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5 лет назад

HighBank Crypto Ecosystem Next generation


Blockchain innovation is coming up firmly as the innovation of things to come. Its persistent advancement outlines this from supporting Bitcoin, being a popular expression, to growing genuine use cases. The money related part is one of the key territories that is required to see Blockchain use prosper. Up until now, digital forms of money have made sure that it is never again the same old thing for account. The adjustment in how individuals direct worldwide money related exchanges in cryptographic money can't be disregarded. Be it a basic client who needs a simple device for cash exchange, installment for products and enterprises, or a publicly support venture subsidizing through ICOs; blockchain is quickly being coordinated into our everyday money related collaborations. 

A large portion of the ICO proprietors with assets and experience don't google this inquiry. Be that as it may, in the event that you happen to be a beginner in the field with high points, at that point you must make sure whether the posting site you are collaborating with can possibly flood your positioning and income. 

Throughout the years, our experience has enabled us to become familiar with an exceptionally fundamental yet vital factor. Beginner ICO proprietors don't simply require a posting or crowdfunding stage. Truth be told, what has the genuine effect is a whole biological community offering sustaining backing to these sprouting adventures in different areas. 

If you don't mind note that we have a thorough determination strategy for the ICOs and hence, even our 'minor' ventures perform route superior to anything the ones recorded on the vast majority of the crowdfunding locales. Since we have expounded the choice system in detail on our site and whitepaper, the potential financial specialists dependably have a feeling that all is well with the world while surfing through our postings. 

HighBank is making the cutting edge Blockchain based biological system required to permit the crypto network to expand and broaden their portfolios in the unpredictable crypto commercial center. We are changing the establishment of crypto markets to make a reasonable exchanging biological system that helps the selection of digital forms of money. Our stage to be based over Ethereum Blockchain will be a one-in-all crypto exchanging stage lodging a Decentralized Crypto Exchange, ICO Listing, ICO Launch, and Crowdfunding, Marketing and Partner program, Online and Offline people group focus, and Blockchain Consultancy.  

HighBank democratizes crypto exchanging the accompanying sense: 

1.Creating more open doors for merchants to purchase, sell and trade their most loved virtual monetary standards
2.Providing new companies, that expect to utilize ICOs as a methods for raising assets, a worldwide stage that enables them to increase worldwide acknowledgment
3.Providing Blockchain new companies all the important instruments the need to execute and advertise their ICOs safely
4.Partnering with built up advertising networks on well known stages, for example, Telegram and YouTube to help new businesses quick track the reachability of their ICO to whatever number networks as would be prudent.
5.Regularizing and sorting out yearly classes and meetings that advance learning creation and sharing among the Blockchain people group.
6.Acting as a center point of innovation advancement that empowers and backings new companies to configuration, make, and popularize imaginative advances. 

Purchasing our tokens implies that you are turning into a fundamental piece of a system that does keep your assets secure, yet offers a long haul venture open door also. We will persistently be chipping away at most recent advances and thoughts to reinforce our association and increment your Return on Investment. 

Token Information

Token Name : HIGH
Platform Token : Ethereum
Token Type : ERC20
PreICO price : 1 HIGH = 1 USD
Price ICO : 1.0000 USD
Tokens Sale : 40,000,000
Min. investment : 50 USD
Accepting Payment : ETH, BTC and LTC
Distributed ICO : 40%
Soft cap : 5,000,000 USD
Hard cap : 40,000,000 USD 



Consequently, we enable you to simply concentrate on getting your task recorded at HighBank and after that reasoning about future moves. We give all of you the promoting instruments that you could use to run your web based life crusades from our dashboard.

Website : https://highbank.io/
WhitePaper : https://highbank.io/HighBank_Whitepaper.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/HIGH888
Blog : https://blog.highbank.io
Twitter : https://twitter.com/HighBank19
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/HighBank.io
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/highbank
Github : https://github.com/HighBankio
Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5108293 



telegram: @ dhewio8

Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088

wallet address (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

0.045 GOLOS
На Golos с January 2019
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