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5 лет назад


Hello people, As blockchain enthusiasts, crypto investors and traders, we all know important of having exchange that provides intuitive user interface, proper customers’ supports, top-notch security, high leverage transactions, regulation among others. Many existing exchanges have shortcoming in these areas and often leave investors and traders frustrated. This phenomenon makes the coming of AMANPURI cryptocurrency exchange one the best innovation to happen in crypto space since the advent of blockchain technology. 



a licensed cryptocurrency exchange founded by a visionary team, comprised of brilliant minds. AMANPURI, based in the Republic of Malta created with the sole aim of providing to crypto community first-class Virtual Financial Asset (cryptocurrencies) and VFA/FIAT exchange and payment solutions. AMANPURI is a cryptocurrency exchange that comes with several benefits that you cannot find anywhere else as far as crypto trading platform is concerned whether it is the offer of spot transactions and up to 100x leverage transaction system or top-notch security that give investors and traders peace of mind. 

There is simply no go wrong with AMANPURI ecosystem.

Despite the fact that the digital economy is maturing, attracting investment and gaining momentum each passing day, there is no doubt that about the inherent issues that comes with it. Cryptocurrency overall development and adaptation in particular have encountered significant obstacles due to these issues. It is known fact that cryptocurrencies, and blockchain trading platform are growing in number each passing day, unfortunately, most of these Distribution Ledger Technology (DLT) comes with one issue or the other, including;

Lack or Inadequate Security: 

According to statistics, several exchange has closed down due to one security issue or the other, from hacker infiltration to malicious activity. In fact, it is well documented according to data from Group-IB that between 2017 and 2018, over $882 million was lost by crypto exchanges due to targeted attacks

Poor Customer Service: 

We all know the important of customer. Whether crypto exchange will succeed rest solely on how it treats its customer. Unfortunately, this important aspect of exchange is often been neglected by many exchange. Several issues of customer including login issues, withdrawal times, unanswered support tickets, etc. constitute some of the problem customer are facing and in which these exchanges often offer poor customer support.

Regulation Issue: Regulation in crypto-space has always been hot-debated topic. There are many scam ICOs that have duped investors and cart away their money, also DLT exchanges has incurred ban due to this issue. Even though some countries have started rolling out regulations concerning cryptocurrency and ICO, we are still a long way to go regarding this issue.


What make AMANPURI exchange ecosystem any better than to existing crypto exchange?
The first thing is the Top-notch Security. AMANPURI, to ensure that customer are protected every time has deployed a system securities across multiple layers including (but not limited to); multi-sig digital signature scheme. For example, in order to remit Virtual Financial Asset (VFA) from a wallet address, two or more secret keys are required.

On security, AMANPURI store vast majority of customer assets on cold storage wallet, completely separate from the internet and immune to malicious attacks. To further strengthen security and making sure that assets on AMANPURI are not fall into wrong hands, withdrawals are restrict to one per day, and the time for these withdrawals are randomly decide through AMAPURI’s algorithm.

Secondly, prospective users are often turned back when they realize an exchange does not offer service in their language, which is the case of many DLT exchanges. AMANPURI Exchange will do things differently are already planning to introduce customer support phone service that cut across several languages including; English, Chinese, Korean, Hindi, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian and Portuguese, with many other languages to be added gradually.

Thirdly, as mentioned above. AMANPURI Exchange is licensed in the Republic of Malta to minimize the impact of regulations on customers. This is win situation for AMANPURI as Republic of Malta does not shy away from blockchain technology.


AMANPURI have utility token named AML. AML have total supply of 210,000,000 and it is an ERC-20 of Ethereum network compliant. The AMANPURI Token (AML) have several uses including; payment for transaction fees, for listing fees, as well as trading pairs on AMANPURI exchange.

1. Token Ticker: AML
2. Total Supply: 210,000,000
3. Token Type: ERC-20
4. Available for Public Sale: 126,000,000
5. HardCap: $10,000,000

There is Initial Coin Offering (ICO) where investors and corporate pools are invited to be part of this amazing crypto exchange. The advantage of corporate participants with at least $50,000 investment is 35% to 55% bonuses of their purchase.




Those that participate in AMANPURI’s ICO and Pre-sale and AML holders will benefit greatly from their investment as AMANPURI have plan to share part of their profits twice a year to holders based on amount of AML they are holding, amazing right? Details about how this is calculated is on AMANPURI’s whitepaper (see below link). So, what are you waiting for? Check out AMANPURI today and be a part of best digital currency trading platform. See you at the moon!

#Amanpuri #AmanpuriExchange #exchange #blockchain #crypto

To find out more about AMANPURI, inquiry about ICO or have general questions, kindly visit the following links;

Website: https://amanpuri.io/tokensale/
Telegram: https://t.me/amanpurichat
Whitepaper: https://amanpuri.io/AMANPURI_Executive%20Summary.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/amanpuri_ex
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amanpuriexchange 


Bitcointalk ID Name: Dewi08

Telegram: @ dhewio8

Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088

Address wallet (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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