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6 лет назад

DICEGAME creates a strong community of players around the world

DICEGAME is a decentralized platform that works on the basis of smart contracts and the blockbuster Graphene, which is considered to be one of the most functional blockbuster platforms.

The industry with an IGaming is growing every day and offers new and exciting opportunities for simple users. At the same time, the security of these users is becoming more vulnerable than ever. Blockchain technologies make every effort to prevent or solve these types of problems and provide users or companies with a protected and decentralized IGaming system. One of these Blockchain startups is the DiceGame network that makes it possible to tackle problems related to IGmaing.

Het dicegame-platform geeft meer dan 50% winkansen wanneer het gaat om directe games die geen speciale ervaring vereisen. Gedecentraliseerd netwerk van DiceGame host P2P-games die geen problemen hebben met de beperking van de storting of intrekking. Het werkt met Graphene-technologie waarvoor geen hoge kosten vereist zijn, en biedt ook een snel transactieproces. DiceGame belooft een eerlijke spelatmosfeer en echte interactie tussen verschillende gebruikers over de hele wereld. Blockchain-technologie helpt bij het verbinden van de wereld van IGaming en biedt de beste oplossingen voor elk probleem met deze games. Stap voor stap leren gebruikers van DiceGame dat dit het platform is van vertrouwen, decentralisatie en beveiliging waar eisen van elke gebruiker het belangrijkste zijn voor het team.
We ontwikkelen intelligente contacten met ons gedrag die overeenkomen met de voorwaarden van games op het DICEGAME-platform om verschillende evenementen te starten: om de waarden van botten te bepalen, om de winnaar van het spel te kiezen, om de prijs over te dragen, om transacties te creëren. Laten we eens kijken naar onze oplossingen voor bestaande problemen die zijn ontworpen om fair play te bereiken in de transparante iGaming-industrie.

Gebrek aan vertrouwen in het systeem
Gebrek aan begrip in de gameplay, gebrek aan eerlijkheid en transparantie, onbekende formulecombinaties en de definitie van de winnaar kan wantrouwen jegens de gebruiker veroorzaken.
We lossen het probleem op van het vertrouwen van de speler in het systeem en implementeren de algoritmen met de open source van het DICEGAME-platform. De logica van de waarden van botten en de bepaling van de winnaar wordt geleverd door intellectuele contracten, waarmee we de invoer van input- en outputgegevens kunnen volgen.

Beperkingen op stortingen en opnames
Traditionele online casino's worden gereguleerd door de wet van het witwassen van geld en legalisatie. Alle online casino's en pokerrooms gebruiken gewone valuta die vallen onder de wet van verwerkingscentra, die waardevolle vergoedingen en belastingen verwijderen voor het verwerken van betalingen, het converteren van valuta's en andere transacties. De gemiddelde marktprovisie voor contanten is 8% van het stortingsbedrag en contanten van 2%.
We leggen geen beperkingen op aan stortingen en opnames. Wij zijn van mening dat de gebruiker zijn eigen geld moet beheersen. Slimme contracten leggen dus geen beperkingen op aan geldmiddelen en winkels.

Commerciële exploitatie van bevroren fondsen
In de regel worden stortingen van alle spelers opgeslagen op de rekening van traditionele casino's. Casino's hebben dus toegang tot al het geld dat spelers betalen en kunnen ze commercieel exploiteren. Stortingen zijn gunstig voor casino's, aangezien deze instellingen de mogelijkheid hebben om als een kredietinstelling te functioneren.
We elimineren het idee van bevroren fondsen. We gebruiken het geld van gebruikers niet, we bieden alleen een toernooibuid om het prijzenfonds voor de spelsessie op te slaan. Geen bevroren tegoeden, elke gebruiker heeft op elk moment de mogelijkheid om de toernooibeurs-rekening te controleren op basis van de blockbuster.

Gecentraliseerd willekeurig getalgeneratorsysteem
Casino wordt altijd betaald, niet afhankelijk van de overwinning of het verlies van klanten. Zo werkt het: de basis van het mechanisme is een generator voor willekeurige getallen. In potentie kan dit systeem van buitenaf worden bestuurd, dat wil zeggen dat een systeem dat toegang heeft tot de server of programmacode, rechtstreeks van invloed kan zijn op de resultaten van het spel.
We gebruiken geen generator voor willekeurige getallen. Gebruikers spelen met elkaar, maar vinden het platform niet erg. DICEGAME is slechts de initiator en organisator van het spel.

Vereist speciale vaardigheden en ervaring
Gemiddelde spelers of een beginner zonder een bepaalde spelstrategie lopen waarschijnlijk een hoog risico op verlies. In traditionele pokerrooms wordt 80% van de spelers plankton voor 20% van de walvissen.
Geen speciale kennis of vereisten die nodig zijn om de winstkansen te vergroten. Spelers hebben tot 50% kans om te winnen, of ze nu vaardigheden hebben die gerelateerd zijn aan het spel of niet. In games op het DICEGAME-platform bepaalt alleen de overwinning de winnaar.
The dicegame platform gives more than 50% odds when it comes to direct games that do not require special experience. Decentralized network of DiceGame host P2P games that have no problems with the restriction of the deposit or withdrawal. It works with Graphene technology that does not require high costs, and also offers a fast transaction process. DiceGame promises a fair game atmosphere and real interaction between different users around the world. Blockchain technology helps connect the world of IGaming and offers the best solutions for every problem with these games. Step by step, DiceGame users learn that this is the platform of trust, decentralization and security where every user's requirements are the most important for the team.
We develop intelligent contacts with our behavior that match the conditions of games on the DICEGAME platform to start different events: to determine the values ​​of bones, to choose the winner of the game, to transfer the prize, to to create transactions. Let's look at our solutions to existing problems that are designed to achieve fair play in the transparent iGaming industry.

