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5 лет назад



The project about which my today's review is called – Bitenny. The main goal of this project is to provide the world around us with a seamless tool for carrying out fast, high-quality and secure digital transactions to pay for any goods and services with the help of cryptocurrencies available to the world.

Bitenny intends to achieve its goals with the help of a symbiosis of various technologies and effective tools that will eliminate any problems and barriers existing in our daily lives. Moreover, the mission of Bitenny also includes the popularization of cryptocurrency funds everywhere, due to its high-quality platform.
Design feature
To ensure the necessary level of security and optimality of all possible payments, Bitenny developers have made an unconditional decision in the application of artificial intelligence in the development of its platform. Analytical features of AI will be used for in-depth and high-speed analysis of all computational processes taking place both in the cryptocurrency market and in a particular store, comparing all possible options for the exchange of one asset to another, choosing the best exchange option.


To get a little clearer I propose to analyze a small example. Let's say you came to the accessories store and decided to buy some watches there. Within the shop the price for this or that model expressed in Fiat currency is specified. But to make a purchase in digital assets you need to go to your internal wallet Bitenny and see the best, the proposed option from the AI system cryptocurrency asset that can be exchanged for the current Fiat in real time. At first glance it may seem that everything is very difficult and confusing, but believe me these operations take only a fraction of a second. Thus, you will not only save a lot of money, but will get the desired product at the best price.
I also want to draw your attention to the fact that Bitenny will be an ideal solution not only for private use, but also for other large corporate clients, as well as various crypto-exchanges and banks. To do this, Bitenny has all the necessary modular structures that allow you to complement all possible services, as well as communicate with any type of client, providing maximum security and transparency of all processes.

Another striking advantage of the Bitenny platform is its computing core, which contributes to the maximum level of security and scalability of the entire system. Moreover, all exchange processes interact directly with artificial intelligence algorithms, allowing you to receive any type of data in real time quickly and safely.

Thus, within Bitenny you can easily check not only the balance of your wallet, but also to carry out any type of trading both outside the system and within it. All this and much more is waiting for all those who want to join the Bitenny system.

The details of the ICO
To complement the full range of its services, the development team intends to its internal token – BTNY, with which you will get a unique opportunity to purchase absolutely any kind of goods and services. The token will be a token utilities standard ERC20, the total number of 1 billion tokens. The initial price of 1 BTNY will be $0.07 USD. In total for further development of Bitenny developers intend to collect during public sales of 25 million us dollars.

\Considering the initial purpose of cryptocurrencies to secure, fast and transparent payments. We can safely say that Bitenny is committed to achieving their global application. Offering us and the world a working model that is able to organize a seamless infrastructure for all users of digital assets, while opening up amazing opportunities to a huge number of people and corporate organizations.

However, to understand all the workflows, I recommend that you carefully read the technical documentation of the Bitenny project. Where black and white describe all of its characteristics and features. All the necessary sources of information, as always, are waiting for you at the end of my article. Thank you for your attention and good luck!

Official resources of the project Bitenny:
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://bitenny.io
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Bitenny
WHITE PAPER: https://bitenny.io/assets/img/BitennyWhitepaper.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Bitennyio-935538879978419
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bitenny_io
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/bitenny-io
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/Bitenny_io
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bitennyofficial
BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1725951
ETH : 0x295aca7dDA69533Ca78410Da4fcC5EE2BAFd1545

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