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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

IEO P2PS Review

P2PS is a blockchain peer-to-peer gateway for various transactions on decentralized, secure and interference-free peer-to-peer communication platforms used in government and defense sectors, digital education, medicine and pharmaceuticals, banking and financial sectors and other corporate sectors. The P2PS platform creates a synergistic ecosystem that brings together customers and end users.

So, modern society being held hostage by intruders, under the hood of censorship and "security", definitely needs modern, truly safe and confidential solutions. The P2PS project is developing a secure platform. P2PS is a blockchain-based peer-to-peer communication platform designed to securely store and transfer data. Moreover, the team declares such a level of security that with the help of P2PS it is possible to transfer not only personal data, but also medical secrets, financial data and information of national importance. Today there are no such solutions on the market.

The project team has already made a pretty long way to its goal. Back in 2010, without attracting investment, a communication platform was launched. And in 2017, the preliminary sale of P2PS tokens was announced in order to distribute them and attract investors. Today, the main stage of the sale of P2PS tokens is already underway, and you can take part in it by purchasing a certain number of tokens at the most favorable price at the project inception stage.

How does P2PS work

Access to the P2PS service is carried out through the eponymous token. The P2PS token will be the gateway for transactions within the network, and will also be the basis of the internal economy of the ecosystem. The P2PS Solutions Foundation, created for infrastructure development and being an independent body, is in close cooperation and partnership with ELI and ISI, which are pioneers in the field of building peer-to-peer ones.

The next step is to understand that the interaction between users and blockchain technologies at the time of this writing was not simple. also not intuitive for end-user habits. Therefore, P2PS is a solution that simplifies user interaction and makes it intuitive for end-user habits.

Token Sale main details

P2PS = 0,03$

Soft Cap: 750 000$

Hard Cap: 50 000 000$

IEO: 27.04. - 30.06.2019

The team working on the product

You can study this project by means of the technical documentation proposed in the resources listed below. Links which I have specially prepared for you.

Additional Information:

Website: https://p2psf.org

Whitepaper: https://www.p2psf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/P2PS_Whitepaper_V1.1_English.pdf

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2419138

Telegram: https://t.me/p2psCoin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/p2psf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/p2psf

Author: Derkovski (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2532827)

ETH wallet: 0x791258d60fa279f76a72E386A2aEC7A8acFc5339

0.384 GOLOS
На Golos с January 2019
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