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5 лет назад

Dago Mining — ecological electricity for mining.

Dago mining is a modern cryptocurrency mining method created by a team of experts on blockchain technologies, business experts, IT developers, economists and investment experts. Dago Mining technologies use more advanced and more efficient methods of generating renewable energy. All equipment is specifically designed for the production of green energy and is configured for continuous operation 24/7. 

what is cryptocurrency and how does it work?

Cryptocurrency is an encrypted digital asset that is used for exchange. Digital assets used to complete exchanges through cryptographic techniques, can offer maximum security for transactions and total control over the realization of other currencies.

In the last years many of them have been born, in this guide to cryptocurrency we will present five of the most famous and two that are famous in China and Asia, but less in Europe:

1. Bitcoin

2. Ethereum

3. Monero

4. NEO

5. Litecoin

6.  Dashcoin

7. Omisego

The cryptocurrency is born as an option to traditional currencies and is more secure and independent because the transactions are encrypted, hence the name; furthermore, there is no possibility of tracing the origin of the transaction.But what are cryptocurrencies? And where can they be bought?

The fact that there is no central body that issues cryptocurrencies is, in fact, a positive fact, which generates three advantages:

– cryptocurrencies are not subjected to inflation and deflation

– transactions in cryptocurrencies do not have any brokerage costs

– transactions in criptovalue guarantee total anonymity 

1. What are Bitcoins?

Designed in 2009 by a group of people behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto and are based on a P2P system (peer-to-peer or person-to-person) that uses a database distributed among the nodes, ie among all users’ computers, to keep track of all transactions. Even if it is an open source system, that is public, the authenticity and the regularity of the transactions is guaranteed by the public cryptography key, in fact, nobody can spend Bitcoin of which isn’t legitimately owner. 

2. What are Ethereum?

It is a cryptocurrency that can be used to manage smart contracts, such as contracts typical of financial markets or crowdfunding platforms.The positive aspect is that maximum security is guaranteed, without the possibility of fraud, censorship or interference from third parties.

3. What are Monero?

La Monero, founded in 2014, is the most important example of the use of the Cryptonight algorithm, which was invented to compensate for the lack of privacy of Bitcoin. In fact, if you use Bitcoin, the path is documented and followed during the transaction. The Cryptonight algorithm is able, on the other hand, to guarantee maximum confidentiality in this sense, not allowing to trace the path made by virtual coins. 

4. What are NEO?

During a meeting at Microsoft’s headquarters in Beijing during the month of June 2017, Antshares, the first open source platform created in China, announced a complete rebranding. During this conference the new name and brand of the platform were announced: NEO, ie innovation, innovation and youth. 

5. What are Litecoin?

Litecoin was the second virtual currency, created two years after Bitcoin.Initially, it had caught the attention of investors, due to the fact that it was generated a larger amount compared to Bitcoin but over time, it was unable to find a clear and consolidated position and consequently lost ground, as a value and number of exchanges to the detriment of other cryptocurrencies. 

6. What are the Dash?

The Coin Dash works in an extremely similar way to Bitcoin, as this cryptocurrency is also totally decentralized and therefore allows to send and receive anonymous payments, thanks to encryption. Like Bitcoin, the Dash currency crypt is also based on a public blockchain, where all the transactions carried out by users are contained. 

7. What are Omisego?

Omisego, founded by JunHasegawa and spread to Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore, is a token with particular characteristics. The purpose of Omisego is to create a platform for international payments with very limited costs. The function of the tokenOmisego is not to be the object of the transactions, because these could take place in any currency. Their goal is to be able to exchange Fiat currencies without switching from banking systems, directly through the exchange of Ethereum, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. OmiseGo will be excluded from the banking system simply by coming to directly own authorized reserves in the countries in which it will operate. 

Dago Mining's business model is based on the rapid deployment of large mining that uses renewable natural resources as a source of electricity generation. 

This project is based on three important principles: 

  1. Green energy. The company produces renewable green electricity using photovoltaic cells and their ability to maintain heat capacity.

2. New technology. The new fundamental approach to refrigeration equipment makes mining very profitable.

3. high scalability. The business model is easy to apply anywhere in the world where the sun shines.


The blockchain community around the world faces serious challenges because of the high cost of using digital money and blockchain-based business applications. This mainly affects the mining industry, which consumes large amounts of electricity.The biggest problem is that the results of mining activities have too much negative impact on the environment, such as pollution from the process of producing electricity and excessive heat emissions into the atmosphere from the mining equipment itself.To overcome this problem, it is necessary to use environmentally friendly renewable energy sources. 

In every country there are opportunities for this: the generation of green energy can be regulated anywhere in the world. This is not only beneficial for business, but also beneficial for nature, because harmful greenhouse gas emissions from this decrease. Hydropower, geothermal and solar power plants are excellent solutions to global environmental problems at affordable prices. 


The aim of the Dago Mining project is to realize the full potential of blockchain technology, as a strong decentralized system that is able to eliminate problems in public policy and energy pricing structures. The company sees the great potential and benefits of green energy and offers solutions for investors and private clients in this market. To do this, use their own power plant and ASIC deep-cooling miner technology, namely:

  1. Power plants. The team has developed a photovoltaic panel that provides direct energy production and heat conversion, which is converted into energy using a steam turbine. Thus, there is no heat loss and there is no destructive heat release into the atmosphere. Also, the distinctive feature is that the generation process takes place 24/7, that is, at night, generation and mining do not stop.
  2. Removal of harmful effects on the environment. The team chooses the most efficient method on the market that optimizes harmful costs and emissions. As mentioned, this is a fundamental new technique for cooling equipment.
  3. Electricity storage. This technology is based on a simple idea: to meet the increasing demand and increase the use of renewable energy, a large-scale, high-performance, safe, and economical energy storage system is needed. 

Batteries consist of electrolytes with seawater, manganese oxide cathodes, composite anodes made of phosphorus carbonate and titanium, and jumpers made of synthetic cotton. The battery uses a non-aggressive reaction at the anode and cathode. Saving energy in a battery allows you to consume all the solar energy produced and control costs. This battery is optimized for continuous cycles and ensures reliable operation without frequent maintenance.

Currency exchange is very important for profitable models. Sometimes it is more profitable for coins with lower values, because with increasing volume, the results are multiplied. We are talking about our own project currency - Dago tokens. The software developed by the project team allows you to add value with every new coin you make. The developer creates a separate internal network where users can store their naming assets. 


Dago Mining developers have chosen the right development vector, deciding to produce clean energy for mining. This technology has been tested and widely distributed throughout the world. The team will attract partners who will be able to use the farm in a new location.

At present, cooperation has taken place with several construction companies that specialize in the construction of power plants and their maintenance.Various power plant modules are designed for the age of 20 years, which gives the team the opportunity to plan low maintenance costs and then model potential benefits for themselves, investors and partners. 

To follow the latest project news, you can visit the official website or subscribe to social networks:

Web: https://dago-mining.com/

Paper Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wS1u9Lk9MotXCtfvdaKJ4ZCgFqA3O9Bs

Co Bitcointalk ANN:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?1151142

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dago_Mining

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DAGO-Mining-925577207590931/

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOW2PzorvLjc1MbkCT89QJg/featured

Medium: https://medium.com/@dagomining 

Telegram: https://t.me/DAGOMiningofficial 


Bitcointalk ID Name: Dewi08

Telegram: @ dhewio8

Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088

Wallet (Eth) address: 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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