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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад



Welcome my dear readers.And here came the long-awaited vacation and now I'm ready to introduce you to interesting projects.To do this, I will publish the most promising projects in my opinion. And you read, think and make decisions for yourself. The project offers those who wish to provide not used in gadgets memory for a fee in the tokens of the system.

The Ecosystem Module
Module is a platform where any user of a smartphone, tablet or personal computer, having installed the appropriate application, will be able to earn tokens by allocating a certain place in the memory of his device for a certain period of time. This location will be involved in a cloud storage network for encoded information provided for storage by desirous based on p2p (equal to equal) smart contracts.
Despite the fact that the distribution of content is planned around the world, the emphasis is on the third world countries, for whose residents even small amounts of additional earnings play a significant role. Testing the beta version of the application is expected in October this year. Due to blockchain security and distribution secrecy, the MODULE application can be used in the field of Finance, logistics and other areas related to official documents.
With the expansion of the number of participants, it is expected to provide opportunities for everyone to develop their own blockchain applications. The existing smart contracts and secure blockchain will also allow startups to launch their own ICO (initial coin placement)

Ecosystem participants
The unique Protocol PoSTT (proof of space, time and transaction) – confirmation of space, time and transaction - allows customers to pay for the storage, data transfer tokens of the ecosystem in proportion to the amount of memory and time for storage, the number of transactions. The following nodes are involved in the process of storage formation for rent:

  • Verifier-a node that needs a place to store its information, in other words, the client.
    • Farmer – a site that provides a free memory for hosting the data and making these coins.
  • Miner-node confirming transactions by smart contract by creating new blocks in the blockchain.
    The linking server is located separately from the blockchain and is designed to connect the farmer and verifier, control the network and blockchain, as well as store metadata and select the farm network, which is based on the calculation of the location of the closer device.

Principle of operation
ESS cryptography is a method based on the use of an elliptic curve over a finite field. The ESS needs a smaller key to provide greater resilience than other systems. Using this method of encryption, the verifier encodes the information and divides it into several fragments, which are randomly distributed to save to farmers. For additional protection, the encrypted fragments are copied repeatedly. The connecting server sends to the verifier the data of the farmer for the transmission of the coded fragment preserved in exchange for the tokens in accordance with the smart contract.
For calculations as a result of transactions, users pay a fee depending on the load on the network. The consistency of this Commission is indicated in units called "gas".

The advantages of the platform:

  • Safety and lower costs
  • Tracked mining fee
  • Efficiency thanks to smart contracts
  • Great potential for development and expansion
  • High protection of information from hacking and loss

The details of token and krausel:
Coins MODL utility of the ecosystem used for the calculation between the participants.
Ticker (short name): MODL
Token type: token Type: ERC20
Presale (pre-sale): 16 -31 July 2018
Price: 1 MODL=0.008 USD
Bonus: 7%
Crowdsale (main sale): August 1-September 30, 2018
Soft cap (minimum target): US $ 5 000 000
Hard cap( maximum target): US $ 18,000,000
Total cap (total): 15 000 000 MODL
Tokens for sale: 2 250 000 000 MODL
Restricted countries: USA, China, etc. countries where prohibited by law
Payment method: BTC, ETH, LTC, Dash, zcash for, ETC or USD (Bank transfer)

For more details:
Website: https://modltoken.io/
Whitepaper: https://modltoken.io/doc/whitepaper_en.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MODULE_Project
Telegram: https://t.me/module_project
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4566364.0
Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1725951

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с March 2018
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