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The buzz about cryptocurrency is increasing, people have heard about it, and more and more people want to find more about it, and find a way to be a part of it. When blockchain technology came, so many things changed, for better, we say. So many businesses have improved, so many companies have started using crypto currencies in their work. The new ideas are coming every day. People want to invest in the new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world, and it is called the Internet. The internet is a enormous base of information where we can do anything. Internet has connected the entire world. One of these projects is RedCab, a decentralized blockchain based platform aimed at Introducing advanced technology into the transportation industry.

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RedCab LLC. The company was founded to offer a seamless peer to peer transport solution for individuals and businesses through the decentralization of the entire process using blockchain technology. The REDC token will be used as a utility token for everyday transactions that create a massive demand for restricted restricted stocks. Companies that have existed since 2016 with real field operations. Bringing global innovative solutions through Blockchain to existing market needs with annual demand of $ 230 Billion.


The RedCab LLC team has seen a clear opportunity in the transportation industry for its unique business model to balance business objectives and customer needs, backed by a strong technical platform.

Blockchain technology is regarded as the backbone of this business model from providing secure transactions and quick contracts; it perfectly blends with our business model to deliver a world of decentralized managed and managed transport solutions to people who are ready to serve individuals and support the business.

By changing the operations model from the currently used centralized model into a complete decentralized model; RedCab has huge potential in competing with the big funded players in the peer-2-peer transportation space. By strengthening local operations and scaling globally, offering a transparent and cheaper business model to customers, yet boost earnings for drivers, maintaining a community-backed governance model on quality, safety, and customer experience; it is a no-brainer that time will be the only challenge between Redcab and market share.

How RedCab Solution works?

RedCab is a decentralizing the transportation solution for individuals by utilizing Blockchain technologies for cost-efficient and secure transactions. On the other hand, saving billions of dollars from transportation commission to be rewarded back to the ecosystem ensuring sustainability and business continuity through cutting-edge technology, performance management and customer loyalty. Our business model is designed to ensure smooth market penetration through lean and reliable processes, and our scoring and reward program ensures loyal and productive community. With the variation in fare calculation from one country to another and even from one city to another, RedCab LLC has managed to keep the tool flexible to amend the best pricing formula without surge price or high-cost fare in holidays or bad weather.

Problems and Solution

The RedCab project aims to solve the current challenges faced by the problems and challenges faced by the transportation sector.Some of the problems are: -

Drivers and Riders - As the transportation cost increases, driver's incomes are dwindling and costing the business more to retain the drivers.

Business Model - The existing business model of transportation services which is based on high commission fees and variable trip fare as per demand and supply, conflicts with consumer's experience and driver's returns on investment.

Market Expansion and Operations Cost - High cost involved in customer acquisition due to over dependency on marketing, promotions and discounts along with driver's guaranteed earnings and bonus.

Solutions Offered

Win Win Situation - The zero commission scheme provides more savings for riders and higher savings for drivers.

Proof of Driving - RedCab will introduce an innovative solution based on the proof-of-work concept, build on the blockchain technology and powered by AI and smartphone GPS processor.

Shared Network - RedCab has introduced Red Network Dominance program to ensure market acquisition and penetration involving high supply and demand at low cost.

Unique Business Model - Through Transparent Commission Scheme, RedCab has unveiled a unique business model through which provides an excellent transportation service system and is capable of building a smart network while profiting from the exchange of data.

Proof of Marketing - RedCab has conceptualized a unique referral marketing program through which riders are provided an opportunity to earn tokens for referring their friends and family to RedCab. Thus as their RedCab network grows, their kitty also grows with tokens.

Cabbi - The company (RedCab LLC) has introduced Cabbi the first personal road trip assistant. Cabbi is based on the neural network technology, which will help in tracking daily trips, meetings, visits and events.

RedCab and Blockchain Technology

The RedCab plan of activity will be moved to a decentralized natural framework which will similarly be furnished with dApps which will continue running on P2P and what's more blockchain frameworks. This is to guarantee there is no impedance from pariahs or any single master. Distinctive features consolidate proof of advancing and affirmation of driving which gives persuading powers to drivers as they can pick up tokens so far they take after due traditions while driving.

Why RedCab Stands Out?

There are still such enormous quantities of points of interest for customers, the motels and restaurants are not overlooked advancement they can similarly procure with RedCab through notices and moreover discount. RedCab has guaranteed their arrangement of activity covers reasonability, affordability and security for customers. We never again need to worry over our trips, movement asks for along these lines altogether more that creates around the transportation system. There will similarly be 3 classes of Cabs which are

Monetary Cabs which are to a great degree direct to use and for rapid trips.

Family Cabs which will be exceptionally more noteworthy in size to have more people, sensible for family trips.

Luxury Cab by and large for work trips and besides gatherings, the luxurism is exceptionally stand-out.

Red Cab which is the classy and unmistakable one from others as it will contain simply couple of people, customers will pay more than the others and drivers will in like manner have the ability to obtain more tokens.

The business model of RedCab LLC ensures that customers are not astounded that they are spending more than what is fundamental, in this manner the necessity for straightforwardness which is the reason the keen contracts will be used. Moreover, the drivers won't have to worry over salary being shared or part of their benefit cut off as they will be given the whole 100% gathered from trips.

The RedCab Mobile App will have different features one of which is indicate geo centered around advancements for overall reach. Customers won't have to worry over change rate as it will be planned to make ads compelling. It is also going to be multilingual with around 6 tongues which will construct the customer experience.

The Mobile App will in like manner have the ability to design rides, customers will have the ability to organize taxis and get the nearest driver inside your zone. You can in like manner design your excursions if you are the business make that goes to social occasions as often as possible.

Token Details and ICO

The RedCab (REDC) Token will be the utility token used on the RedCab ecosystem. The RedCab ecosystem will be hosted on the Ethereum Blockchain Network and the RedCab (REDC) tokens will be ERC-20 compatible tokens.The total number of REDC tokens to be issued will be limited to 100 Million tokens to avoid the risk of inflation (i.e. by keeping the REDC token count scarce and limited). The price per REDC token is fixed at 1 ETH = 2333 REDC.

Token Details

Token Name: REDC

Max Tokens Supply : 100,000,000

Token Type : ERC20

Exchange : 1 ETH = 2333 REDC

Hard Cap : 24529 ETH

Min Purchase : 0.1 ETH = 233 REDC

Pre-Sale : Starts 01 June 2018 at 12:00 AM GMT and ends on 21 June 2018 at 11:59 PM GMT with early bird investors getting a 15% Bonus till allocated amount is sold out or phase ends.

Main Crowd-Sale Start Date : 22 June at 12:00 AM GMT and ends on 15 August 2018 at 11:59 PM GMT.

Accepted Currency for Token Sale: Ethereum

Use of Funds and Token Distribution



For more information, please visit:

Website: https://redcab.io/

Whitepaper: https://redcab.io/downloads/Whitepaper_EN_v1.0.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/RedCab_ICO

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/redcab

Twitter: https://twitter.com/redcab_llc

Medium: https://medium.com/redcab

Facebook: https://facebook.com/redcabeg

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/u/Redcab_io

Author: TheMichaelMatch

My BitcoinTalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1326035

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