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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

IDLV - Membership of various applications and internet application platforms

Hi friends If you are interested in joining the IDLV project, you should read reviews that can help you get information that can help you see their vision and mission. Here's the review:

In the Delivery I ecosystem, IDLV token is a membership of a variety of internet applic toations and platforms. Membership benefits are cash-backs and the ability receive IDLV tokens. There are two ways you can get paid IDLV tokens.

  1. Members can acquire IDLV through internet applications and platform consumption activities, and_
  2. Acquire IDLV by watching the Banner advertisement. With the cumulative IDLVs, members can get a distinctive cash-back.

IDLV token can be used for a variety of internet applications and platforms. However, we first focused on the premium delivery and car services. The first of all, we will concentrate on premium schools pick-up services, airport pick-up, and high-end car tour service in Indonesia. Also, we will provide a fresh food morning delivery service
(especially baby and children food), which are one of the potential growing market in Indonesia.

We will have a strategic alliance with ANTERIN (https://anterin.id/) to carry on IDLV business. ANTERIN is a start-up company that provides premium car and motorbike delivery service throughout Indonesia. ANTERIN customers are rewarded with IDLV for consuming ANTERIN’s services.

Mission of IDLV

The ultimate goal of IDLV is to create an economy ecosystem in which the rights of consumers are rewarded.
In the Internet applications or platforms that uses IDLV as a membership; each consumer can be rewarded with IDLV token for compensation and personal information such as age, gender, educational background, and even activities on the Internet. In addition, consumers can selectively subscribe to the ads they want and are rewarded.


In the past, marketing information which analyzed through Big Data Processing and AI (Artificial Intelligence) was exclusive to some large corporations. However, we will build an Internet information ecosystem so that fair compensation value can be achieved through
peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions in which personal information is decentralized through block-chain technology.

For example, let us think you become a member of ANTERIN. We will first commercialize IDLV in partnership with ANTERIN (https://anterin.id/), a delivery market and online commodity payment solution company, which is the core of the Indonesian O2O (Offline to online) market. ANTERIN is a start-up company that provides premium car and motorbike delivery service throughout Indonesia.

You are rewarded with IDLV for registration to become a member.
You are rewarded with IDLV for purchasing ANTERIN’s services or products You are rewarded with IDLV for watching banner advertisements (A variety of products as restaurants, pharmacies, and daily necessities in their residence.)

Anterin & Maju Platform


  • 31% Company - 2 years locked-up
  • 60% Contribution Mining
  • 7.9% Strategic Partnership - 6 months locked-up
  • 1% IEO
  • 0.05% Airdrop
  • 0.04% TEAM - 1 month locked-up


  • August 2018 - Established a cooperative relationship with Korean "Baegopa" developer for Indonesian business
  • September 2018 - Project team building and planning completion
  • December 2018 - IDLV Coin LISTING (UIO EXCHANGE)
  • February 2019 - Established “PT. Maju Partners Indonesia”, the main body of the project.
  • June 2019
     Completion of share purchasing agreement of Anterin
     IDLV Coin LISTING in a local block chain exchange(IEX) in Indonesia
     Establish a block in Indonesia
  • August 2019
     Promotion and advertisement
     DLV will be used as a membership of Anterin
  • September 2019 - Launched Internet shopping mall linked to Anterin Application.

To get more relevant details from the IDLV project or join social media and sales crowds, please follow some sources for the following references:

WEBSITE: https://idlv.net/
WHITEPAPER: https://idlv.net/whitepaperEn.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/IDLVofficial/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/IDLV_Official/

Bitcointalk username: Sinseykoin

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