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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Karatcoin seeks to offer the best solution in the gold financing sector by offering the first platform to offer a complete environment for purchasing, selling, and investing into gold products.

About Karatcoin

Karatcoin tokenizes gold certificates on the Ethereum blockchain. You can use Karatcoin to store gold certificates in your ordinary Ethereum wallet.

Karatcoin’s creators talk about how they want to do more than just digitize gold certificates: they want to create a new economy complete with decentralized financial services, decentralized apps, and more. All of these services will use Karatcoin as a token.

Vision And Mission

The vision of the Karatcoin project is to create a new, human-driven economy that focuses on decentralization of financial services, ensuring both stable and positive investments related to market volatility. , and this also promotes the financial assets needed for future projects. At the same time, we will also create an ecosystem for developers to use Karatcoin token as a framework for the different development of DAP, thus promoting the application of blockchain technology. The Karatcoin project is a consultative system focused on the development and exploitation of carefully selected gold mining companies.

Our goal is to build a platform for trading gold certificates, exchanging Karatcoin tokens, as well as saving and exchanging money with gold cards. We will build a platform where millions of investors The golden opportunity of the Karatcoin project is to create a new, human-driven economy that focuses on decentralization of financial services that ensure both stable and positive investments. It is concerned with the volatility of the market, and this also promotes the financial assets needed for future projects. At the same time, we will also create an ecosystem for developers using Karatcoin token as a framework for the various development of Dapp, thus promoting the application of blockchain technology.

Our Goal

Our goal is to build a platform to trade gold certificates, exchange Karatcoin tokens, as well as save and exchange currency using gold cards.

We will build a platform where millions of investors can go to find the best gold opportunities to invest, trade, and exchange without worrying about traceability.

KaratCoin Discounts

The Karatcoin token sale will include pre-sales and major crowds. Pre-sale is sold exclusively to approved investors. The sale will take place in 15 days in the first quarter of 2018.

The crowd, meanwhile, will start 30 days after the sale ends. It will last for 30 days.

A total of 15 million cards will be sold during pre-sale and the crowd will cost $ 3, although bonuses are available throughout the ICO.

Products of KaratCoin

From the Karatcoin product portfolio, customers can maintain a form of savings as well as invest in electronic money. The investment suits their personal needs, from the most active ones, who want to trade electronic money from Karatcoin, to the most conservative who wants to accumulate safe haven assets like gold.

The Karatcoin ICO App:

Karatcoin will create a decentralized gold market application by enabling established gold traders and providers to tokenize the same metal under one crypto-asset token, generating a highly liquid and stable market.

Token Details and Sale Information
Token symbol: KCD
Standard: ERC-20
Token type: Utility
Total token: 1,000,000,000
1 KCD = 0.1 USD
Soft Cap: 3M USD
Softcap Status: Achieved
Hard Cap: 25M USD



This brillant team and very good project, the team has many plans, this company is definitely waiting for great success.i advise everyone this great success project .

More Information

Website: https://karatcoin.co/

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4932340

Whitepaper : https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/karatcoin.co/files/docs/KC_WP.pdf

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/karatcoin.co/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/KaratCoins

Medium: https://medium.com/karatcoins

Telegram : http://t.me/KaratcoinGroup

Author of article:

Bitcointalk Username: edwardxx

Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2034620

ETH WALLET: 0xB33037B01AA8C52Bf91197C7A0d02Ae9d448472b

0.129 GOLOS
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