security for convenience.

Reporting Security problems
Please report security problems through our bug bounty program on HackerOne: https://hackerone.com/basefex

Wallet Security
All assets on BaseFEX square measure hold on in multi-signatured cold wallets solely. All BaseFEX addresses square measure multisignatured and every one storage is unbroken offline.

Even within the event of a full system compromise, together with internet servers, mercantilism engine, and info, there wouldn't be enough keys obtainable to AN aggressor to steal funds.

Additionally, every and each withdrawal on BaseFEX is audited by hand by a minimum of 2 BaseFEX workers before causation. No personal keys square measure unbroken on any cloud server and deep cold storage is employed for the majority of funds.

All deposit addresses sent by the BaseFEX system square measure verified by AN external service to make sure that they contain the keys controlled by the founders. If the general public keys don't match, the system is pack up at once and mercantilism is halted.

Privacy Policy
We respect your privacy and square measure committed to protective it through suggests that made public among this policy.

The policy sets out the various areas wherever user privacy worries and descriptions the obligations and needs of the users and therefore the web site.

Furthermore, the approach within which this web site processes, stores and protects user information and data also will be careful among this policy.

BaseFEX is organized primarily to supply registered users with Bitcoin services. The services offered embody the transfer of digital tokens called bitcoins.

The web site
This web site and its homeowners take a proactive approach to user privacy and make sure the necessary steps square measure taken to safeguard the privacy of its users. This web site complies with the info Protection Act of 2003.

The data that we have a tendency to collect from you'll be transferred to, and keep at, a destination outside the Republic of Seychelles.

Identity Verification
We could as a part of our client due diligence method verify the information/ ID or different documentation you offer against third party databases based mostly outside of the Republic of Seychelles. You consent to your information/ documentation getting used during this approach.

Use of Cookies
BaseFEX could use cookies to higher the users expertise whereas visiting. wherever applicable this web site can use a cookie system permitting the utilizationr to permit or interdict the use of cookies on their computer/device. This complies with recent legislation needs for websites to get specific consent from users before giving up or reading files like cookies on a users computer/device.

Cookies square measure tiny files saved to the user’s pc disk drive that track, save and store data regarding the users interactions and usage of the web site. this permits the web site, through it’s server to supply the users with a tailored expertise among this web site.

Users square measure suggested that if they need to deny the utilization and saving of cookies from this web site on to their computers disk drive they ought to take necessary steps among their internet browsers security settings to dam all cookies from this web site. This web site uses trailing package to watch it’s guests to higher perceive however they use it. This package is provided by Google Analytics which can use cookies to trace visitant usage.

Contact & Communication
Users contacting BaseFEX do therefore at their own discretion and supply any such personal details requested at their own risk. Your personal data is unbroken personal and keep firmly till a time it's not needed or has no use, as careful within the information Protection Act of 2003.

We use any data submitted to supply you with additional data regarding the merchandise and services we provide, or to help you in responsive any queries or queries you'll have submitted. This includes victimisation your details to tell you of vital announcements. this is often by no suggests that a comprehensive list of your user rights in reference to receiving email selling material. Your details don't seem to be passed on to any third parties.

Cryptographic Hashes
Users causing Bitcoins to the current web site through the utilization of cryptanalytic hashes and keys take full responsibility for the risks concerned. By victimisation services offered by BaseFEX you may mechanically settle for liability of any losses, damages or implications incurred through the utilization of this web site. BaseFEX and its homeowners won't be control accountable for any losses of Bitcoin.

Users WHO don't agree will request the come back of their Bitcoin through the utilization of a withdrawal once logged in.

No cryptanalytic personal keys or Bitcoin personal keys square measure hung on BaseFEX servers. Bitcoins sent to cryptanalytic public keys displayed on this web site square measure in real time forwarded to offline vaults.

External Links
Although this web site solely appearance to incorporate quality, safe and relevant external links users must always adopt a policy of caution before clicking any external internet links mentioned throughout this web site.

We cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any outwardly connected web site despite their best efforts. Users ought to thus note they click on external links at their own risk and this web site and it’s homeowners can't be control accountable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links.

Changes to the current Policy
We could revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we have a tendency to create a modification to the current policy that, in our sole discretion, is material, we are going to take steps to apprise all users by a notice on the positioning. By continued to access or use the Services once those changes become effective, you comply with be certain by the revised Privacy Policy.

Affiliate Program Details
BaseFEX offers an entire affiliate program.

This program offers the subsequent benefits:

You (the affiliate) receive a proportion of commissions paid by your referrals long.
Your referrals receive a limited-term fee discount.
View the Affiliate Leaderboard

Referred User advantages

Users United Nations agency have signed up with a legitimate affiliate link can receive a tenth commissions discount for six months.

