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⚡HYPNOXYS - Decentralizing the chatting industry⚡

Welcome to my simple article, and I am sure that my article will be of use to you. happy to read articles about the crypto world.

On this occasion I will discuss about https://www.hypnoxys.com/ from several companies in the world. I am very interested in joining this company, so do you. let's join this very promising company!...

Greetings, friends! I am always in search of interesting projects for you, the most potential and deeply thought out.

Wandering around the world wide web, I found for you a very interesting and already well-proven project. Spend a few minutes reading this review, I promise you will love this project and its awesome idea. In addition, this review will be different from similar ones that are made as a carbon copy, I will try to enclose the maximum amount of information and details, so that you can better understand all the details of the project, past experience of team members, its analogues and competitors.

Today, our experimental project will be the Hypnoxys project . It represents an almost unique idea, with a minimal amount of similar projects!

About the project
Today, instant messengers are among the most common applications. This is facilitated by the wide distribution of smartphones and Internet access. Every day more and more couriers appear on the market. Each messenger has its own audience, and as a result, dozens of applications need to be installed in the smartphone to communicate with friends. In the introduction, the Hypnoxys section of the platform already gives a hint of problems covering the chat industry. The industry as a whole depends on Hypnoxys applications. The online chat allowed streaming and content distribution platforms to make it easy for Hypnoxys users to make their work accessible to masses. Direct communication becomes important in reaching many people and the use of messaging applications is a growing strategy used by many organizations.

Hypnoxys platform pays users for using chat with the functionality of adding advertising to the application and generating more revenue. The application is different from other applications in the chat, because ads are disabled when the application is loaded, unlike other applications that include ads. Users of the application have the opportunity to decide whether they want to earn extra money.

ICO Information
The use of the blockchain and cryptocurrency payments and transactions is gradually increasing throughout the world, and the problem lies in the lack of regulatory protection and price volatility that inhibit its wider use. Hypnoxys is one of the cryptocurrency projects that are currently emerging. The platform introduced blockchain technology into the chat industry to stimulate growth in the industry using blockchain and cryptocurrency. The Hypnoxys team has a mission to promote the use of cryptocurrencies among the general public. To familiarize people with the use of cryptocurrency, they included support for various payment options along with the use of platform tokens. HYPX tokens remain the main mode of exchange of values ​​on the platform, but people can still make money using other cryptocurrencies and even ethereum. Using tokens on their platforms, Hypnoxys ensures that people who are not used to using online money, such as bitcoins, do not stand aside, and this helps many people to enter the domain of digital currency or blockchain. Once people are on board and can earn income after viewing an ad in an application, they are sensitized and trained in how to manage crypto tokens. Support and sensitization will be available until each person can manage tokens in the platform. they are sensitized and trained in how to manage crypto tokens. Support and sensitization will be available until each person can manage tokens in the platform. they are sensitized and trained in how to manage crypto tokens. Support and sensitization will be available until each person can manage tokens in the platform.

The blockchain is known as a new economic online transaction, which is programmed to record financial transactions and almost everything of value. Most of the information contained in the blockchain exists as a constantly consistent and common database. Blockchain databases are not stored in one place, so stored records are easily checked and truly public. This means that a hacker can easily damage the information that exists in the blockchain. Since millions of computers host it at the same time, data is available to everyone on the Internet. Blockchain platform performs many functions. Smart contracts help increase automation in the blockchain platform. An additional level of security along with a certain degree of anonymity for users on the platform is provided by the blockchain cryptocurrency. The nature of the technology ensures data integrity, transparency and accurate accounting. Blockchain uses a decentralized network to host all content to further enhance security and privacy. During the implementation of the blockchain technology, a crypto token is associated with it.

Application Interface:

In the next 1-2 years, several significant updates will be made to Hypnoxys to help companies diversify their target customers and enter a new market segment. During the launch of Hypnoxys, an effective strategy allows you to connect to users of new products before they are distributed, creating interest and excitement around the product. Enforcing a brand by a company should be effective to help keep customer experience at the center of attention at each stage of building a strategy. Social listening and benchmarking of competitors are key factors to consider when creating a good marketing launch of a new product on the market. Hypnoxys platform is made on the basis of the blockchain, which allows it to try to storm the chat industry. Thanks to its model and capabilities, Hypnoxys adds value to industry chat standards, and it demonstrates great potential that is well recognized by the world of cryptocurrencies. Tokens will be listed on different exchanges, and users will actively trade. With most updates performed by the Hypnoxys team, the cost of the token is expected to increase in the future. The team carries out numerous developments, and this can make Hypnoxys tokens one of the best cryptocurrency tokens in the world that can be easily accessed by many users.

Token Information
All transactions occurring on the Hypnoxys platform are recorded on the application blockchain. The application is different from different applications in the chat, as it does not charge for users who download ads, but pays them for viewing ads. Any activity performed by users is protected due to the end-to-end encryption of the system. Since Hypnoxys tokens are already listed on different exchange platforms, token holders can, therefore, trade their tokens with other cryptocurrencies of their choice and receive an equivalent value or make a profit.

Ticker - HYPX
Platform - ERC20 Ethereum
Price - 0.0002 $
The Hypnoxys platform is built using the Ethereum protocol and uses tokens for transactions on the platform. HYPX tokens are the primary means used for payment in the Hypnoxys application. Tokens based on the ethereum token standard are paid to users when an ad is activated to use the application. Hypnoxys tokens can be purchased against bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Tokens can be stored in different wallets or on the Hypnoxys platform.

The Project Roadmap

As a result, we are witnessing a well-thought-out project with aggressive ambitions and every chance to realize them!

The project was implemented very simply and at the same time contains a huge functionality and a good idea to solve many problems!

This project has very good ratings in most listings, and this is justified, given its almost unique idea and its professional implementation.

The project team is doing everything in its power to maintain and raise the project. He is happy to answer all questions from the community and investors.
And most importantly, it will not disappear after the ICO! And this is extremely important in our time.

As I said, the project estimates are very high, and they are not given by ordinary people, but by professionals! I advise you to study this project in more detail, I see great potential in it!
I am very glad that you have read to the end, and this means that you liked my review and this project. And this is the main thing that I wanted to achieve by working on this review. I tried to convey all the collected information in the shortest and simplest, most understandable form!

Thank you so much for being with me.

Official resources of the project Hypnoxys:

WEBSITE: https://www.hypnoxys.com
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/hypnoxys
WHITEPAPER: https://hypnoxys.com/docs/HYPX-whitepaper-0.8.pdf
ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5112908
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/hypnoxys
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@hypnoxys

Bitcointalk username: kukoro
profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2318333
Telegram username: @kukoro99
ETH address: 0x285dc9690Dd5C7Df305F37f89bF978255Ba87fFc

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На Golos с September 2018
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