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5 лет назад



Migration starting with one nation then onto the next to search out a superior, increasingly honorable life for oneself, or one's family is a standout amongst the most pervasive human quest for our time. The world is encountering a sensational increment in lawful abroad movement for work or relocate out as a displaced person, and there are about 250 million and above migrants originating from developing nations to work in developed countries. The recent data shown that the Yearly cross-fringe remittances have ascended to more than $600 (USD) billion. 

The national migration and travel strategies between and within various countries which are handle manually by utilizing human labor, or third-party agents to do the migration documents processing are framework where debasement and exploitative practices has invaded. The framework has flopped woefully prompting progressively staggering expenses, protracted hold up times and extortion of money from the migrants for their migration documents to be process easily.Blockchain innovation is the correct infrastructure to spread trust, and we should utilize it to have an enduring effect on the lives of a large number of individuals migrants looking for green pasture from one country to another.

About Migrat

In bringing about a permanent solution to this problem, MIGRANET is creating a unified platform that will establish an active community, create a suitable marketplace, exploit crypto mining farms and deployment of a blockchain.MIGRANET offers a single platform handling of applied real-world problems, paid or for free. A solution is made by the AI, community: you place an order for a solution containing an AI tech; developed by members of our community, the complete one is tested and launched on our platform. It is also possible to integrate it into an existing business or another area. Community are able to order an absolutely new AI solution or to use one of enterprise-ready solutions from our repository rated by the Migranet community's experts saving plenty of time and also apply it to other more complicated challenges on the platform. 

Migranet platform allows to run production-ready solutions internally and make requests to it using API without deploying it on external servers, i.e. on your side. This makes possible to create scalable applications using AI with theoretically unlimited computing power for any device. 


Migranet work for migrants, students, and NGOs servicing refugees.


Applicants input their information – professional history, country of origin, spoken languages, education etc.


AI algorithms present the most viable options available for potential migration based on the intention of the migrant – be it education, work, travel, or permanent residency. Migrants can also manually select their destination country if they qualify. 


Once the migrant selects their country of choice, they apply for their desired status. The fee is withdrawn from the MIG wallet ($500 for permanent residency, $150 for all other forms of migration). Migranet processes the application and works with the appropriate parties in the destination country to complete the application process. 


ERC20 may be a protocol common place that defines sure rules and standards for provision tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. The ERC20 has become the gold common place for brand spanking new crypto tokens and encompasses a heap of advantages. Migranet is an Erc20, which is a platform and a global community of artificial intelligence and machine learning experts that will help businesses of all types thrive. Token Migranet set to stroll on the innovation blockchain that decentralization, ensure straightforwardness and secure all the money related exchanges. 


Migranet is a decentralized software marketplace for data science companies, immigration, software engineers and data scientist implementing its platform using Ethereum on smart contracts. There are three major types of Migranet smart contracts which are;Machine Learning Contest. A smart contract can be created by any user of the Migranet platform using its templates. he will create competition rules and contest duration for which he will have to pay depending on the length of the contest.Migranet Platform Contract. This contract consist of the data reputation of users, as it will be given favorable vote or not, this will help the integrity of the platform as fraudulent activities will be minimized and the offenders being brought to book and punished.Migranet immigration: To ensure the safety of the refugees and to keep their original identity private, the assigned biometric ID will not include their legal name, date of birth and the country of origin – only the encrypted hash 


  • Migranet does a free appraisal, offers an expert supposition from their group of guaranteed legitimate specialists.
  • There is high security in Migranet platform as all movement operators, reports, and biometric identification are confirmed and verified on the blockchain.
  • The Migranet is 90% less expenses when compare to the previous system,


The Migranet platform has a traditional token called MIG token; it is an utility token which are utilized for migration processing and remittance fees through the Migranet platform. The Migranet platform is expected to build a wallet where the MIG token will be store and use when needed.


The Migranet has organized a system of crowdraising to fund this project. So you can buy the MIG token through their official website or click here:

You can also get the MIG token through an IEO taking place at IDax exchange (www.idax.pro) which will launch on May 16th, 2019 at 10:00 am (UTC+8). 


1. Token name: Migranet Token
2. Symbol: MIG
3. Platform: Ethereum
4. Hard cap: 75M USD
5. Soft cap: 20M USD
6. Token price: 1 MIG = $0.20 USD
7. IEO token price = 0.15 USD (25% discount)
8. Available token for sale: 21,111,000 MIG 


Migranet will be the first of its kind implementing blockchain to build a decentralized immigration platform. The platform works in line with the regulatory jurisdiction, the platform is transparent and make the document processing to be ease and faster while making use of MIG token for global remittance services through Migranet platform. Make a haste and start enjoying a lower processing fees unlike that of the traditional immigration platform that do charge high fees. Lastly, the room for human trafficking will close with the emerged of Migranet platform because the platform is very reliable.

For more information, kindly visit any of the below links: 

Official Website:https://migranet.io/
Whitepaper: https://migranet.io/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Migranet-Whitepaper-v.1.1.10.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/migranet888/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/migranet1
Telegram: https://t.me//migranet
Medium: https://medium.com/migranet
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/migranet/ 


Telegram: @ dhewio8
Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088
WALLET ADDRESS: 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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