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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


At present information is a valuable source for sellers. Your personal data is spasious to make money to companies, while you have nothing. Now most companies buy customer bases from other influential companies and use them for their own benefit.

Thus, your personal data helps the company to launch a new product or make changes to the old one to make it an ideal product for buyers.

Pdata platform aims to solve this problem by providing its users with complete control over personal data and their maximum protection.


Opiria is a decentralized platform built on blockchain technology that will allow users to control access to their personal data. Opiria will be launched in order to create a central market where the purchase and sale of personal data will be completely decentralized and safe.

With Opiria platform you can sell your personal data directly to companies. In exchange you get PDATA tokens that you can cash out for real money.

Opiria platform enables a secure, fair and transparent trading of your personal data which is fully compliant with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

The main purpose of the platform is to provide users with decentralized brokerage data, where companies can directly receive data from customers without intermediaries. This ecosystem is beneficial for both companies and data owners, because you can get a good profit for the necessary information. The platform will also improve market profitability, because now companies will get better data that they can use to launch a new product or target it to a certain audience. The platform, of course, will revolutionize the current brokerage services market and will become a global standard for companies with access to consumer data.

Platform participants can create a profile on the platform, which will allow them to disclose their personal data for further collection. Also, participants can selectively provide the necessary data, which, if they wish, they want to provide the platform. However, the advantage will be given by the fact that comparatively more data will be provided.

In turn, companies have the right to request from consumer’s permission to access disclosure of their personal data through platforms Opiria. By providing personal data, consumers associate themselves with the company.
The number of provided tokens PDATA will depend on the amount of data provided.

The Opiria platform will provide its users with the opportunity to trade on the open market, which includes the following solutions:

  • Consumers can control with whom they share specific personal data.
  • Consumers get proper compensation for providing personal data.
  • Personal data flows directly from consumers to companies with no middlemen.


The PDATA token ecosystem consists of consumers and companies, facilitating a two-sided token economy. Companies can purchase personal data directly from consumers by compensating them with PDATA tokens.

The ecosystem of Opiria consists of consumers and companies participating in the unified development of the bilateral domestic economy of the platform. Companies will acquire personal data through consumers for PDATA tokens.

Consumers can receive tokens for mutually beneficial provision of personal information to producers. They will decide which personal data they are ready to disclose and who has the right to access them. The anonymity and confidentiality of the user's personal information is reliably guaranteed by the locking mechanisms built into the platform architecture.

Companies will be able to quickly and easily access personal data of consumers, timely remunerating them with tokens PDATA. Specific information about customer preferences will allow them to make the right decisions when developing new products and services, and also help them better focus on the current marketing situation and demand.


Using the web application, companies can access all the platform users. The web application will greatly assist in the creation, analysis and dissemination of information. To date, the platform supports two types of polls: mobile surveys and mobile diaries.

Mobile surveys contain one or more questions that users should answer, but only once.

The mobile diary includes several questions that users can answer several times, which will allow companies to track consumer experience based on the consumption of the product or service they have released.

Thus, conducting research of the company, create on the survey platform, where the consumer, according to individual preferences, answers the questions presented to him. The company selects the appropriate user profile on the platform database and distributes the questionnaire to the target group.

A mobile survey allows companies to receive responses from consumers in real time, within a few minutes, while at a time when using a mobile diary, consumers provide immediate and unfiltered feedback while they are testing a product or service.

Also, you can add multimedia items (photo, video, audio files) to the questionnaires, which will significantly speed up and improve the voting process by visualizing the images.

The web application helps to collect and analyze answers to questions from users in an automated way. Mobile survey answers are instantly aggregated and visually displayed in diagrams and in tabular form. The answers of consumers of mobile diaries are visually displayed on the map and on the timeline.


The Pre-sale TGE starting date is April 10th, 2018, 10 AM GMT and will end on April 20th, 2018, 10 AM GMT.
During the pre-sale TGE period, PDATA tokens will be sold applying following bonuses: 5,000 USD or more - Bonus 20%
Name of the token: PDATA
Standard: Ethereum
Total number of tokens: 750 000 000

Public Sale (TGE) will start on April 21st, 2018, 10 AM GMT and will end on May 21st, 2018, 10 AM GMT.

During Day 1 of the TGE sale period, the bonus will be 15%. Each day the bonus will go down by 1% down to a minimum of 0%. The last 15 days of the TGE, there will be no more bonus.
Maximum contribution = 1 ETH
After the first 4 hours of the TGE, the individual cap will be removed.
Accepted currency: ETH, BTC, XRP.






The Opiria platform will provide its users with a fully transparent, open and secure market will prompt consumers to provide data instead of fighting with secret data brokers. Companies get a quick and easy way to access more specific and better personal data by providing them the tools they need to make a much more informed and therefore more financially secure solution when developing new innovative products and services with a more targeted marketing and marketing activities.

WEBSITE https://opiria.io/
WHITEPAPER https://opiria.io/static/docs/Opiria-PDATA-Whitepaper.pdf
TELEGRAM https://t.me/PDATAtoken
TWITTER https://t.me/PDATAtoken
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/pdatatoken/
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW3cOXsxLicxZqRt1TFSmLQ
AUTHOR https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1186365

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