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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

888TRON – Is fair, and transparency blockchain-based gaming platform.

For many, this statistics will seem amazing, however, all over the world just love to play entertaining online games such as poker, casino and other gambling areas of the genre. This kind of leisure people often prefer instead of the usual walk after work, as it often helps them to relax and have fun. What is there to conceal you look at how much the theme of online entertainment has become active, moreover, at the moment it is already estimated at over 1 trillion us dollars and this is just the beginning. Many experts predict only increasing demand in the industry, so keep this in mind. 


But again, everything has its downside and in our case, the traditional online entertainment system is not quite honest. I'm not talking about all or about someone separately, however, in the world in this field there is a huge number of dishonest organizers that prevent honest earn all players wishing to have on the platform. This is done elementary, as their activities no one can check and even more control, all the processes of the game are hidden under seven locks and you do not know what is happening there on the other side of the screen. Suddenly the principle of your favorite game was originally formed in such a way that you could not win there at all? Or, on the contrary, you could win some small part, but lose much more? Unfortunately we can not know it all that and worse to us who are not allowed to know.Therefore, we have only two options for the development of events, or continue to play by their rules, or look for new sources of their any entertainment. One of which we will now consider.

About the project

So, I am glad to present you a unique entertainment platform – 888TRON. This platform is a decentralized Protocol of the TRON.Networkdistribution blockchain, which will bring the entire online entertainment sector to a new, better level 

Since the principle of operation of the blockchain network itself implies not only inherent in all decentralized projects, transparency of actions, their reliability and security, but also equivalent access to all entertainment products available in 888TRON, without constraining or restricting the user in any form of access. The main principle of the 888TRON system is that all participants will be equal and no one will have privileged rights regarding opportunities within the platform. And all thanks to the fact that the tokens of the system can be obtained only by playing the most entertaining online games 888TRON. This little trick will allow all users to prove themselves as a player, as well as deservedly get a coin for their professional actions. 

Design feature.

This principle of charge coins and you took no accident:

  • first, it will eliminate large groups of people in whose hands will be concentrated a huge number of coins, the rate of which they will be able to further manipulate extracting a decent benefit to your account;
  • secondly, all participants will be motivated to take a direct and active part in the development of the project itself. That is, directly test your skills and capabilities, receiving in return a reward in the form of an internal token;
  • and third, the more you will earn in game coins, the greater the share of business 888TRON you'll have.

I think this is quite rational, as the project 888TRON pursues more global goals than earning their coins. The developers intend to unite within the entertainment industry all enthusiasts and crypto users who want to not only have fun and carefree to spend their time, but also those who accept and understand the value of the blockchain technology itself. As such participants in the future.


If we talk about the unique features of the 888TRON project, there are a lot of them. But I'll start with the fact that everything in this project is not accidental, every detail and function was carefully thought out by the developers, starting from the moment of choosing the blockchain network itself, to the principle of charging coins, a set of games and other important aspects. 

As you have already understood, the TRON.network blockchain turned out to be the most suitable for the 888TRON project concept, since the network itself was developed for entertainment products and focused in most cases on game content. Moreover, this blockchain meets all the necessary technical characteristics, data transfer speed and minimum Commission costs. As for the games, and here they have their own unique, stable and highly mathematical course of the game, in which laid a decent percentage of winnings. 

All games are backed by smart source contracts, allowing you to use them from any device without having to download.At the time of the launch of the platform, the developers intend to remain in the shadows for some time in order to give the public an opportunity to see for themselves and try out the charm of the work of 888TRON, and earn their first coins. After that, the team will speak at public events and tell about the further stages of development of the project, that is, legally settle all current issues regarding the legalization and purity of the project to obtain all gambling licenses around the world. 


Since the project has the main basis of the TRON.network blockchain, the coin within the gaming platform will be TRX with the symbol – 888Tron. In total, the developers will register 100 million coins, which can be obtained only by playing or participating in mining. More detailed principles of interaction and accrual of tokens can be studied in the technical documentation of the project, where the percentage reveals the entire algorithmic moment.

The distribution of tokens is as follows: 


I believe that 888TRON is ideal for all those who like to spend time actively and interestingly. Moreover, thanks to modern technology and advanced models of the game, you will finally get a truly decent tools where you can not only play their any games, but also to earn. After all, the whole principle of 888TRON is aimed at just the same honest approach to each individual player, where showing your skills and talent you will not be left without proper compensation.

Therefore, I recommend you to pay attention to 888TRON, study its concept in detail and now take an active part in the development of the platform. 

Official resources of the 888Tron project:

WEBSITE: https://888tron.com
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/tron888
WHITEPAPER: https://888tron.com/wp/888Tron_en.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/888tron
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/888Tron
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/888_tron/



Telegram: @ dhewio8

Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088

TRX Address: TBN4V2cyZdCfoSx2ugDu6ZkfDr4rVxtKpL

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