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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Since the inception of blockchain technology and the crypto verse in 2009, there has long been a need for a protocol that includes everyone. Satoshi Nakamoto deployed the original implementation behind bitcoins inception, and with this, developed the first, original blockchain database. The exponential rate at which this forum rose meant that the costs behind the different platforms and blockchains rose as quickly, making Cryptocurrency an often unreachable and unaffordable platform, making it something only ‘big players’ and global conglomerates can access due to the huge costs and specialist nature of their protocols.

PROBIT cryptocurrency exchange is going to change all of this, one blockchain step at a time. This exciting new platform is a unique, exchange platform that is hugely sophisticated and extraordinarily secure, offering huge potential to users and investors alike.

This platform is a multilayered, cryptocurrency exchange platform, armed with an incredibly unique security feature – that of any and all tokens stored within the PROBIT exchange are insured against cyber hacking and attacks. This is an amazing feature and opens up the crypto market to many who previously may not have invested for fear of loss.

This is especially pertinent in the small investor, who keenly feels the loss when under cyber attack. PROBIT CRYPTOCURRENCY EXCHANGE offers all users the ability to access their technology, be they an everyday user, a first time user through to the more advanced and experienced user.
Transactions on this platform are unified by the ability for all users’ to use different coins within the platform. The unification of transactions simplifies and decentralizes the market, simply making each transaction more time and cost effective in an exponential fashion. This platform also has the capabilities to be able to make and withstand concurrent transactions of huge amounts, indeed, the business model talks about concurrent transaction levels being more than 1.5 million per second. This is a huge amount and one that will infinitely change the face of cryptocurrency.

The model is simple in its protocol. There is a PROBIT wallet, a wallet that provides all users with a multi-functional capability to be able to store all of their cryptocurrency tokens, with the added bonus of the insurance provided by the platform against cyber attacks and hacking. This wallet is followed by the PROBIT token. This important factor of the PROBIT platform will be issued on the ethereum blockchain, a trustworthy and well know blockchain, and users will be able to reap the benefits of this utility token. Of course this platform is well versed in its smart contract capabilities, the protocol allows for an easy facilitation of smart contracts and agreements. A fully digitized and trustworthy smart contract function definitely ensures an effective and profitable technological platform, and PROBIT project has most definitely got this covered.

A unique, secure crypto exchange is most definitely needed, and extremely welcome within the blockchain universe. As I have seen throughout my research and investigations into blockchain technology, it is often the case that many users or potential investors are put off by the huge costs and unreachable levels of the current blockchain market. To have a platform such as PROBIT arise is extremely exciting, as it will mean the inclusion of all users within the global cryptocurrency market.

To know more about PROBIT project check the links below

Website => https://www.probit.com/en-us

Whitepaper => https://www.probit.com/assets/whitepaper/whitepaper_probit_en.pdf

Telegram => https://t.me/ProbitEnglish

Facebook => https://www.facebook.com/probitexchange

Twitter => https://twitter.com/ProBit_Exchange

Linkedln => https://www.linkedin.com/company/probit-exchange/

Medium => https://medium.com/@ProBit_Exchange

Bitcointalk Thread => https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5060498.0

Bitcointalk User Profile => https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1328480

Bitcointalk Username => Lekatoo

Writer Username => Lekato

Register And Become A Member Of Probit Exchange Platform => https://www.probit.com/r/1350617

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