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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

KARATCOIN - Karat Foundation

As you know, the market this year has really changed a lot compared to previous years and a lot of people have abandoned to choose for themselves new paths. For this market I always have a strong passion and have faith that in there will be really good projects and will be successful. Of course, to choose the project you also need to have certain knowledge and take the time to go along with the project, reading all the readable material related to that project.

Karat Foundation Products

1. Social and Ethical Economic Project
The Karat Foundation will analyze, study and assess economic impacts in the field of social economy, which aims to develop socially effective public planning and business activities.

2. Foundation Financial ProductsKaratcoin offers decentralized loan products for eligible members, Karatcoin Loans (KCL), which will be awarded in 5 stages according to the success of the project status plan prepared by the deliberate office. KCL is paid back by extracting physical gold (gold bars, gold nuggets, gold dust, etc.) which the miner will send to the official refinery to be converted into 0.999 gold bars, which is then stored in the name Karatcoin to increase KCG gold reserves.

3. Charity FundraisingTo increase aid to the mine, a fundraising campaign will be launched through platforms, events, conferences, and organize lunch and gala dinners. Every charitable action will set the right goals to be achieved and measure the amount needed to achieve this goal.

4. Social & Ethical ProjectThe Karat Foundation will analyze, study and assess the economic impact of initiatives in the field of social economy that aim to develop socially effective business activities and public planning. Services offered by the Karat Foundation are varied, such as investment planning, feasibility analysis, technical assistance to support the definition and implementation of public policies, analysis of environmental impacts, monitoring, economic impact analysis, development of economic models, identification of good practices, monitoring and evaluating energy planning activities work, building partnerships, and communication.

Karatcoin Features

1. No Geo-restrictions

Once the gold has been turned into gold tokens (KCG), you can redeem it to fiat or to physical bullion gold through the withdrawal smart contract at any time in anywhere, without geo-restrictions.

2. Store Physical GoldYou can safely store Physical Gold asset in the vault. Each KCG (Gold Token) represents 1 gram of 99.99% LBMA standard gold securely stored in Safehouse Vaults, which means the gold is safe from political influence and increase its value over time.

3. DPoS ConsensusKaratcoin Blockchain uses Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism which is the fastest, most efficient, most decentralized, and most flexible consensus model available. These delegates are assigned to run the network and are rewarded with block rewards. In addition, fees will be used as returns for stakeholders instead of miners.With 10 seconds validation block time, the Karatcoin network will be one of the fastest in the industry.

4. Backed By A Real AssetKaratcoin is less volatile than other cryptocurrencies because it’s indirectly linked to a real asset, which is gold, with an owned blockchain.

5. Gold Mines ProfitKCX (Karatcoin Blockchain Token) will give the owner the right to vote all Karat Foundation activities, including choosing a gold mine that will be financed and for the active interest that will be felt from the funds given to the selected mine.

Karatcoin Token

Token symbol: KCD

Standard: ERC-20

Token type: Utility

Total token: 1,000,000,000

1 KCD = 0.1 USD

Soft Cap: 3M USD (raised)

Hard Cap: 25M USD

For more info, visit https://karatcoin.co/ website and read the whitepaper.

Website: https://karatcoin.co/

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4932340

Whitepaper: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/karatcoin.co/files/docs/KC_WP.pdf

Telegram: http://t.me/KaratcoinGroup

BCT Author Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2362723

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