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5 лет назад

BELL PLATFORM - A revolutionary cryptocurrency wallet

Welcome to my simple article, and I am sure that my article will be of use to you. happy to read articles about the crypto world.

On this occasion I will discuss about http://bellwallet.io/ from several companies in the world. I am very interested in joining this company, so do you. let's join this very promising company!...

New era for help for all crypto community for make control on quality to save and management of asset quality to make as well, and take control on your digital asset as well in future , and then building the future with high value on your digital asset , i think this platform make a solution for making all condition of ecosystem on control of your asset digital to make as well , and then provides with high implementation of technology so this makes all client comfortable for contributing on this platform, because we can easy for control for all problem in saved on digital asset by implementation of tech, and then have a great of decentralized network so all condition establish in future, I think this makes a growing of demand about all community became to contribute on this platform .on there we can find the best of feature for control of digital asset to make as well , then we can build an interaction-transaction as well , and high secure for control ecosystem and distribution on transfer protocol to make as well .

Bell wallet new era innovation for building of the best saving your digital asset management to make as well , and help for all community for managing on ecosystem transaction on asset as well ,with high quality and secure condition , so this makes all people interested for contribute on this platform , because Bell wallet make condition of asset management as well , and on there we can get insurance feature , have a great of decentralized network for control all interaction on this platform , we can easy for transfer digital asset by system protocol , so this is the best of recommend for saved for digital asset ,and then make a growing of value your digital asset in future to make as well

implementation on this platform about on tech as well because on their performance of control all condition and ecosystem for insurance system, decentralized, and then asset transfer, with best of tech make quality of all component interaction establish and then make a growing of management system to make as well in future forgive the best of services .

Advantages of Bell wallet, growing of value on digital asset to make as well in future and then make a growing of building of community for making more interaction and transaction, and then building of management of risk to make as well in future, getting insurance of control digital asset , so this makes all client interested for contribute and growing of demand in future.

Feature Bell wallet , on there high secure for control interaction transaction ecosystem on this platform , Bell wallet give the best of services on saving digital asset management to make as well , give insurance feature so this makes all client comfortable , have a great on decentralized exchange (DEX) , And al transaction asset for transfer using protocol system so this makes condition and all problem on manage digital asset as well .

The goal of blockchain technology has always been to decentralize the power structure in organizations. With the increased popularity of this technology comes a directly proportional increase in the number of people willing to invest in blockchain based projects. This hasn't stopped some projects supposedly intending to enhance decentralization veering away from the key ethos of blockchain technology.

Introducing the BeLL Platform
The Bell Platform is a blockchain based project which has a triangle of functions. These functions include;
-Wallet with an insurance feature
-Decentralized exchange and an
-Asset transfer protocol.
The project is intended to provide holders of the BeLL tokens with mouthwatering benefits. The BeLL DEX will distribute absolutely all the profit generated to the token holders in proportion to their percentage holdings.

Key features of BeLL Wallet
The features which set the BeLL wallet apart from it's contemporaries include;
-Insurance: BeLL wallet is a decentralized wallet which is insured against loss of assets in a scenario where you are unable to access your wallet for whatever reason.
-Joint Ownership: BeLL wallet offers it's users an option to have joint ownership over an account. A consequence of this is that funds cannot be withdrawn unless all approved users get verified.
-Seamless Transition of Assets: The owner of a wallet is enabled to create his wallet with specified conditions that enables loved ones or colleagues to access the wallet on behalf of the owner in case of an unexpected event. This prevents total loss of funds in this scenario.

BeLL Tokenomics
BeLL platform operates a tokenized ecosystem. The official token has the ticker “BeL”L. The total supply of BeLL tokens is 100,000,000 and 30% of that will be put up for sale during the ICO while 20% has been allocated to airdrops and bounty programs.

The goal of the BeLL platform has been well outlined and is one to look forward to. With the introduction of revolutionary concepts, I guess it's all up to the team to play their part to ensure success of the project.

ICO BELL Wallet :

Token name : BeLL
Symbol : BeLL
Platform : ERC20
Total Supply : 100,000,000 BeLL
Token for Sale : 30,000,000 BeLL
Softcap : $ 5 Million
Hardcap : $ 30 Million

Team BELL Wallet :

Paul Ashford, CEO
Henry Miller, Co-Founder & CTO
Atharv Pillai, Blockchain Engineer
Andy Cai, Blockchain Engineer
Reiko Evans, Director of Partnerships
Takemune Kosakai, Regional Marketing Director Southeast Asia

Official Supporter
Bohdan Cormick
Hartsel-Alba Pro /z-boyz /Skateboarder

About BELL Wallet :

Website : https://bellwallet.io/
Ann Tread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5079219
Whitepaper : http://bellwallet.io/BELLwallet_En_1219.pdf
Bounty Tread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5090103.0
Telegram : https://t.me/BeLLPlatform
Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/BeLLPlatform.Version1.01
Twitter : https://twitter.com/BeLLPlatform
Medium : https://medium.com/bellplatform
Contact : info@bellwallet.io


USERNAME : kukoro
PROFILE : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2318333
Eth ; 0x285dc9690Dd5C7Df305F37f89bF978255Ba87fFc

0.299 GOLOS
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