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6 лет назад

KRATOS is a decentralized commodities trading platform

In a fast paced and rapidly changing world of cryptocurrency, it is important for cryptocurrency owners, investors, analyst and everyone in the cryptocurrency space to be kept abreast of current trends, innovations and analysis. Absolute control over information is an herculean task if not nearly impossible, there is increased risk of harsh user experience in the world of cryptocurrency and a rapidly advancing technology such as blockchain.
In a world of hackers, fraudsters and individuals who seek to take advantage of other people’s naivety, it is important to have access to tools, data, analysis and information to keep one up to date of current event happening in the everyday crypto space. Information is power, with the right tools, you are indomitable. But gathering these information from various sources proved to be a time sapping and effort consuming task. A perfect solution would be to have an ecosystem which provides these tools to everyone ranging from investors to cryptocurrency experts or people who are newly venturing into the crypto world in one giant platform and this is where Kratos Decentralized Exchange comes in.

KRATOS is a decentralized commodities trading platform, significantly transforms and enhances international physical commodity trading across its whole product life cycle. Commodity trading challenges include insufficient trust, manual documentation, and unnecessary intermediaries. These problems often result in significant time-delays and high cost. KRATOS is an Ethereum-based platform that employs Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts to address these challenges. As a result, KRATOS platform delivers better transparency, higher efficiency, and less complexity than any other existing system. The use of this platform would result in more timely deliveries and lower cost.

About Arkratos

Arkratos, a Singapore company linked to trading house Rhodium Resources, is to launch a commodity trading platform built with blockchain technology.

Arkratos is aiming to launch its Kratos platform this month, and is currently trialing it with four traders based in Dubai, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.

Kratos will use smart contracts, which self-execute once pre-set conditions have been met. Each part of the commodity value chain will be able to use these smart contracts, which cannot be manipulated or duplicated. This reduces the possibility of fraud and the amount of time it takes to conclude a transaction.

Arkratos founder, Srinivas Koneru, tells GTR that while no lending will take place on the initial platform, the company is developing a trade finance module, through which commodities can be bought and sold using trade loans disbursed on the Kratos system.

The Vision

“To be the industry standard in international commodity trading by 2020, by utilizing end to end decentralised solutions.”

The Mission

The focus is to make commodity trading a more transparent, less complex, and a less costly process by building trust and transparency within the ecosystem. This will be done by utilising the latest decentralised technologies.

The Problems - Four Challenges

The insufficient trust that is the physical commodity trading process lacks transparency in terms of origin, quality and quantity of the ordered commodities as well as the shipment details. Hence, buyers cannot entirely trust their trading partners and end up involving mediators such as brokers, private investigators, and arbitrator etc.

Documentation is another challenges observed. Transactions may include a significant amount of manual administration due to discrepancies in documentation. Manual documentation is both time-taking and prone to errors. Hence, manual documentation not only leads to delays of a few weeks but also results in increased costs.

The quality assurance in trading that is physical commodities requires crucial quality assurance. But the regions in which most of the goods are manufactured commonly have very lenient supervision. Even the documents can be easily altered. Given the lack of transparency in the system, the quality assurance remains questionable in commodities trading.

The inability to secured capital also adds to the challenges. In the current market situation, SME's face challenges to seek assistance from financial institutions to obtain financing for commodity trading. Even after meeting the stringent economic requirements for trade finance due diligence check, limited visibility and insufficient evaluation from potential financiers make SME significantly less likely to receive financing relative to larger players.

The Solution

The KRATOS platform is the solution to these trading challenges. KRATOS is a decentralized commodities trading platform, significantly transforms and enhances international physical commodity trading across its whole product life cycle. The commodity trading challenges include insufficient trust, manual documentation, and unnecessary intermediaries. These problems often result in significant time-delays and high cost. KRATOS is an Ethereum-based platform that employs Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts to address these challenges. Consequently, KRATOS platform delivers better transparency, higher efficiency, and less complexity than any other existing system. The use of this platform would result in more timely deliveries and lower cost.

KRATOS has developed a Token Curated Registry process for trades submitted to the KRATOS platform. Trades submitted on the platform for trade finance will be curated by token holders. The output of this curation process will be a list of high-quality trades, which will represent a subset of trades that may not otherwise receive financing.

It would be difficult for others to compete with Arkratos since it already has a functional MVP and has secured commitments for the use of its platform from multiple global commodities trading firms.

The Advantages

The process of digitalising the current paper-based process on smart contracts reduces overhead costs and delivery time for the service operations.

Kratos is faster as it runs on smart contract and blockchain. It is also less expensive due to minimal fixed cost.

The identified listed data of high quality trades will facilitate SME’s expanding access to potential financiers. As a result, it becomes more efficient for potential financiers to vet the list of high-quality trades than to vet any potential trades coming to their attention in other ways.

Kratos provides an end to end solution for the entire commodities trading ecosystem. This platform encompasses industry grade KYC/AML, HR, Administration, Finance.

How KRATOS Works?

An important aspect of the project is (a set of related smart contracts). The KRATOS platform is modular. Includes modules KYC / AML, Human Resources, Administration, and Finance, among others. It is fast in the blockchain and provides a clear transfer of documentation.

The KRATOS Token

This is a utility token that is built on Ethereum ERC-20 and to be used for Token Curation Registry (TCR) process.

Token Details

KRATOS Token is NOT:

Fiat currency or any other kind of currency other than virtual currency

Equity (e.g. shares) or similar

A debt instrument (e.g. a bond, debenture or loan)

A right, option or derivative under a contract for differences

A unit or interest in a collective investment scheme or business trust

A hybrid instrument (such as a convertible note or preferential share)

Any other regulated investment product

Token Distribution

Fund Allocation


This platform will reduce excess high cost incurred during trading.

The kratos platform will ensure efficient delivery of products as at when due.

With the usage of kratos platform, there will be greater transparency amongst traders.

The kratos platform would ensure greater transparency and lesser complexities than any other existing platform.


Aug 2017 - Seed Funding

Feb 2018 - KRATOS Proof of Concept (POC)

Jun 2018 - MVP 1.0

Jul & Aug 2018 - Pre-ICO

Sep 2018 - ICO

Oct 2018 - TCR & Risk Management module

Dec 2018 - Finance module

Mar 2019 - Human Resources & Administration module

Sep 2019 - Logistics module

Dec 2019 - KRATOS ERP


For more information, please visit:

Website - http://kratospct.io

Whitepaper - https://kratospct.io/pdf/KRATOS_Whitepaper.pdf

Telegram group - https://t.me/arkratos_group

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ArkratosBlockchain

Twitter - https://twitter.com/Arkratos_com

Roadmap: https://kratospct.io/#roadmap

Lightpaper: https://kratospct.io/pdf/Lightpaper%20v1.5.pdf

Advisor: https://kratospct.io/#advisor

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/akratos_com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/arkratos-com/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Arkratos_/

Github: https://github.com/ArkratosBlockchain

Author : Maniecool
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1692995

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