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С уважением, команда “Голос”
8 лет назад

Introduction: Hello Golos from sunny South Africa!!!

I am so very excited to be here!  Joining Steemit 6 months ago was the highlight of my year. I find it fascinating to meet people from around the world. This kind of platform produces the raw honesty of people living their daily lives mostly without the filters that other types social media use to distort reality.

Okay, so about me. I am 45 years old and can't really understand how that number relates to me! I live in South Africa which is unbelievably beautiful, and raw, which makes me love it. My soul is African. It is also a dangerous country to live in, but there is not much I can do about that other than be aware. 


I took the above photos in the hills behind my home.


My husband and I when we just met, 1989!

I am a wife I met my husband in 1989 when I was 18 and we have been happily together ever since. I am truly blessed to have met and shared all these years with my soulmate. It is something I don't take for granted.

I have 3 amazing children. A daughter whose unparalleled beauty in spirit reflects in her face. She is 18 years and just beginning her adult life. I also have 2 boys aged 12 years and 9 years. As with most mothers, I can say that my children are my life. I always knew I would have 3 children so although I struggled to fall pregnant, I feel a sense of completion.


My husband and I own a shop selling secondhand goods in a small South African town. As there is not much of a market for the weirder items that we like, we branched out into selling collectibles online nearly 6 years ago. We sell our goods on a South African auction site and love to share the weird and wonderful things that pass through our hands! Having our own business is tough! We both have never done anything else so we struggle along.

Stuff we like to sell online!

I feel quite oppressed by the world we find ourselves in. Everything seems wrong. We have traveled so far down  the wrong the path it will take a monumental, literally earth shattering, event to provide some sort of reset. Personally, I have a sense of wrongness. This constant struggle to provide for your family while witnessing a constant stream of events/atrocities/miseries can't be all there is to life. With the birth of my 3rd child I almost died and spent 3 days in limbo between life and death. I fought hard not to leave my children motherless and since I chose life I want to live! 

There must be so much more!

Lastly (for now!) I share my home with my parents and my daughter's boyfriend, and every now and then one or another family member. We have one small dog who thinks he's a cat which is not surprising as we have 4 cats! The youngest cat is a feral kitten that I rescued outside my shop last year. He was terribly sick and is half blind, but the love and joy he has brought to my family, I feel it was us who was rescued by him!

I am hoping to continue the blockchain journey I began with Steemit 6 months ago. I am hoping to share and read real stories from real people and I'm hoping for hope. There must be so much more.

Thank you for reading! Please follow me @somuchmore

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