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5 лет назад

TEMTUM (TEM) - Evolving Cryptocurrency.


This section provides an overview of the breakthroughs in new technology behind the theme. Please refer to the glossary at the end of this white book for a list of definitions.The network has achieved truly decentralized scalability, approaching instant speed and throughput transactions, using low resources and proof-proof cryptographic security in the future. With enhanced network routing, the deletion of block size and system architecture that ensures one, randomly selected nodes confirm all transactions for 60 seconds, the only limitation for transactions through transactions is the hardware and bandwidth of network participants. 

This transaction has proven transaction throughput of 120,000 transactions per second in a laboratory environment. The critical elements of the traditional network architecture are the Temporal Blockchain, Consensus and Routing Algorithms, and the use of truly random numbers based on the science of quantum interference. 

1. Temporal technology provides a traditional network with archived blockchain, distributing blockchain data storage on a variety of specialized nodes to enable low-power devices to participate in the network system. 

2. Algorithm The general consensus is a unique approach to blockchain consensus, which by definition allows one to be chosen at a given time. This eliminates the potential for dangerous forks. This also eliminates energy costs associated with proof of work consensus models, increasing overall network efficiency.

3. The routing algorithm eliminates the need for all types of Gossip protocols because, by design, each node has an accurate and up-to-date global picture of network and transactions, rather than to all nodes.

4. NIST Randomness Beacon uses a quantified proven number that is used to secure the Temporal Blockchain network. Other equivalent sources have been identified and alternative sections of this document.

Temtum x Banking Integration (Visual)

ps below has been developed and successfully tested using an emulator for the banking interface.  

Main technology features 

The main features are designed to be sophisticated payment coins: 

1. Algorithm of the General Consensus and Temporal Blockchain

2. Temporary skabilites

3. True decentralization for low-power devices 


How does Temporal work

The temporal blockchain nodes are defined by the administrator node, which can range from thirty days to each block of genesis. The node is responsible for confirming all transactions. During our research, we concluded that most transactions in the main blockchain cryptocurrency use UTXO from the previous 30 days. Our simulations show that only 2% of all transactions require data for transactions longer than 30 days. However, if this data is needed, it is still available - not deleted from the network.

There is no limit to the size of blocks encoded 

The concept of limiting hardcode block size is from Satoshi Nakamoto and where three VPS hosting providers host 72% of all full nodes on Bitcoin. Temporal does not have such block size limits, and this means that there are no theoretical limits on how many transactions can be included in a block. Bitcoin, for example, produces one block every 10 minutes. 

Through extensive research, we have determined that the optimal block making speed is 12 seconds per block. A single leader in a traditional ecosystem will be responsible for five blocks, which is cryptographically related to the other blocks.Temporal block structure Our network block structure separates block headers from block data. 

But the Temporal technology allows data to maintain only block header information, which includes the NIST randomness test data, the signature of the responsible node for block building, data hashes and Merkle trees. The main innovation in the temporal block structure is not valid blocks and present them as original blocks, even if the node validates the transaction has been removed the block data body from the blockchain they have.


When a transaction is made, it consumes two UXTOs that are referenced in the input. When a transaction is confirmed, each network participant then removes it from their UXTO database. References in the form of output from transactions that make the UXTO remain on the blockchain.

In practice, the process works like this

1. The node is to be a leader for 60 seconds. 

2. Participation Documents The NPD node is searched, finds the NIST Beacon hash and retrieves the public key from each node closest to zero is the next leader. 

3. The search for NPD nodes at the next node leader. 

4. All nodes then forward their transactions to this selected leader. 

5. the transaction node is valid - if so, added to the block, or dropped. 

6. This is done for five blocks; each block is made every 12 seconds.

7. Each block is published by the network and added to their local blockchain.


NPD Process

1. All nodes must be known by the authority node. 

2. At the random point within the authority the node's test node is still alive and sends messages. 

3. NPD is made. This contains, among other things, the public key and IP address of the node. 

4. NPD is sent to all nodes in the network and is needed for the use of the Consensus Algorithm. 

Format descriptor node 

Each node is represented in NPD by descriptors that summarize nodes, their public identity, their uptime and bandwidth. This is a more detailed description of the format.

The node descriptors consist of the following items: 

»The nickname (must be a valid router name)

»Node 'IP Address' (must be IPv4 address in quad-dotted format)

This transaction communication method generates data duplication and wasted bandwidth, slows down transactions and resource wasted throughput:With the traditional protocol, each node makes it possible to just to block leaders, so that no additional work must be done by other nodes in the network.

The main feature of NIST 

Beacon Randomness includes: 

»The resulting numbers are unpredictable before being published - even by future quantum computing techniques. 

»Public nature, time bound, and authenticated NIST Randomness The number of unknown uses of random numbers before a certain point in time. 

»Evidence of creating random numbers can be validated offline at any point after generation. 

Based on these characteristics, the NIST beacon has been chosen as a source of randomness for Temporal networks.


Over the past 5 years, the Temporal Blockchain has been researched and developed to the point we now have a working product that’s an evolution of the entire Blockchain technology. Our road map goes back in time, whilst outlining the future for temtum.

It’s Cryptocurrency.Evolved.

Q3 2019
ISO Accreditation

Q3 2019Q4 2019
Increased source of randomness

Q4 2019Q1 2020
Performance Integrity ProtocolDelegationSharding

Q1 2020Q2 2020
IoT & Mobility DevicesHomomorphic Encryption

Q2 2020Q3 2020
Payment system integrations

Q3 2020Q2 2021
Smart Contracts

Meet the Core Team & Advisors

One of the strongest teams in the Blockchain industry, temtum is made up of cybersecurity and cryptography published experts, with a wealth of experience in not only blockchain but corporate business at board level in FTSE 250 companies.

Core Team

1. Dr Doug Meakin

2. Richard Dennis
Founder & CEO

3. Dr Gareth Owenson

4. Ginger Saltos, MSc

5. David Hodkinson

Advisory Board

1. Bo Lasater
Senior Product AdvisorView

2. Johannes Fröhling
Technology AdvisorView

3. Rupert Boswall, RPC
Legal AdvisorView

4. Adam Grist

5. Patrick Ormond, Walkers
Legal Advisor



Bitcointalk ID Name: Dewi08

Telegram: @ dhewio8

Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088

Wallet address (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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