Fee structures could also be totally different per contract; the discount can apply on all contracts. See the Fees Page to look at the fee structure for a selected contract.

Affiliate Payouts

Affiliates receive a proportion of total commissions paid by the folks they need referred, paid in Bitcoin into their BaseFEX case. every referral generates affiliate commissions for the time period of the account. the share of commissions they receive rely on the Bitcoin turnover of the account's referrals.

Once observed the location, if a user completes registration at intervals seven days, the affiliate receives credit for the account.

A professional crypto derivative trading platform, BaseFEX, has announced that the perpetual contracts of 3 most popular exchange platform tokens became available on March 28th, 2019. The 3 new contracts support up to 20x leverage.

BaseFEX is a futures trading platform offering leveraged contracts for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Currently, BaseFEX offers Bitcoin futures trading and all profits and losses are settled in Bitcoin. We will be offering more Altcoins futures contracts and also cryptocurrency options trading in the future. BaseFEX offers high leveraged trading up to 100x. BaseFEX is developed by professionals using cutting-edge technologies from the ever-evolving internet industry, which outperforms decades-old technical solutions commonly used in the financial industry. BaseFEX’s mission is to be the most reliable, transparent and advanced cryptocurrency derivative exchange, and make trading smooth, secure and accessible for traders worldwide.

BaseFEX is a newly-established Bitcoin futures exchange registered in Seychelles. With the support of our highly professional developing team, BaseFEX is offering incredible trading experience to global users. Aiming at reshaping the status quo of cryptocurrency derivatives trading, BaseFEX guarantees high availability with the team’s nearly a decade of experience in the high-performance internet system.


Placing Orders

· You can place orders by pressing the Buy/Long and Sell/ Short buttons under the Trade dashboard.

· When you place an order, the system will check if you have enough Available Balance to keep the Initial Margin. If you have an existing position, the system will also check if you have enough available balance to cover the change in Maintenance Margin and PNL when the position is priced at the order price. If you have enough funds, the order will be allowed to place.

· Net active orders that have not been filled or canceled will reduce the available balance by the initial margin of those net orders.

Margin and PNL

Before you are able to start trading, you have to deposit Bitcoin to fund your margin account. All margins and PNL are handled in Bitcoin at BaseFEX. You should first check the Margin terminology.

Funding and Sttelement

· Perpetual Contracts at BaseFEX are subject to Funding. You can check specific Contract Specifications and Funding History for further information.

· When the settlement occurs, the position will be closed at the settlement price.

· The Perpetual Contract does not settle at any time, so settlement fees are not applicable here.

· If your contract has expired, the lifetime profit and loss of that contract will be added to your Bitcoin balance, and this contract will no longer be on the Position Section.

· All calculations done at BaseFEX are final.


Discount Policy
Major Traders

BaseFEX has an additional fee discount policy for big traders. An account with a total order value of more than 35,000,000 USD in 7 days receives a commission fee discount of 50%.

In the Perpetual Contracts, funding is exchanged between standing long and short positions over discrete Funding Intervals. You can check your Trade History to see the positive amount you paid for that Funding Interval, or the negative amount you received. BaseFEX does not charge any fees on funding paid or received.

Deposit and Withdrawal

BaseFEX does not charge fees on deposits or withdrawals. When you are withdrawing Bitcoin, the minimum Bitcoin Network fee is charged based on blockchain load.

Hidden Order Exception

Hidden orders always pay the taker fee.

BaseFEX is committed to the security of our platform and users. We believe in rigorous and conservative security measures, and will not compromise security for convenience.

Reporting Security Issues
Please report security issues through our bug bounty program on HackerOne: https://hackerone.com/basefex

Wallet Security
All assets on BaseFEX are stored in multi-signatured cold wallets only. All BaseFEX addresses are multisignatured and all storage is kept offline. Even in the event of a full system compromise, including web servers, trading engine, and database, there would not be enough keys available to an attacker to steal funds.

Additionally, each and every withdrawal on BaseFEX is audited by hand by at least two BaseFEX employees before sending. No private keys are kept on any cloud server and deep cold storage is used for the bulk of funds. All deposit addresses sent by the BaseFEX system are verified by an external service to ensure that they contain the keys controlled by the founders. If the public keys do not match, the system is shut down immediately and trading is halted.

BaseFEX Team


Website: https://www.basefex.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BaseFEX
Telegram: https://t.me/BaseFEX_Trading
My affiliate link: https://www.basefex.com/register/GEA4wt


Bitcointalk username: kukoro
profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2318333
Telegram username: @kukoro99
BTC : 37YxFp564ZK38TsNpuS5GB7MspEWkt1oH8

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