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5 лет назад

MenaPay ( MPAY )

MenaPay is growing the most holistic and disruptive answer but visible to tackling the fundamental 'financial machine dilemmas' dealing with customers trying to buy online, switch cash or to really acquire cryptocurrencies.
MenaPay replaces traditional charge methods with a blockchain-based totally, fully sponsored cryptocurrency to offer a cozy and obvious price gateway enabling transactions for every thing of daily lifestyles.
Presently Cryptocurrencies can't be utilized in daily existence transactions due to their price fluctuations and cash-out worries. MenaCash, that's 100% subsidized with the aid of USDs, may be used as the forex for transactions below the MenaPay platform.
1 MenaCash will always be equal to at least one USD and merchants may be capable of make cash outs from the MenaPay basis. MenaPay also brings smooth-to-use solutions consisting of computing device and cellular wallets, integration APIs and SDKs, reporting and a control dashboard for traders, all with Arabic consumer interfaces.
MENAPAY platform intends to launch an APP with person pleasant dashboard so that it will help the human beings in middle EAST and AFRICA location with poor banking skills adapted to the new decentralized price method. MENAPAY create a unmarried foreign money to be used every-day via blockchain through bringing 100% Islamic and non-financial institution digital solution. aside from that MenaPay can even distribute 75% of the total profits and profits among MenaPay holders. This creates a brand new wellknown inside the crypto enterprise for a level of participatory returns, past normal incentives for users and buyers.

How MenaPay work?

We're creating a brand new standart in Crypto enterprise for the level of participatory go back, beyond the normal incentives for users and traders.
• P2P Transactions
• P2M Peer to service provider bills
• M2F service provider to foundation
• inexperienced Mining
MENAPAY intends to create a new standard of price techniques that could bring extra returns and incentives to both customers and merchants with a lesser transaction fees thru the adoption of blockchain generation.


the principle trouble is within the traditional price device which calls for too many intermediaries. The clients and traders ought to undergo the financial institution manner in the traditional approach of charge wherein occasionally charging fee is higher and it takes a lot of time to finish the payment technique. As in step with the, middle East and Africa region, they are no longer the use of ordinary banking gear because of having poor banking gadget and that they have additionally break into the more than one currencies. different problem is in which cryptocurrencies can't be utilized in every day existence transactions due to their price fluctuations.


The solution in which MenaPay is come up with their blockchain based fee gateway. they're getting rid of intermediaries by connecting clients immediately with the merchants for a frictionless and sincere transactions. MenaPay are supplying 100% Islamic, digital solution with the help of blockchain technology to create unmarried foreign money for use in regular transactions. in addition they offer solution with smooth-to-use desktop and cellular wallets with Arabic consumer interfaces.

Menapay Token facts

MENACASH can be the token on the way to be use in MENAPAY platform that allows you to be have complete backing of USD and it's going to as well be used for transaction in MENAPAY platform. it will likely be use to distribute the sales and income entitled to all token holders
MENAPAY has put in some functions in vicinity to make 1 MENACASH identical to 1 USD which traders will be able to coins out from MENAPAY basis.

Token Distribution

• sixty four%allotted to public contributors
• sixteen% allotted to team advisors
• 15% allotted to advertising bounty
• five% allotted to mining reserve

Use Of budget

• 5% allotted to criminal
• 10% allotted to commercial enterprise development
• 15% allocated to Operation and management
• 30% allotted to improvement and Infrastructure
• forty% allocated to advertising and marketing

General Information

• Token kind - ERC-20
• network - ETHEREUM
• total supply - 400,000,000Mpay
• Token Sale - 256,000,000Mpay
• expected ICO price - $0.one hundred sixty five
smooth-cap - $5,000,000
difficult-cap - $25,000,000


For more information, please visit:

Website: https://www.menapay.io/
WhitePaper: https://www.menapay.io/onepager.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4884588.0
Telegram: https://t.me/MenaPay
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/menapayio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/menapayio
Medium: https://medium.com/menapay
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/menapay/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MenaPay/


Bitcointalk username: cryptoking4672
Bitcointalk profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2352782
ETH address: 0x58d750b7C78AC7205f23074997FbF4B5c38989bb

0.303 GOLOS
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