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5 лет назад



Emjac's trading platform will be based on Ethereum. This allows us to take advantage of the blockchain features of Ethereum for decentralized trading. All trades will be recorded on the public Ethereum blockchain and Smart Contract will be used for implementing trade contracts 

Ethereum provides a good platform for Emjac due to its wide adoption, active development support, and growing ecosystem of distributed applications. However, Emjac will not record non-trade related data on the Ethereum blockchain, due to speed and cost considerations. These will be recorded on a separate delegated proof of stake chain. 

In order to adapt with the execution time of transactions on the Ethereum blockchain (which takes several seconds at least), buy and sell orders will not be matched in real time. Instead we will implement a periodic settlement of orders, currently planned to take place every 5 minutes. Execution of orders and Smart Contract quotation will therefore follow a similar process to the opening and closing cross mechanism commonly used by various stock exchanges in the world.

What makes EMJAC unique? 

EMJAC uses Digital Ledger Technology (DLT), a distributed ledger made up of unchangeable, digitally recorded data in packages called blocks. These blocks of data are stored in a linear chain. Each block in the chain is cryptographically encoded with information from the block preceding it, ensuring that all data in the chain is immutable and remains unchanged.  

Blockchain technology can essentially replace intermediaries or centralized systems as the underlying technology provides a mechanism for different parties to transact without the need for trust. A research conducted by Autonomous estimates that back office costs such as costs of clearing, settlement of trades, reconciliations, regulatory reporting, etc., represent about 30% of the cost of a commodity exchange. 

Blockchain technology has the potential to cut those costs by at least 80%. EMJAC's platform will be based on the Ethereum blockchain and will utilize Smart Contracts to facilitate the execution of contracts, reducing the need for intermediaries or expensive back office processes. This will result in a lean and efficient platform that will offer fees that are significantly lower than current centralized commodities exchanges, making trading more profitable to all participants on the platform.  


In a blockchain-based supply chain management, provenance tracking, record keeping and data sharing become quite easy because the transactions saved on the blockchain can neither be altered or deleted. Therefore, it is possible to trace the history of any product from its origination to where it is delivered through the blockchain supply chain. 

Traceability is beneficial in detecting and resolving issues in the supply chain process:

1. Building Trust 

2. Cost Reduction 

3. Reducing the Complexities 

How EMJAC overcome waste tyres traceability? 

Since blockchain allows the tracking all types of transactions in a secure and transparent way, it offers a lot of possibilities across the entire supply chain. Every time a product changes hands in the supply chain, the transaction can be recorded on the blockchain to create the history of an item, from the source of waste tyres, collection yards, shipping, manufacturing and sale of recycled products. 


The Platform 

Emjac Marketplace is based on the EMJ (standing for Emjac Token), an ERC20 compliant token. The token is used for all trading activities on the platform. The activities include but are not limited to trading, settlement of contracts, and leverage. 

The Emjac platform allows the trading of options and futures on commodities. Token holders can operate on the Emjac platform as traders. Our prototype will allow users to list Smart Contracts, view contract details, see order books, and place buy and sell orders. 

Trading Process Emjac’s ecosystem consists of Traders (which can be energy suppliers or buyers) and Smart Contracts. 

The flow of activities in the ecosystem is described as follows:  

1. Energy Suppliers uses EMJ Tokens to list their product on perform to perform their transactions 

2. Suppliers submit their best energy supply offers in Emjac marketplace. 

3. Consumers select their preferred, cheapest contract option across our Market. 

4. The consumer completes the contract directly with the successful energy supplier using EMJAC Platform. If the verification is successful, the trade is recorded on the public blockchain. To complete the process, Emjac initiates the associated Smart Contract with the parameters of the trade. 

5. When the contract expires, the system reports the price at expiration and closes out the contract by settling any payments with EMJ tokens. 

6. In case of any potential technical glitch, human error, or issue with the settlement, an arbitration procedure ensures a fair and equitable outcome between the stakeholders. 

7. Consumers who wish to purchase energy products use EMJ token to purchase, they will also get EMJ tokens back as a reward in return.  


 To promote the recycling of waste tyres and earth conservation, EMJAC makes the bold assumption that the majority, if not all, of our token holders are generators of waste tyres either directly or indirectly, and either individuals or business entities. 

Direct generators of waste tyres are individuals or companies who direct or indirectly:

1. Own and operate modes of transportation which such as bicycles, motorbikes, cars, buses, trucks, airplanes, etc 

2. Uses rubber products which are replaced such as automotive fan belts, rubber ballasts at ship docking ports, rubber based commercial and industrial products, etc 

3. Being ferried in modes of transportation which use rubber based tyres 


Wastes tyres are being generated in almost every country in the world. EMJAC aims to expand the penetration and knowledge sharing of our recycling concept and ecosystem around the world starting with major cities which produce the highest numbers of waste tyres. EMJAC hopes to be able to grow our market presence in major ports and cities of every continent in the near future to achieve our noble aim to protect the environment and earth conservation. 


Total token supply will be allocated in the following manner: 

Token Allocation 

1. Token Supply – 70 % 

2. Team and Operations – 20% 

3. Bounty – 3 % 

4. Marketing - 7 %  

Details of IEO 

1. Tokens Offered - 350 million 
2. Soft Cap (Public IEO) - $ 8 million 
3. Tokens Distributed - 30 days after sales token ends Token 

1. Token info - EMJ 
2. Platform - Ethereum 
3. Type - ERC20 PreICO 
4. Price - 1 EMJ = 0.08 USD 
5. Price in ICO - 0.1100 USD  


2016 Q1 
Concept of 
Team Concepts Assemble 

2016 Q2 
Proving that concept can succeed 
Strategic Plan 
White Paper finished 

Q3 2016
Land Design for refineries sealed 
10 Engineers join EMJAC 

2017 Q2 
Our Technology Partner, ECSB, provides Pioneer Status with 5-year Exclusion Taxes from the Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA) 

2017 Q3 
secured for waste tire recycling 

2017 Q4 
Partnership "Strategic & Successful 
" TRU R & D MOU with 4 components extracted 

2018 Q2 
Pre marketing with strategic partners 

2018 Q3 
Approval of DOE Approval and Government Agencies 

2018 Q4 
Legal Work Legal 
Consultation Final

2019 Q2 
and Strategic MoU 

2019 Q3 
Launch of IEO 
Partner Exchange 
Register on Exchange 

2019 Q4 
Launch of MVP Beta 
Launch MVP with search functionality 

2020 Q1 
MVP with Launch Testnet 
Beta Launch EMJAC Marketplace 

2020 Q2 
Launch of MainNet Beta 
Intergration with EMJAC Mobile Application Executive 


More Information on the

Website - https://www.emjac.io/
LinkedIn -  https://www.linkedin.com/company/emjac/
Facebook -  https://www.facebook.com/EMJToken/
Twitter -  https: / /twitter.com/emjac_emj
Telegram -  https://t.me/emjac_emjtoken
Whitepaper -  https://emjac.io/assets/emjac_wp.pdf
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnUm3Fq2x5M

EMAIL: info@EMJAC.io 

WEB: https://EMJAC.io 


Bitcointalk ID Name: DEWI08

Telegram: @ dhewio8

Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088

(Eth) Wallet address: 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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На Golos с January 2019
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