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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



First of all, to make sure that the ONIZ token is useful and necessary , it is necessary to determine what it is and why it is necessary to own such a token. It must be said that the ONIZ token is the sum of certain payments created by the future ONIZ fund for the development of technologies . In turn, the ONIZ fund is a decentralized fund that helps its members and users raise capital and create subprojects based on the ONIZ token.
Short name of the ONZ token .
The number of tokens will be 8 billion pieces.
The token supports a multi-chain wallet system that integrates crypto payments and online payments. Such payments, for example, can be online games, sports betting, online casinos, MLM games, digital banking projects. This is not the limit of all possibilities. Of these 8 billion tokens:
2.7 billion will go to the public release of ITO .
2.3 billion. This is the ONIZ fund, designed to pay interest on investments, payments ecosystems and margin trading.
5 billion is kept by the team for balancing the market and fighting inflation as well as for ONIZ internal projects .

It is worth noting one interesting feature. In addition to supporting and developing the project based on ONIZ tokens, there is an independent development of technology of artificial intelligence in the field of sports betting. Based on the algorithms developed by the company, you can get a very accurate bet on sports up to 80% accuracy. Using an advanced artificial intelligence algorithm, ONIZ can offer up to 85% chance of overlap in popular sports such as football.
In addition, the ONIZ token can be used in the following cases:
1 Conduct several consecutive payments for technology projects that support the ONIZ token
2 Purchase betting tips to win from several tens of thousands to several hundred thousand dollars, depending on the type of bet.
3 Payment for products from partners who have entered into agreements and accept payment in ONIZ tokens.
4 You can use the ONIZ token to pay in games with which the company is associated or in games that are created on the ONIZ platform itself .

Now let's dwell on the ONIZ roadmap . She points to the plans and goals of the project developers, both intermediate and major. The stages of financing and tasks for which it is directed are indicated. Acquainted with this card, we see what the company has already managed to do, at what stage it is at the moment, and what are its plans for the future. High-quality roadmap will prompt investors when you can expect a rise in the price of tokens.
Q1 2019 was scheduled for ITO and the preparation of a technology platform for ONIZ . 2Q2019
, information about ITO appeared and the launch of the ONIZ fund investment platform began .
3Q2019, the launch of the sports betting platform based on artificial intelligence begins and the universal payment gateway opens. 4Q2019
, the launch of the multinational money transfer platform through ONIZ with the API Bank Wire integration platform begins .
Q1 2020 year will be announced on the ONIZ development team list .and begins the ubiquitous promotion of marketing activities.
Q2 and Q3 2020, the launch of the ONIZ exchange decentralized trading platform begins .
4th quarter 2020 The launch of the game begins using VR virtual reality to bet with ONIZ .
In 2021, it is planned to develop start-up projects using the ONIZ token as a platform and create a risky loan platform for start-up projects.

You can talk for a long time about such an innovative project as ONIZ. In order not to delay much of the review and for complete acquaintance, I leave all the important and necessary links at the bottom of the description. There you will find all the necessary answers that you have when studying the project. It is worth saying that the project did not arise by chance there was a great demand for this idea, but there was no adequate proposal. ONIZ project is able to solve many complex problems and bring profit to its users and investors in the near future.

More information:
Website: https://oniz.co/
ANNThread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5165733.msg51844051
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Onizco
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/oniz.coo
Telegram: https://t.me/Onizco

Author :
Bitcointalk Username : tagir80
ETH Address : 0x0Cc48B77e02bF96F64513aEC974400E216985149

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