Lack of confidence in the system
Lack of understanding in gameplay, lack of honesty and transparency, unfamiliar formula combinations and the definition of the winner can cause distrust towards the user.
We solve the problem of the player's trust in the system and implement the algorithms with the open source of the DICEGAME platform. The logic of the values ​​of bones and the determination of the winner is provided by intellectual contracts, with which we can follow the input of input and output data.

Restrictions on deposits and withdrawals
Traditional online casinos are regulated by the law of money laundering and legalization. All online casinos and poker rooms use ordinary currencies that fall under the law of processing centers, which remove valuable fees and taxes for processing payments, converting currencies and other transactions. The average market commission for cash is 8% of the deposit amount and cash of 2%.
We do not impose restrictions on deposits and withdrawals. We believe that the user must control his own money. Smart contracts therefore do not impose any restrictions on cash and stores.

Commercial exploitation of frozen funds
As a rule, deposits from all players are stored on the account of traditional casinos. Casinos therefore have access to all the money that players pay and can commercially exploit them. Deposits are beneficial for casinos as these institutions have the ability to function as a credit institution.
We eliminate the idea of ​​frozen funds. We do not use the money from users, we only offer a tournament sound to save the prize fund for the game session. No frozen credits, every user has the possibility at any time to check the tournament exchange account on the basis of the blockbuster.

Centralized random number generator system
Casino is always paid, not dependent on the victory or loss of customers. This is how it works: the basis of the mechanism is a generator for random numbers. Potentially, this system can be controlled from the outside, meaning that a system that has access to the server or program code can have a direct influence on the results of the game.
We do not use a random number generator. Users play with each other, but do not mind the platform. DICEGAME is only the initiator and organizer of the game.

Requires special skills and experience
Average players or a beginner without a particular game strategy are likely to run a high risk of loss. In traditional poker rooms, 80% of the players become plankton for 20% of the whales.
No special knowledge or requirements needed to increase the chances of winning. Players have up to 50% chance of winning, whether they have skills related to the game or not. In games on the DICEGAME platform, only the win determines the winner.

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Low security level
Currently, casinos store their data on centralized servers, although the latest encryption technologies help keep such data safe, information is still not unavoidable. In fact, several hacking cases have been reported in the past three years. Online casinos are attractive targets for hackers, because a large amount of cash flow through them and their hacking can be very profitable.
High security level. Decentralization of databases is used in all algorithms of the DICEGAME platform on the blockchain. The Blockchain databases consist of various decentralized nodes.
Each node participates in the administration: all nodes check new additions to the block chain and can enter new data in the database. To add to the blockchain, most nodes must reach a consensus. This consensus mechanism provides network security, making it difficult to intervene. The architecture of decentralized accounting books makes it almost impossible to lose money or personal information to cyber criminals.

Slow control
When we talk about games with fiat currency, we can see that the user has to provide a lot of personal information for registration in the game. By buying personal information, one case at a time delays setting up accounts and games in the casino.
We speed up data verification, so that unnecessary data no longer needs to be collected. With this step, users can access the site faster and more anonymously.

High commission and low transaction speed
The world does not stop developing, so online casinos begin to implement all algorithms using blockchain technology. But here we can not resist to identify some real problems. Such online casinos usually use Ethereum blockchain as the basis for all mechanisms. So we can observe high commissions for every customer account, a smart contract and a low transaction price.

The solution
We solve the problem of transaction speed with the help of Grafen-blockade. The technology allows you to receive low commissions for high-speed transactions. We make online casinos more responsive and improved online users. Now customers can expect better, faster and cheaper service.
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There are several functions that you will enjoy at DiceGame. Among them, users appreciate the high speed of each transaction. Graphene's technology offers the possibility to offer 10,000-100,000 transactions every second. High speed is therefore no problem in the framework of this platform. One of the coolest features of the DiceGame platform is the simple system that does not require any skill to play. This network encourages beginners to try their luck and offers great opportunities for those who take their first steps in IGaming. The third important feature of the DiceGame network is the bonus policy for employees of this platform. Blockchain startups usually offer their special currency policies. DiceGame gives its users a perfect opportunity to use BTC,

The dicegame token that will shortly be called Dice is a utility token offered by the platform. These tokens help to develop the network and collect as many users as possible to build a strong community of players around the world. During public sale, people get the chance to get more than 70% of the DICE tokens, but if all tokens are not sold, the remaining part will be burned. The total number of dice tokens is 210,000,000.

The dicegame team promises to organize HOT sale with an impressive 40% discount, so if you want to know about public sales or receive information about tokens, go to the official website and become a member of the Telegram.

You can get super discounts if you follow the timeline. Those who receive a symbolic contribution from 22.05.2018 to 05.06.2018 receive 20%, from 06.06.2018 to 20.06.2018 it is 15%, from 21.06.2018 to 06.07.2018 it is 10%. Those taking part in a symbolic sale from 07.07.2018 to 07.08.2018 will not receive a discount, so follow accurate updates and events to keep the opportunity to become the small part of the big family.

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More information:

website: https://www.dicegame.io/

Whitpaper: https://dicegame.io/pdf/Whitepaper.pdf

ANN thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3241096.msg33755464#msg33755464

My profile:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1930170

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