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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Through this article I want to introduce you to kittoken, designed to accelerate transactions in the blockchain community, take one step forward to show safe operations that focus on affordability, fast and smooth transactions. As we have seen, cryptocurrency takes a lot of hype in the world, because it is very important for crypto investors and members to get crypto, which will make all their transactions easier and faster.

What is KitToken?

Global trend of financial eco-system has evolved to a stage where blockchain technology has taken penultimate position as the driving force. The current scenario of emerging innovate technology such as blockchain technology, advancement in fintech, efficient, fast, secured, reliable and low-cost fund transfer as well as the utilization of cryptocurrency by the masses. It is just in time for financial industry to embrace the wave of change as the way forward.KitToken is subjected to develop a sustainable and stable financial ecosystem based on blockchain.It utilizes value transfer protocol to achieve the transfer of payments from one person to another on peer to peer basis. It also aims at building a decentralized platform for achieving faster and quicker transactions across the borders. It also uses the world’s top most security systems to make sure that its financial ecosystem is fast as well as secure.

=KitToken is officially registered with the Malaysian government;
=KitToken will trade on an SEC-compliant exchange where you can buy and sell them for profit;
=KitToken can be used with existing points programs;
=KitToken can be exchanged for cryptocurrencies and cash;
=KitToken can also be redeemed for merchandise.

Strategies of KitToken

Building the gap between merchant and users
To create a community of merchant and users; including goods and service providers,medical services,air travel and hospitality as well as educational services to accept KitToken as mode of payment worth 1.5 trillion.To create Malaysia’s first hybrid crypto wallet platform known as kitpay
Awareness and Recruitment
To create and promote awareness among KitToken holders through airdrop and incentive scheme.To recruit 1 million regional KitToken holders and facilitate peer to peer money transfer worth 2.5 trillion
Profits and network expansion
To create unique high value projects which shall contribute to the kittoken owners’ earning worth 3 to 5% annually.To expand the network of users by branding and aggressive promotion

Features of KitToken

Secure and definite environment
Connects merchants and individuals
Low fees,fast and reliable transactions
Sharing of profit among holders
Strong asset backed business activities
Self-governing technology and global remittance

Motivations of Kittoken

Present Condition of Cash
Cash remains the dominant force in any economy.It will have a change at all times. And this is what which paved way for the existence of an updates and new version of payment method the kitpay method.
Necessity of KitPay
In future Kitpay technology can allow better development of financial transactions to meet he demand for new currencies. It enables faster and quicker as well as safer means of making payments
Crypto Regulations
Convergence to digital currency disruptive era is accepted by regional Asian Countries where most countries are developing regulatory guidelines for utilizing cryptocurrency as a mode of payment .
Crypto Regulations
Convergence to digital currency disruptive era is accepted by regional Asian Countries where most countries are developing regulatory guidelines for utilizing cryptocurrency as a mode of payment .

Token Information

Token name : KitToken

Symbol : KIT

Decimal : 18

Cost per token : $0.05

Total Supply : 8 Billion

For Reserve : 2.5 Billion

For sale : 3.5 Billion

Airdrop+Bonuses : 2 Billion

Contract Address :

ICO and Pre-sale information

Early Bird sale event
20th to 25th July (Bonus 70%)
26th to 31st July(Bonus 50%)
ICO sale
1st phase -August 1st to 10th (Bonus 30%)
2nd phase-August 11th to 20th (Bonus 20%)


JULY 2017
Concept design
Research on cryptocurrency market and transfer medium between ASEAN countries
Technical specifications and survey on users experience on money transfer
Approach travel agencies regarding new,cheap and reliable payment method
Building network among corporate and cryptocurrency network
Approach financial and technical partners
Constructing human resource requirement for operational purposes
Q1&2 of 2018
Finalizing necessary financial procedure with local and international bodies
Development of KIT token website and wallet
Establishment of Technical partners
APRIL 2018
Establishing KitToken alpha platform and whitepaper preparation
JULY 2018
World crypto asset blockchain alliance ASIA summit on July 7th,2018
Kit Token airdrops and establishment in all possible social media
Launch of KitToken pre-sale on July 20,2018
Q2&3 of 2018
Launching of KitToken ICO
1st - 10th - I phase of ICO (30% Bonus)
11th - 20th - II phase of ICO ( 20% Bonus)
Launching of KitPay web wallet and mobile apps Version 1.0
Business development and strengthening of partnerships
Exposing KitToken actively through international forum
2019 and 2020
Launching KitToken.Inc travel and tour project
Partnership with local and international bank
Listing on major exchange
Launching KitToken Neurosciences Project
Listing on major exchange
Launching KitToken Petroleum Bunkering Project
Listing on another big exchange
Launching More mega projects in future
Listing on nearly 25 big exchanges

Website: https://kittoken.net

WhitePaper: https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/030bdbd0-d698-4aa3-ba4d-d2bc680f2ec9/downloads/1chf5j90p_313571.pdf

Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4557979.msg41057899#msg41057899

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TokenKit

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KitTokenOfficial

Medium: https://medium.com/@kittoken.official


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