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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад


 IMMLA is a logistics company aiming to change the international logistics platform by making it more efficient. Modern-day logistics market is IT-intensive, however; it is hindered and clustered by many information barriers. This, however, does not hinder the company from developing an antimodal delivery service that has a decentralized system in charge of delivery, payments and document flow. Recently our company conducted research to establish the most prevalent hindrances in logistics. From the study we deduced the following:

1. There are no specific internet transport services dealing with all kinds of transport.

2. The number of real cargo owners in transport exchanges and transport services is very limited

3. Professional IT solutions in logistics which could become the standard are lacking

4. The number of new solutions in IT is few. This makes IT one of the most conservative areas in terms of new technology.

5. Consumers have developed a knack for not staying long on one mode of transport exchange. The study established that this causes additional software to be installed on the computer. This basically means that apart from working with tables, documents or emails, the companies still have to check the status of their cargo, requests or any other document from their cargo exchange.


The technology of Ethereum in blockchain uses smart contracts to ensure that all parts of the platform are trust-sensitive. The full platform which was being developed by a team of IT experts offers Dutch auction carriers offering some of the most favorable prices across multiple shipping modes which include; rail, road, and sea. The second part of the IMMLA system includes a cargo damage monitoring system. This involves the use of blockchain to monitor the delivery time, monitor cargo, and ensuring cargo throughout the whole process of transportation.


Reliability And Confidence: Now there is a decentralized solution that guarantees payment to the carrier irrespective of IMMLA’s condition. No middleman is required or involved. Users can now have confidence in the ability of the platform to transfer payment and guarantee insurance payment to owners of the cargo.

Track Shipments: Records regarding the current condition and position of the cargo at the time when responsibility is transferred between the carriers are recorded on the blockchain. Once on the blockchain, the information cannot be changed by any of the parties.

It Saves Money: The introduction of the Dutch concept ensures that money is saved across the logistics industry. This also ensures that there is a balance of transportation costs.

Reduction Of Unnecessary Trips: The use of IMMLA reduces the number of unnecessary trips which include idle trips and empty shipments.

Reputation System: Cargo owners with high ratings within the system always get credit which saves its current assets.

Easy To Use: IMMLA is equipped with desktop and mobile interfaces that are designed for easy usage. This means the transport and workflow is fully automated and therefore there is no need for third parties.


Information on the location of an unloaded vehicle is relayed. This includes the designated use of the vehicle. IMMLA records the vehicle in its transportation system then offers to bid it at a tender for a contract of transportation. The carrier then completes the freight transportation before it transfers and relays the cargo to the owner or the next carrier. Meanwhile, the consignee accepts responsibility for the cargo by making an electronic mark or signature. Then the smart contract completes a payment to the cargo carrier and provides documents with an electronic signature of the cargo owner.


Blockchain industry is a huge benefit for the global logistics technology. IMMLA is the first company to introduce blockchain to the logistics world. Our use of Ethereum blockchain creates a trustless ecosystem between businesses and their cargo carriers. Businesses usually need a carrier that can convey their products safely anywhere in the world and who better than IMMLA! 

With IMMLA, transportation is monitored until the successful conclusion of the deal. IMMLA always has your commercial interests at heart, unlike the web portals where the revenues are generated from subscriber payment. What’s more, this platform offers features similar to today’s logistics companies and brokers, however, the charges are much lower. 

Website: https://immla.io
Whitepaper: https://immla.io/#whitePaper

Contribute to IMMLA: https://ico.immla.io/#tokens-purchase
Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1078950 

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