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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

My intro, My first Post

Good day, I am a student studying Project management technology. I am little bit on the quiet side. I'm funny, compassionate,i love movies, music, video games
"Yea i probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose but no worse than what's going on in your parents bedrooms." -eminem.
I am New on Golos

My hobbies are listening to music,, Drawing and Graphic design
I love sports alot but my favourite sports are football and basketball and the team i support are Manchester United and The Miami Heat respectively. I also enjoy watching sports that involves skills and stunts. I love a lot of things like listening to the radio, music (des not matter the genre as long as it's good music from hip hop, Reggae, Afro-beat, Jazz etc). I am not much of a Television person but like to watch movies but not as much as i like listening to music.

I like creative things and also been innovative like artistic things, science, graphics and learning new things like writing and things that makes me happy and helpful to other people.

I registered on Golos cause it's a platform that allows me to express and improve my writing skills and also allows me to meet and interact with other creative writer and ideas with different perspectives and meet new people on this community.

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На Golos с February 2019
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