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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

WebSpaceX - artificial intelligence

Everything in our world has data and information, weather, time, exchange rates, route home, all this information. It’s not important to talk about the important place it occupies in the life of each of us, in the life of entire states. Sometimes the right information is all you need. But if there is a lot of information, it attacks us from all sides, but what can I say, because the whole Internet is information, and the quality, as we know, is not always high. This is where the problem arises, there is a lot of information, sometimes very contradictory and mutually exclusive, in order to understand the real state of affairs, you need to analyze these data, systematize, analyze, compare and apply many other methods of cognition, it takes a long time for a person and strength, and the result is not always good. To achieve a better result, you need to use something more advanced, fast and reliable. The best contender for this position is AI (artificial intelligence), during repeated competitions between man and AI, the latter was always faster and more accurate. So why for such an important process as data processing and analysis not to use AI? WebSpaceX have already done that.

WebSpaceX is a new technology designed to analyze information using the latest advances in programming and artificial intelligence. The symbiosis of the latest advances in these two industries will significantly increase the level of quality, accuracy and reliability of information, will become the new quality standard in this area.

One of the main tasks that WebSpaceX has set itself is to create a unique system for analyzing the data of your data and providing you with a better product, namely: now you will receive more accurate advertising on the Internet instead of a heap of annoying spam, searching the Internet will be more accurate and faster, in general the quality of the information you receive will increase many times, you will receive only what you need.

Webspacex as a global project that wants to make our world a little better, understands how important it is to have access to such an innovative platform all the time, because access to the platform will be available from the most common platforms: Android, IOS and the web platform.

WebSpaceX will revolutionize marketing, many obvious advantages through the use of AI will result in an increase in the quality of analytics, in improving the quality of content in other areas important for enterprises, all these innovations will mark the beginning of "marketing 2.0", which will be based on a completely new, an innovative and accordingly much more complicated one-to-one interaction mechanism; all marketing will now be customer-oriented, its preferences using the advantages of AI and increasing quality Your results analysts will see everything, the user will receive the highest quality information, as well as increase the effectiveness of advertising.

WebSpaceX platform features:

Crypto Payment. The WebSpaceX platform will provide you with the opportunity to use all the necessary functions for marketing, and since the service payment function is one of the key, you can pay for services directly on the platform, without having to contact intermediaries, all in one place.

WebSpaceX Wallet. Management and distribution of funds is one of the most important components of any activity, and in such an important industry, where WebSpaceX operates, the more so because the platform will provide its users with a unique wallet of its own design for quick and convenient financial management.

Absolute transparency. The essence of the blockchain is that the management of their hands of one company or group of people lays on a whole network, so there is no longer any dependence on the will of a small group of people, it’s very difficult to destroy everything working, but it’s also that it works absolutely honestly and transparent, because no one can interfere with the work of the platform with their personal goals, thereby disrupting the work of the entire network. Thanks to this WebSpaceX and has absolute transparency of work.

Decentralize the network. This point is closely related to the previous one, a lot in quality work depends on decentralization and transparency (honesty), if the work is performed by an employee without reference to personal motives, likes and dislikes, but simply by a clear algorithm with a clear adherence to the algorithm, then only such work can consider quality. It is this type of service that WebSpaceX provides, honest and decentralized.

Low cost of services. Earlier we mentioned the possibility of payment for services directly on the platform using a branded wallet, but the question of payment price, commission and speed also remains. Webspacex took care of this, you have the opportunity to pay for services in krypton (Doge Coin, Ethereum, Lite Coin) with minimal cost.

Solutions for browsers. By installing a separate plug-in in your browser, you can configure WebSpaceX yourself for a qualitatively new level of information, Artificial İntelligence technology will help you.

The implementation of such ambitious plans requires a lot of time and effort, but WebSpaceX is ready to report on the first results.

2019 Q1- Conducting ICO

2019 Q1 - Listing in market exchanges

2019 Q2 - Official launch of the platform

2019 Q2 - Andorid Beta Release Launch

2019 May - Andorid Full Release Launch

2019 June - IOS Beta Release Launch

2019 July - IOS Full Release Launch

2019 July - Freelancer Beta Release Launch

2019 August - WEB Platform Integration

2019 August - WebSpaceX Payment System Integration

2019 September - WSPX Token Wallet Integration

2019 Q4 - Integration with Webmaster plaforms

2020 Q1 - Marketing of Asian, European market use rights

2020 Q2 - Doge Coin , Ethereum, Lite Coin wallet Integration

2020 Q2 - Developing add-on integration with WordPress, OpenCart, Magento

2020 Q3 - Distribution of profit share across the platform to users involved in the

WebSpaceX Ecosystem
WebSpaceX is at the ICO stage, in which you can participate
Token Symbol - WSPX
Token Standard - ERC 20 (On the smart contract of Efir)
Minimum purchase amount for tokens: 0.1 ETH

ICO will be held in three stages:
January 1, 2019 - January 15, 2019. When buying tokens, 30% bonus.
January 16, 2019–30 January 2019. When buying tokens, the bonus is 20%.
February 1, 2019–15 February 2019. When buying tokens, 10% bonus.
The maximum amount is 2,000,000,000 WSPX
Token exchange rate - 1 ETH = 312.500 WSPX
Accepted Currencies - ETH

To take part in an ICO or not is everyone's business, but why not to become part of global change together with a team that literally lives its own business and does its best to make our life better by introducing blockchain technology into an extremely important industry for modern man.

**For detailed information, please visit official : **

Author : appdeal

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