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5 лет назад

Listereum - services for marriage institutions


Even the cheapest of all experts. Almost all hierarchical issues. This is because of the importance of such a business. Outside it offers many genuine organizations and people.

However, as a rule, they are busy all the time, sorting out a wide range of cases, and such organizations are not the main contenders for the proposed business. The initiative group of the audience - people of the right age. Their position with money is irrelevant, because strategy implies gains under any financial limitation of chance. This may be a modest wedding in a bistro for 20 people without unrecorded music, firecrackers and other claims to fame. Or, on the other hand, perhaps a wedding in a luxurious dining room with a media face as a moderator and a wedding parade consisting entirely of limousines.

A wedding agency stands out among the most productive and promising exercises. By and large, the wedding today spends from 10 thousand to 50 thousand dollars. According to authoritative data, there are about 170 million relational unions on the planet each year.

Listereum is a computerized administration for sorting weddings. Delegates: snack bars, performers, flower sellers and so on.

Here is a fashion designer using countless numbers. Planes administrations. After creating an online greeting card, it will be possible to organize it.

It is an attractive and extremely diverse. At the same time, they are used for design. Trees, blackberries, flowers and plants

One of the wedding administrations

It's a funeral of the wedding function itself. The flowers are arranged in vases on the tables, they draw up furniture, lamps, stair rails. Use decorative layouts to create a secluded space. This work is especially foyer.

-The light that makes mindsets

Miracles can properly choose the festive corridor. It is a muffled light and a wall. Candles, where you can live?

Wedding Tour Service

It is an intriguing picture of the Internet. It should be noted that, despite the fact.-Special premiere - tense thing Lisrateum. As an idea show, every third couple goes on a special night trip. A regular check is worth $ 1,000. We will offer couples to book. This is a list of applications for the purpose of this listereum application.

Road map


Website : https://listereum.org/en

White Paper : https://listereum.org/en/white-paper/

Telegram : https://t.me/listereum

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Listereum-433729764121361

Twitter : https://twitter.com/listereum

VK : https://vk.com/listereum

ANN topic : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5135197

Username : Ozie94

Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2103066

ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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