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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


SYNTHESTECH is the world's first independent laboratory designed for the technology development for production of platinum and valuable isotopes through Cold Fusion. SYNTHESTECH are developing the most significant innovation of century. They use Cold Fusion phenomenon for transmutation of cheap elements into valuable elements and isotopes. They are working on the LENR reactions, which is an innovative way for producing valuable elements. Cold transmutation is the solution for the production of valuable elements.

They have already achieved successful experimental results. They have obtained platinum-group metals and other chemical elements as a result of LENR Transmutation. But these experiments yield so far just grams of substances. Now their task is to transfer the process of LENR Transmutation from experimental to the industrial level. Therefore They need tools, necessary equipment, and additional personnel.
Cold Transmutation is a method of producing tangible and objective values - it is a physical information.
LENR Transmutation of chemical elements is a transformation of some chemical elements into another ones.

Blockchain is a technology for recording information about values and its transaction - it is virtual information. The technology of Cold Transmutation allows to transform certain chemical elements into others, more valuable and rare ones, without the use of enormous energy impacts. For example, transformation of tungsten - into platinum. Phenomenon of Cold Transmutation was discovered in recent decades. The team develops this technology; we have conducted hundreds of experiments and achieved phenomenal results. Among those results is obtaining of platinum group metals.

Token Details
Synthestech will issue tokens on the Ethereum platform and sell them to a wide range of investors for bitcoins and ethers. The raised funds will be used for construction of the “Synthestech” laboratory, formation of a global team of specialists and carrying out of researches. Unsold tokens will be reserved by the Issuer and will be later put up for sale.

Token Name: Synthestech
Symbol: STT
Standard: ERC-20
Price: 1 STT = 1 USD
Total: 18,000,000 STT
Accept Currencies: ETH, BTC, USD, EUR

Token Allocation
Early investors exchange fund - 3,000,000
Bounty campaign - 150,000
Pre-Sale - 600,000
Crowd Sale (ICO) - 14,250,000

Start date: 18th March
End date: 18th May
Price: 1 STT = 1 USD
They are currently on Round 7of the ICO with 22,5% additional bonus.
Basically, Bonus exists for the early participants. The Funds will be utilised for the development of the 4 different Laboratory, which will enhance the research and development of the technology.

Road Map
December 2017 - January 2018 - Start Private Sale and Pre-ICO
March - May 2018 - Start ICO
April - August 2018 - Construction of a separately located laboratory building with area of 1000 m2
August 2018 - October 2019 - Mastering the technology of Cold Transmutation for commercial use.
October - December 2019 - Commercialization of the achieved results
January 2020 - Profit distribution using crypto currency or fiat money

Meet the Team
The team is a group of people with research drive, focused on research and engineering work.

To find out more visit
Website: https://synthestech.com/
Whitepaper: https://my.synthestech.com/files/White_Paper_en.pdf
ICO: http://ico.synthestech.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/synthestech

Author : Maniecool
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1692995

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