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6 лет назад

IceChain High-Throughput Transactional System

Hello all, if you’re fascinated by change of integrity the IceChain https://icechain.io/ project, it is a sensible plan to browse reviews that may assist you get info which may assist you in seeing their vision and mission, as a result of it is important to know accuracy in reviews therefore you do not hesitate in investment.

IceChain is using next-generation distributed ledger technology which takes blockchain to the next level, IceChain aims to bring a solution to the current problem of scalability which traditional blockchain based networks are having. We can do this by using IceChain's double chain setup, sharding and hash power distribution. IceChain will handle over 100,000 transactions per second across any industry, from finance, electronics, electricity, telecommunications, food, autonomous vehicles, and real estate to name a few. This will save costs and provide the highest level of transparency.

lceChain has created a system which can handle large amount of transactions. lceChain is an innovative digital platform that is scalable and which provides secure, decentralized technology. This guarantees the high level of security, leveraging permissionless mining and transactions secured by at least 50% hash power at one time sent to the head chain to prevent double spending. The platform can also issue cross transactions and be confirmed in a few minutes. The number of cross transactions at any one time will act to increase the response speed.

Under the lceChain platform there will be an ability to issue block rewards and use less hash power overall. Block rewards will be issued on a proportionate basis which will decrease the overall energy needed for mining and make the platform economically efficient. This builds on from where the last generation of digital currency platforms left off and will allow lceChain to have a dominant level in the industry. In the future, the old way of transacting will become obsolete as customers will choose the service which allows them to facilitate their transactions at the cheapest cost in the fastest time with the highest level of security. The scaling is a major problem for traditional blockchains at present. Under the lceChain system, this will be eliminated and the platform will have the ability to scale as appropriate to allow for any number of users to make transactions at the same time.

Since Bitcoin first arrived on the global stage, the area of blockchain has advanced quite considerably. Ethereum was the second generation and allows for blockchains to run smart contracts. The industry has moved on yet again, to be a proof of stake style platform which is a step up from the proof of work technology.
The project IceChain wants to make transactions faster and make use of less power for that. To this end, there is set to be ease of transactions on decentralized platforms.

Under the lceChain platform there will be an ability to issue block rewards and use less hash power overall. Block rewards will be issued on a proportionate basis which will decrease the overall energy needed for mining and make the platform economically efficient. This builds on from where the last generation of digital currency platforms left off and will allow lceChain to have a dominant level in the industry. In the future, the old way of transacting will become obsolete as customers will choose the service which allows them to facilitate their transactions at the cheapest cost in the fastest time with the highest level of security. The scaling is a major problem for traditional blockchains at present. Under the lceChain system, this will be eliminated and the platform will have the ability to scale as appropriate to allow for any number of users to make transactions at the same time.

Main Features on the lceChain Network:

  • lceChain maintains a horizontal scalability option, running each node as a full node which creates the same security against attacks as what a traditional blockchain offers.
  • lceChain network was designed from the outset with this scalability feature in mind, so it will run smoothly and will offer high throughput.
  • The lceChain network is safe and well protected by 50% hash power distribution.

Through using the newest technology including using shards, lceChain will be able to scale as need and also be able to handle any amount of distribution. Using this model, lceChain will be able to offer high-throughput blockchain users are already looking for; something safe, fast and cheap (if not free) to transact on. Since the platform will run on a distributable network, it will allow the ICH coin to integrate into common purchase transactions, offering a decentralized and fast service.

The design principles which form the basis of the lceChain network are that the platform is able to scale as needed while not compromising on any level of security and without costing users more in transaction fee. Security, scalability and decentralization are at the core of the lceChain model. Cross shard transactions will be able to be created in a seamless manner which will give a high level of quality within the experience to users. All this, on an ecosystem that will be driven by incentives and able to support a wide variety of alternative platforms to provide users the ability to use one account for all their transactions. Security will be maintained at the same high level regardless of how large the platform scales. The contemporary functioning of blockchain technology offers two basic functions in every block found in a chain.

There is the ledger that includes the current ledger, and the confirmation that is required to approve the transactions from within the ledger and go on to mine blocks in order to reach the desired difficult levels that creates the proof of work. A ledger has the main benefit of offering a large area where data can be stored which would include the ledger being up to date and continuously making notations of all new transactions when they happen. Included in this would be the source, execution code, destination and amount of the transaction. Only a finite amount of information is capable of being saved into any single block, which is what causes the longer time waits in the blockchain. Transactional results will create confirmations in the ledger prior to the block being mined in order to reach the necessary proof of work. It is this system that creates a belief in safety that another user could not attach the system by fork mining, since to do so would cost the user far too much money and as such not be a viable plan. More hash power is needed for the computation than for the rest of the tasks needed to complete the process.

The lceChain network has both a head blockchain, and several minor blockchains, that all operate on different levels of difficulty and with different levels of incentive. Miners can then choose which blockchain is best for them considering their desired hash power. This creates an open market economics model that allows the blockchain to act as a goods seller, i.e. the block rewards, and makes the miner a buyer. This benefits all parties and allows all to pursue their own interests. All lceChain system transactions are protected through the operation of a consensus algorithm across the head and shard networks, while a proof of work system will be operating across the head chain. At the same time a head chain first proof of work algorithm is running within the shard networks. This type of proof of work system operates in the main blockchain networks as well, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, that have the first proof of work additional head chain as a unique shard network platform compared to lceChain.





WEBSITE : https://icechain.io/
BITCOINTALK THREAD : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5057035
WHITEPAPER : https://icechain.io/icechhain_whitepaper_v0.1.pdf
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/theicechain
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/theicechain
LINKEDIN : https://www.linkedin.com/company/iceblockchain/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/theicechain
STEEMIT : https://steemit.com/@icechain
REDDIT : https://www.reddit.com/user/theicechain

USERNAME : kukoro
PROFILE : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2318333
ETH : 0x285dc9690Dd5C7Df305F37f89bF978255Ba87fFc

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