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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

DESTREAM is The First Decentralized Global Financial Ecosystem For Streamers

Hi friends, let me let you in on an incredible news, it’s DESTREAM - The First Decentralized Global Financial Ecosystem For Streamers!!!

Before we go any further, please check out this video presentation to get acquainted


The DeStream platform was created as an infrastructure project that would simplify the process of creating content, interacting with viewers and financial transactions and it will become an integral part of the market. The aim of the DeStream platform is to make the lives of streamers, viewers, and business easier with the help of the new innovative global ecosystem. The platform is even transforming this segment of the economy and taking it to a new stage of development. The possibilities of DeStream are endless. DeStream is an ecosystem that provides enormous opportunities for integration of streaming platforms, their development, and the extension of their functionality, which can almost completely provide the day-to-day professional needs of the streamer, including quick profit. To further summarize this, the DeStream platform is a superstructure over existing streaming services, adding new interactivity with viewers and a financial tool for donating and paying for services inside the ecosystem.

Pretty intriguing huh? Check out more below!

DeStream was conceived as a global system for the streaming market using the DST token. Destream has the following qualities - Scalability; High-speed transaction processing; Flexible support of smart-contracts and oracles; Safety; High availability. The utility of the DST token will be in these areas – for donations; To pay the platform Commission for executing transactions; buy digital goods; a reward from advertisers; To purchase goods in authorized affiliate shops; To gain access to big data analytics; To pay for the services of the platform (marketing, making the streams more attractive, etc.); and To perform internal P2P operations. The platform will actively support young and forward-looking Streamers. All streamers, regardless of the kind of activities, will benefit from the use of the platform. The platform will implement a range of tools for the interaction of the streamer with his viewers, developed with the help of professional streamers, visionaries, and psychologists. Streamers will be able to perform various activities to maintain viewers’ interest and increase funds.

The main goal of the DeStream project is to build a decentralized global platform for streaming markets that will enable to maximize ribbon productivity, diversify their activities and secure start-up capital.

They are building an innovative platform that will become an ecosystem for streamers. The use of blockchain technology will allow to reduce transaction costs by more than doubling. Due to decentralization, they will exclude payment systems from the process and reduce much transaction costs. As such, they will improve the quality of the content and the streamer will be allowed to focus on the creation, not the operational activities

The many problems creators in the streaming industry are exactly what DeStream seeks to address with its platform. DeStream intends to create a hub which would allow the donors to continue paying in any format convenient – meaning currency, payment system and jurisdiction, while streamers receive all the proceeds in a unified format (internal DST tokens) on a unified wallet, same for all platforms the streamer operated and all transaction he or she receives;

Consolidated accrued funds are free to be withdrawn into fiat, sold for other crypto currency, or spent for goods and services available from DeStream partner.



They ensure fixed 0,77% commissions per transaction. The blockchain based DeStream platform will take at least 13 times lower donation commissions.


By using our smart contract constructors, users will be able to configure and launch myriads of controllable challenges with clearly distributable rewards and penalties.


All users of DeStream will need only one wallet and one token (DST) for all transactions.


Advertisers will be able to make data-driven decisions on ads placements, as the DeStream ecosystem will include an analytical interface based on users' Big Data.


DeStream will launch internal smart contracts to serve as a warranty of clear contractual relationships between viewers, streamers and advertisers.


We will deploy an internal marketplace for streamers and viewers so they can purchase goods and services more conveniently.


The project ‘s ideology presented in 2 or maybe 3 phrases can be as follows: DeStream intends to produce a hub which would allow the donors to keep spending in any format convenient — meaning currency, payment system and jurisdiction, while streamers receive all of the proceeds in a unified format (internal DST tokens) on a unified wallet, same for those platforms the streamer operated and all transaction he or perhaps she receives;

Consolidated accrued funds are actually no cost to be withdrawn into fiat, sold for other cryptocurrency, or even spent for goods and services offered from DeStream partners; DeStream names digital goods, food and consumer electronics as a result, and I cannot resist this urge and picture several gamers’ existence becoming completely self-sufficient in the DeStream platform: tokens to pay for downloading music and movies, cola and pizza along with a brand new video card. Not much need adding: rent and communal services, along with a little number of home stuff as toilet paper);

Donors will be presented with a number of ways to aggregate funds distribution channels: in a single move, a set of streamers might be paid selected by traffic, audience and cost criteria. This may be helpful for advertising specialists that place packet orders in gaming.



Artificial intelligence, which is the basis of Destream, has justified itself and provided its users with the opportunity to work on several tasks at once through patented algorithms. Designers meet the latest requirements in the field of advertising and are constantly updated by the creators.

Work on the platform is carried out through a multicurrency wallet, where both cryptocurrencies and fiat money are accepted as payment and exchanged at a favorable rate into DST platform tokens.

Destream platform is also beneficial for advertisers. With its help, an advertiser will be able to analyze the profitability of advertising, the effectiveness of its content and the level of return from its placement.

The platform is developed with the use of smart contracts and guarantees the transparency of all transactions, the security of their performance and a low commission.

Destream platform token is used to purchase digital goods and services between a customer and a streamer, and to pay for additional functions on the platform.

DeStream platform guarantees a fixed transaction fee of 0.77% of a transaction amount. To date, no payment service is working under these conditions.


Symbol: DST

Platform: Ethereum (for ICO), Stratis (for the platform)

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 (1 billion)


Private round until July 15th

Stratis Crowdsale July 15th - August 1st

Crowdsale August 1st - September 30th

Soft cap $5,500,000

Hard cap at $12,000,000

Target cap aimed at $9,000,000

Token price: 1DST = $0.006

Max supply: 6,000,000,000 DST

Hard Cap: $12 million

Token Sale Timeline


Some of the benefits DST Tokens offers include;

To purchase any goods in the affiliate shops

To gain access to Big Data analytics

To pay for ecosystem services

To perform internal P2P operations

To make a donation

To buy digital goods and services

Get rewards from advertisers.



Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.

Till next time…

For more information, please visit:

Website : https://destream.io/

Whitepaper :https://destream.io/media/1101/destream_whitepaper_-en.pdf

Telegram : https://t.me/DeStreamEN

Twitter : https://twitter.com/destreamproject

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNc-8nRAAauZ4F8NxNP5Ncw

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/destream

Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/DeStream/


Author: TheMichaelMatch

My BitcoinTalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1326035

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