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5 лет назад

Tycoon [ Trading Platform Made by Traders and For Traders ]

Exclusive Summary

Hello, Lovers of Tycoon Coin Articles,Since the emergence of Bitcoin in 2008, which was introduced by the genius Satoshi Nakamoto, various efforts were made at that time, to implement blockchain technology in various global aspects, and has been proven, with leading technology. 

And security guarantee process. Blockhain technology develops very fast, and is tailored to the needs of the community of each user. So with the passage of time and increasingly sophisticated technological developments, people have accepted and accepted Bitcoin which can be used to meet our needs for better investment in the future. 

Therefore, Bitcoin continues to innovate and continues to grow together, by continuing to develop new projects in the field of cryptocurrency. 

 Ask, friends of conversation, this project I named Tycoon Coin. 

This is a cryptocurrency project that uses digital currency as a means of payment. What did you change?If you want to know more about this project, I will take you to the core explanation of this project.

What is this?

A trading platform created to provide options for all traders to have the choice to make their social trade have freedom. Most platforms that are not as expected by traders, need to be approved and use very limited retailers. So Tycoon meets the needs of professional traders. 

By using a secure APL connection, traders can conduct trade and transfer activities according to their request, all trade transactions will be copied into the portfolio automatically and in real time, so that they can do and determine the investment they want later. 

How does it work?

Trading on Cryptocurrency is far more profitable than traditional stock trading with currencies, because trading on Cryptocurrency can be done by anyone and does not require traders to be experienced. Besides that, trading on Cryptocurrency is much easier to make a profit. Only by using cellphones and computers, you can already do this trade. 

Therefore, because of the large public interest in trading on Cryptocurrency, a trading platform is needed that allows you to reduce risk and follow in the footsteps of successful traders. Because based on several studies, successful traders have special rights and are trained professionally. As a Trading Platform designed to meet the needs of traders, Tycoon has a strong adoption platform for professional traders. Because with the adoption of a strong platform for professional traders, this will benefit retailers. 

Why is that ?? because Retailers can identify Pro Traders who have similar trading styles. Because by building a platform by considering Pro Trader, this will also provide opportunities for retail traders to lead to something important in trade, namely to get benefits and learn about profitable and professional trade. 

Vision & Missio

By ensuring the needs of traders, Tycoon began developing the Platform in 2018. And after going through experiments based on available time frames, both a short time frame and a higher time frame, conclusions were found on the problems, namely by selling news and information about trade which aims to make money. 

Because by using the Platform Tycoon, a trader can easily copy and follow the trading methods carried out by professional traders. That is by way of copying trade transactions carried out by professional traders with just a few clicks, then you already understand how to trade with professionals through the transaction list. Because Tycoon is a trading platform designed by traders and for the benefit of traders. And Tycoon allows everyone to access this knowledge and experience to maximize profits while minimizing risk at the same time. 


1. Optimal Support 

In Selection Of TradersTycoon is very concerned about the future of the traders. Because by arranging trades, and records of data prepared by Tycoon are available to potential followers. Because by implementing a transparent system, Tycoon also uses methods that are public and can be seen by other traders about the statistics that are applied, and how the work is done by professional traders, so that new traders can see the data through platforms on social media.

2. Flexibility 

In FollowingFor traders who have registered at Platform Tycoon, have the right to get the same service and have the right to decide what steps will be taken later in the trade. Here Tycoon is free to make a decision about what the trader wants to do, whether he wants to continue to trade and he can follow other traders with a single click. However, if the traders are not satisfied, but not stop to subscribe, then the subscription will be extended for one month. And if the followers are not satisfied with the results obtained during the subscription, then the followers are free to cancel the following. All this is done to give traders a sense of transparency for the purpose of providing mutually beneficial results of course.

3. Stop-Loss

By using an Algorithm system, where the stop-loss functions to decide whether the initial capital will be exchanged back to the base currency. So this aims to avoid losses among traders. Because if the price of an open market experiences offspring, then the capital allocated by the trader can still be maintained. Because stop-loss can be adjusted by each trader individually, and stop-loss represents a security aspect that includes the initial capital issued by the traders.

Token Detail

1. Name: Tycoon 


3. Blockchain: ERC-20 

4. Max. supply: 140 million 

5. ICO Price: 0.10 $

Token Distributions 

Token Allocations


January - August 2018
Design ideasBuild heart

September 2018
Frontend DevelopmentBusiness identity

October 2018
Hackathon with heart development in Belgrad (Serbia)Starting 

October 2018
Platform Development

December 2018 - March 2019
Make white

November 2018
Sold separately

The second half of 2019
Product launch - MVPCheck the public demo account

The second half of 2019

The second half of 2019
Platform Update - FinalTransient list 




To get clearer and clearer information about the Tycoon project, please visit the project below:

Website: https://tycoon.io/Whitepaper : https://www.tycoon.io/whitepaper.pdf

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Tycoonio-1082428378632504/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tycoon.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tycoon

Telegram: https://t.me/Tycoon_Official

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tycoonio/about/

Github: https://github.com/tycoon

AnnThread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5165235/


Bitcointalk name: DEWI08

Telegram: @ dhewio8

Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088

Address wallet (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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