Уважаемые пользователи Голос!
Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Digital forms of money have gone into all sides of our lives, which help all of us and make it a basic piece of our regular day to day existence. Blockchain stage gives definitive control of data as well as guarantees speedy and exact exchanges. Every one of the ventures that are coming and propelling have a remark. They will probably give a comment, something that no one has offered some time recently, some incredible thoughts that groups have been taking a shot at for quite a long time, possibly years. Individuals need to be a piece of this progressive innovation, they need to contribute, they need to discover more about these new ventures who are propelling each day.

We will discuss new undertaking called Boss token. They are utilizing shrewd contracts on Ethereum connect with ERC 20 perfect tokens. Tokens which are made for motivation behind these undertaking. This is a venture controlled by piece chain innovation. The task is centered around giving individuals better utilization of digital currency. In this decentralized framework everything is straightforward and it will bring back the trust in an old framework, which they lost. That all is conceivable with a square chain innovation. Originators of venture needed to make Crypto Lending Platforms.

Manager Token will show up on the Etherdelta Stock Exchange. It will acquire numerous progressions the loaning and capital amassing all in all. There will touch additionally the gaming business. Supervisor tokens you can use on this stage and this tokens will fuel that entire framework. It will get a progressive things these field. That all is conceivable with a piece chain innovation. Piece chain stage gives legitimate control of data as well as guarantees fast and precise exchanges.

Supervisor Token is a venture made by individuals who are very capable. Individuals who have with their insight and with an assistance of their kin in group prevailing to get it going. In the group with awesome piece chain engineers, advertising specialists, SEM specialists, and more others.

Crowd sale

Tokens are called BOSS tokens, and they are made especially for the use of this project. ETH is currency which is accepted in this project. You can join here: https://www.bosstoken.org/

There will be 2 sales, pre sale ad the main crowd sale. There will be total of 30.000.000 BOSS tokens in circulation and in public sale will be 6 000 000 BOSS tokens.There will be great bonuses for the one who are joining first. Initial price is rising, so you better join early.

Speaking of price, for 1 BOSS token you will have to pay 0.5 dollar. Look at the picture below to see how tokens are distributed and which bonuses they offer:

Crowd sale is one way to earn tokens, but there are so many more. You can earn yourself tokens by working on the marketing campaigns such as social media campaigns, various translations and signature campaigns.

To find out more details about this project, read the whitepaper which contains all information about the project. You can find it here:https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/e5e338_26edad453e6c43deb850e5b14f874cb6.pdf

If you are anxious to find more about the project and find out what is it about, for more details take a look at: https://www.bosstoken.org/

On bitcointalk https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2553721.0

and official ANN Thread https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2552883

you can find out more information about the project, and also you can write a post on it and ask a question if you want to find something more or if you just don’t understand something post the question and people who are working on it will give you answer in a short time notice. Take a look at these links and find an answer you were looking for.

Look at their road trip and what they have been planning for future:

 BOSS Token will be ICO on EtherDelta exchange on December 15th


Clearly declare the amount of token are ICO, to avoid legal issues
with share holder
Every technical problem in ICO will not be serious anymore, will be
more safe for members.
 Total BOSS token for ICO : 6,000,000 BOSS
 ICO price : 1 BOSS = $0.5
The Boss Token Project is a product of a team that is made up of a wealth of developers, designers, architects and marketing experts who contribute to the project. Together, they have the knowledge they need to cope with any challenge they face in their journey. Many projects do not have the expertise and a wide range of people that this project has.

You can also follow the progress of the project Boss Token on social networks such as:



and telegram : https://t.me/bosstokennews

Don’t forget to take a peek at the main web page and find out all about it on: https://www.bosstoken.org/

Author : Maniecool
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1692995

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