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6 лет назад


In the world of cryptocurrency, understanding the cryptocurrency exchange is important to get started. As cryptocurrency is making its way into the markets, exchanges with a robust mechanism and additional benefits will enhance the usage of this technology. It would encourage more & more people to join a safer medium for trade which secures their benefit.


PROBIT has been created with the purpose of solving the current issues. The exchanges today are facing a certain number of issues. PROBIT team had outlined all those issues and designed its own exchange in a way that it bypasses all those problems.

Almost all the existing exchanges are put together in a rush to make profits as soon as possible. This approach has caused basic shortcomings in their structure of operations. PROBIT platform took a needed time for development, with the specific goal of ensuring that the user experience does not deteriorate as user volumes rise on the platform. PROBIT team used years of experience in cryptocurrency and design, with this collective effort enabled them to build a platform which maintains a uniform standard for user experience, with the capacity to withstand heavy transaction loads and immense fluctuations.


PROBIT’s vision is to raise the standard of expectation across the industry and to deliver a world-class experience with an exceptionally powerful trading engine, active platform development and a customizable interface. PROBIT will tackle issues that span the industry and the platform is dedicated to the user base.

PROBIT is a balancing participation in the blockchain space and accelerating mass adoption. This project is focused at optimizing the trade with induction of cryptocurrency and blockchain. It is an endeavor to usher the world into a secure and reliable system. PROBIT will secure the interests of its users in all aspects. Its motto is to ease the way people make their transactions today.

The onsite PROBIT matching engine has a phenomenal transaction processing capacity that can handle millions of orders/second. PROBIT users are spared from the trouble of waiting for their orders to get out of a queue which in some instances can take days or even weeks to process. This platform offers all the services that a typical exchange provides such as spot trading, margin trading, anonymous instant exchange and decentralized exchange.

In addition to that, PROBIT platform have the ability to perform peer-to-peer trading of cryptocurrency in a flexible and secure manner. In PROBIT, users signify what cryptocurrencies they have and what exchange rate they are willing to sell with, and other users respond to them and negotiate until an agreement is reached. Upon doing that, a smart contract is agreed stipulating how much is to be exchanged on both sides, how the transfer of value is to be made, and within what time frame these events are to take place.

The Key Features are:

  • Low Fee Structure
Low Fee Structure

PROBIT token is PROBIT platform’s native token which gives traders low trading fee, when using it to pay fee for trades made on PROBIT exchange. This mean that PROBIT raised capital, launched with a functional product and instantly had a practical utility to benefit users. A utility token is a functional token that, through smart contract programming, can be utilized
in many different ways. In case of PROB, it can be used to pay for services within the platform as well as with trading fee

  • Multiple Currency Pair
Multiple Currency Pair

PROBIT platform offers multiple currency pairing which would enable them in executing multiple transactions simultaneously.

  • Security

Security is the utmost priority for any platform which offers payment and transaction services. PROBIT, being an exchange could not leave a stone unturned to make the security foolproof. Engineered on blockchain, PROBIT has evaluated ever aspect of security and made the platform stalwart to counteract any security threat. This platform has included processes and measures to make the users information absolutely safe. Blockchain itself provides a seal of security, but to reassure that everything is secure, PROBIT has added every other parameter which makes its security paramount.

  • Speed

In order to relieve the crypto traders from the above mentioned issues, PROBIT team has industriously worked on it architecture. The onsite PROBIT matching engine has a phenomenal transaction processing capacity that can handle up to 1,500,000orders/seconds

  • Trading competition
Trading competition

With all the other advantages, PROBIT platform will also have a trading competition. This would keep the traders motivated to engage in trading, it would also help them recover their losses, if they face some. The concept of trading competition is introduced to keep users engaged in trading activities which would help them in their portfolio. This program increases the user participation and rewards them with many benefits.

  • 24/7 Customer Support
24/7 Customer Support

PROBIT will provide 24/7 live chat support to assist users with any query or issue. Although, the platform is built in such a way that it leaves no scope of issue, the PROBIT team understands that it may take a while for the users to come to terms with the platform. Therefore, there will be customer's support that will help the users with queries and nuances of the platform. This support system will have experts who know the platform inside out. The team will be resolving all the queries as soon as possible and all the complaints will be handled with immediate effect.

Instant Withdrawal & Deposits.

There will be Automatic Deposits and Withdrawal in accounts once verified with the security. so the users will have not to wait for the either deposit or withdrawal.


PROB token is PROBIT platform’s native token which gives traders low trading fee, when using it to pay fee for trades made on PROBIT exchange.

Features of PROBIT token
(1) PROB tokens are utility tokens.
(2) Revenue shared features will be added in future.
(3) PROB tokens can be used to trade other cryptocurrencies.
(4) Value of PROB tokens may rise as volume of trade increases on the exchange.
(5) Great way to diversify crypto portfolio.

For more information about PROBIT project check the links below

Website => https://www.probit.com/en-us

Whitepaper => https://www.probit.com/assets/whitepaper/whitepaper_probit_en.pdf

Telegram => https://t.me/ProbitEnglish

Facebook => https://www.facebook.com/probitexchange

Twitter => https://twitter.com/ProBit_Exchange

Linkedln => https://www.linkedin.com/company/probit-exchange/

Medium => https://medium.com/@ProBit_Exchange

Bitcointalk Thread => https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5060498.0

Bitcointalk User Profile => https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1328480

Bitcointalk Username => Lekatoo

Writer Username => Lekato

Register And Become A Member Of Probit Exchange Platform => https://www.probit.com/r/1350617

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