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6 лет назад


Digital-currency trading platform have become distributed across the world which its primary objectives is to make crypto-currency trading easy. Crypto-currency trading platform has now spread all over the world with lots of advantages and benefits. Part of the exchange platforms offer several form of investment services for betterment of crypto-currency trade.

Exchange platform such as POLONIEX, BINANCE, BITREX and some others are known to be the largest among other crypto-currency exchange platforms. With competitions among the exchange platform majority of exchange has introduced different measures and approaches to make sure they are the best among others and likewise earn traders trust. But despite these different measures put in place by these crypto-currency exchange platforms lots of improvement and development still need to be done. There are some progress and good development in the adoption of crypto-currency globally in which this has put pressure on exchange platform to improve their services and meet up with traders and investors expectation. Blockchain technology has been known to be the best technology in this century which this has led to its adoption in almost every sector. Adoption of blockchain technology in areas like AGRICULTURE, FINANCE, HEALTH, EDUCATION and TRANSPORTATION has been one of the good and welcome development which has yielded positive result.

FINANCEX exchange platform is an exchange platform that will allow trading of digital currency such as ETHEREUM, BITCOIN, LITECOIN and the rest in the exchange. FINANCEX platform has been designed to allow trading and conversion of CRYPTO-CURRENCY to FIAT and vice versa in which only few exchanges out there have adopted this kind of services. With the advanced technology put in place by FINANCEX platform it would be very difficult for any existing crypto-currency exchange to compete with FINANCEX.

Let’s not forget some of the issues facing the previous crypto-currency exchange which include LACK OF TRANSPARENCY, SCALABILITY, HIGH FEES, INSECURITY and the others not mentioned. The rise of FINANCEX platform will bring solutions to all these problems mentioned above through the adoption of blockchain technology which will help in the improvement of SECURITY, TRANSPARENCY and the others.
FINANCEX aims to introduce a simpler and friendly global crypto-currency trading platform with a good and stable environment which will help users in having good trading experience.

With the improved technology, FINANCEX wallet will help in securing user’s funds and assets against any form of hacks and attacks which this will give investors rest of mind. Over the year investor have been the victim of scam and series of attacks from the crypto-currency exchange hacks. But this time around there is no more fear with the use of FINANCEX platform
Some of the benefits of FINANCEX crypto-currency exchange platforms includes; discounted fees for traders that adopt the use of FINANCEX token as the trading fees, Giving rewards and incentives to holders of FINANCEX token, User friendly platform with good user-interface, Prompt response from support in case of any difficulties.

Adoption of FINANCEX token by the users and traders of the platform will help the transaction payment in which this will help the value and growth of the token in the platform.

Total Supply => 900,000,000
Symbol => FNX

ROUND 1, 21 Nov - 04 Dec.
Price => $0.028 per token (120,000,000 FNX)
ROUND 2, 05 Dec - 19 Dec.
Price => $0.036 per token (110,000,000 FNX)
ROUND 3, 20 Dec - 31 Dec.
Price => $0.047 per token (90,000,000 FNX)

55% Allocated to ICO
20% Allocated to Dev Team
15% Allocated to Future Operation
5% Allocated to Advisors
5% Allocated to Bounty


For more information about Financex, please visit:

ICO WEBSITE: https://ico.financex.io/

WHITEPAPER : http://drive.google.com/file/d/1rYAQXQW0UJWLnxB7mYRHq3PxEsA4i8Bf/view

TELEGRAM : https://t.me/FinanceX_Token

FINANCEX EXCHANGE: https://financex.io/

FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/FinanceX.PrivateSale/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/@therealFinanceX

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/FinanceX

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@FinanceX

YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDC6DrhaS4Ck9l2dO8CymMQ?view_as=subscriber

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/next-generation-exchange-ltd-financex-exchange/

Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1328480

Bitcointalk Username: Lekatoo

Writer: Lekato

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