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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


In retrospect, Bitcoin, which dominates the crypto money market, which currently has an average trade volume of $ 120 billion, formed a $ 65 billion portion of the market, entered our lives 10 years ago. Its popularity continued to grow day by day. Bitcoin, which is so popular in its early years, was able to make it easier, faster and more commensurate with the commission fees of various transactions on the internet. In a simpler way, product purchases were faster, safer, and without resorting to the current participation of third parties. Over time, they changed, as the crypto coins began to increase in various ways and the values ​​were destroyed in these directions towards the speculative situation. 

What and How to Solve Problems?

Even though the crypto currencies have all the power to grow and sound, they have not succeeded in putting many potential investors in crypto money. One of the biggest reasons for this was that the problems faced by the users came to light. One of the most important problems is the blockchain technology does not have a fully developed infrastructure. Only a few of the services and platforms that will provide a seamless connection to the real world of crypto currencies. The problem I am talking about now includes the first item, because the inability of existing systems that are trying to fulfill the function of crypto currencies is a major problem. As a matter of fact, many people in the world have not understood the principle of crypto currency and blockchain technology in general. All of this has a negative impact on the general development and mass adoption of technology around the world, and this issue is related to poor education. The fear and uncertainty of people in the future can also be related to the existing system. Because there is the fact that people cannot fully comprehend the position of laws and rules regarding crypto currencies. If we think of country-based for Blockchain technology, some of them accept this technology, while others tend to forbid them. The last problem that can be seen is the existence of low liquidity on the commercial exchanges and this causes some problems if it is desired to disrupt the assets in real money. 

This can be added to the problems I have written, I have listed only the most important ones. Because so many that each of them has a connection with one of them so they become more complex. Many people who are familiar with these problems know very well about these problems and develop an advanced set of systems for them. Here is what I want to tell you today, I will talk about the project that will be deep. 

This project is called Cloverdex! He has the skills and ideas to solve all these problems. 

This project will have new advantages for beginners and those who have this experience. These will be done by offering very powerful and big tools in economic and technological sense. The main goal of the project is to create the best possible interaction between existing systems and users in the real world. The team is confident that there should be no obstacles between the user and the crypto currency. So they just put in a lot of effort to develop a simple interface where some actions can be realized. In simple terms, it aims to provide everything that may be needed for its users in just a few simple steps. When we think that searching for certain functions in other existing systems is quite difficult, it is very appropriate to look at these problems in a solution-oriented manner. 

What are the advantages?

Because Cloverdex understands the importance of what is going on, it aims to support the real-life use of the crypto currency on a daily basis with all of its projects. Therefore, they aim to present their multi-currency wallets, each of which will consist of a wide variety of wallets, aimed at the preservation and storage of individual crypto currencies. 

Project developers are very well aware of the importance of the problems, and all of their ideas are intended to support the use of crypto currencies in our real life. That is why they are aiming to present their multi-currency wallets that are designed to store and store the crypto currencies in their projects. 

It will provide the use of multi-signature technology with two-factor validation to ensure the security of all the functions contained in it and to protect the wallet. The project team is not limited to the half of the crypto currencies and daily purchases in order to make more of the existing platforms, mobile operating markets, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, all options for the integration of wallets have been put on the table. 

Also, I would like to point out that it is very important to note that all the regulatory requirements of this project are under the guidance of the ASIC, the Australian securities and investment commission. The team already consists of experts in the fields of financial technology, corporate governance and hardware development experience, cyber security effect, marketing and sales organizations, block efficiency and smart contracts in the economic model field of the block chain. 

What are ICO Sales and Details?

Cloverdex will release the CLDX token for use on its stock exchange. This token will use the basis of ERC20 and will be sold in total 80 million units and 100 million token will be released. The CLDX token unit price is $ 0.2143.

  • Softcap target is set at $ 5 million,
  • The Hardcap target is set at $ 15 million.

The distribution of Token and funds is as follows; 

As a result;

Considering the current state of other existing crypto currencies, I am confident that demand for such projects will be very high. I am convinced that similar projects a few years ago, largely with the enthusiasm of the new generation, and especially Cloverdex's goals and plans. 


I would definitely recommend you to look at the Cloverdex project in depth and to look further at the ideas I think they will achieve. You can access this information by clicking on the official sources at the top of the page. Early investment in such a successful project will bring you many advantages. You can achieve this by participating in the sales of 5% and 15% discounts. You don't want to miss being in this project that I believe will be successful. Good luck for all participants .... 

Username : Ozie94

Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2103066

ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576 

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с January 2019
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