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5 лет назад



One of the biggest problems faced by people who want to study the trading of stocks and assets is uncertainty and lack of knowledge. With a large amount of money involved and trading always at risk, people are reluctant to enter this field. New traders, especially those who have limited or spent money, are the most hesitant. Lack of trade or information about stocks can mean that all investments are lost. With one of the highest profit rates on the market today, there are people who want to invest. However, the sentiment was countered by the same risk. The gaming industry is a hotbed of innovation because the community is rather open to engaging with new and interesting products. As a result, this makes the sector rather than the ideal option for technological change that allows new ways of game incentives for players. Those who are interested in financial play must have an interest in the next pioneering innovation that offers a dynamic level of play experience and can potentially have an impact on the future of crypto investment. Here are the ways that the game is planned to be used.

What is Blockium?
Blockium is a financial gaming platform that utilizes blockchain technology to make the playing experience of players more competitive when trading on the stock market. The game platform will combine the best from the world of gaming and the investment sector to offer trade tournaments where players get prizes and incentives in the form of crypto. All of these features will work under a decentralized peer-to-peer system where traders compete with each other, with the winners taking crypto prizes.

How it Works Blockium Blockchain Education Crypto Tournament Games

Users must first complete their registration before accessing the game platform. Once inside, players can choose the contest level depending on their skill level and anticipated prize. From the contest platform, players can now create stock portfolios of the type of crypto they want to invest virtually or trade. It is in the hands of the regular stock market and forex games.

FoKoya is the parent company of Blockium. As a market leader in the peer to peer platform development system, this firm brings innovative concepts and combines them with cryptocurrency. Fokoya's CEO, Gilad Raz, said, "The IEO through Coineal was the perfect approach to be taken by Blockium as we embarked on an outreach strategy that penetrated the Asian market through stock exchanges in China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam," and, "Fundraising through the IEO it will enable Blockium to consistently develop company activities, as well as the token economy platform, with optimized products that act as a game competition resource for anyone in the trading world. Tokenisation is the key, because it will create more opportunities for us in the future, while meeting the needs of our crypto community immediately. "
Every unique FoKo project and individually, they bring new types of social ways for crypto users to not only interact, but learn more about cryptocurrency. FoKoya offers a variety of services, including the development of trading machines, cyber security, accessibility to users and sophisticated analytics to track user behavior and optimize services.

IEO Program
Token name: BOK
Total offer: 650 million tokens
Cost of one token: $ 0.023
In total, allocated for sale: 52 000 000 BOK
Development based on the ERC-20 basic protocol

The IEO program itself will be launched on Bitforex and will soon be listed there. But in the future we are waiting for the exchange of other crypto currencies.

Ingatlah bahwa sebelum berinvestasi, pastikan untuk mempelajari white paper. Semua tautan resmi dapat Anda temukan di bawah, semoga sukses dalam berinvestasi.

Blockswap — moving Blockium (BOK) from Ethereum to Binance Chain:

More Information
Website - https://ieo.blockium.io/
White paper - https://docdro.id/rqKrQ8E
App Store - https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/blockium/id1330652956?mt=8
Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.stocker&hl=iw
Telegram - http://t.me/Blockiumpresale
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/blockium
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Blockium_io

Author :
Bitcointalk Username : tagir80
ETH Address : 0x0Cc48B77e02bF96F64513aEC974400E216985149

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