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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Hello dear friends and guests of my Golos blog. In this article i wanna introduce you with platform ICOVO - https://icovo.co/
In a recent article, I already asked my readers if they are investing in the ICO today. As it turned out, many are afraid, since the current market realities are far from having this kind of financial activity.

And what if I tell you that now it can be done quickly, safely (without worrying about a refund) and from a mobile phone? Hmm, many of you will say, but how is this possible?

ICOVO is the platform of the new generation for ICO, which solves all the problems that are at the moment in the market: transparency, accountability, fight against scammers. It makes your investments truly protected by return instruments. How does this happen? Let's figure it out.

In fact, many market experts have long been aware of existing problems. Including Vitaliy Buterin the creator and patron of the platform Ethereum. In his opinion, the problem of investment protection in ICO can be solved by elementary and acting tools the same smart contract.

It's just for the creators of the ICO to write a special contract for fees, which can be withdrawn at any time and returned to all those who sent their blood savings there. Simple and functional enough.

The contract can be canceled by voting of all ICO participants, in other words, all those who sent money. And it's easy to implement, because all information is written into the block. Here you can still steal with the power of voice (who sent more the voice and weight), but, in principle, this system is transparent. Especially if you connect KYC and AML there.

And if you add automatic transparent reporting on the collected funds And the need to go through the procedure KYC for the organizers themselves ICO Then we get a really effective and transparent platform to raise funds for any project. Even without pre-filtering (scammers do not get money in this scheme).

Separately, I want to mention the convenience of working with ICOVO. A special mobile application will make your investment more convenient and faster than ever! This is truly an innovative solution that gives mobility and simplicity to managing your investment portfolios.

ICOVO https://icovo.co/ is also useful to those who organize ICO, as under the new scheme a greater number of potential investors will want to increase their capital. Indeed, what do we risk if our investments are protected by such a transparent platform?

Want to become a member of such a project from ICOVO? Then read below!

Under its own ICO, ICOVO will allocate 120 million OVO tokens. They are released naturally on the Ethereum platform.

ICO will be held in 2 stages. Pre-Sale will be held from September 24 to October 8. At this stage, you can buy OVO tokens with a bonus of 40%.

The main stage of the sale will be held from November 1 to November 30. The bonus at this stage will tend to decrease from 10% to 0.

Soft Cap is installed on the bar of 5.868 ether, Hard Cap is 60.360. The cost of the OVO token at any stage of sales will be 0.3 US dollars.

As for the planned allocation of funds, here the interest will be as follows:

72% will go to marketing and promotion of the platform;
The team and consultants of the project will receive 10%;
5% will go to developers;
3% on various bonuses and promotion team.

Briefly summarized, ICOVO https://icovo.co/ today looks like a very popular product. I like that the platform is completely decentralized and the conclusions about whether the investment project is worthwhile or not are made only by the users themselves. Separately it is worth mentioning that the Soft Cap project was built at the stage of closed sales! This is a powerful product of our time, and to pay attention to it is definitely worth it!

Website: https://icovo.co/
Whitepaper: https://icovo.co/whitepaper/20180620_icovo_wp_service_en.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ICOVOCO
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/icovoco/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ICOVO/
Telegram: https://t.me/icovoco
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4468796.0

diimazavr https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1080044

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