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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Do you think that crypto insurance and crypto deposits are not real? Neluns is here to prove you wrong!

Great news for hodlers!

Have you ever come across cryptocurrency bank? We have not come across it too, but Neluns is going to create one. In fact, they are going to create not the bank only, but the entire ecosystem, which will allow to erase the borders between traditional financing systems and cryptocurrency world. 

Yeah, you may hear about similar project several times before, but it seems that none of them had made it to the working product. So why do we consider that Neluns will be successful? Because its team had studied the market and found real opportunities, not only possible ones. For example, they have found out that England and its state bank are looking for cryptocurrency and fintech solutions to support, which create great opportunities for Neluns to enter real economy sector and create several completely unique cryptocurrency based projects for widespread usage. 

Just imagine that Neluns strategy will allow you to deposit your cryptocurrencies and get profit instead of losses. For example, today most of hodlers are loosing significant amount of money, because the entire market is falling down and there is no way to make profits of it. With Neluns you will be able to make deposits in crypto assets, which will help you to get profits even when the market is falling down. We consider that profits will not be huge, but getting even 5% a year is better than loosing 10% per month, right? 

Safe investment environment

Escrow and insurance of transactions is crucial part of modern banking system. Escrow payments decrease the need for both counterparties to trust each other, while insurance create attractive environment for investors. So, it works great in traditional financial system, why this method are not implanted within cryptocurrency market? Because nobody, besides of Neluns, would like to make real actions. 

There are hundreds of platforms, which would like to become an intermediary between transaction parties, but most of them are not trusted at all, that is why people are unlikely to use them. In the same time, need for analogue of regulations and escrow protection for cryptocurrency transaction is demanded. Neluns team do understand all these factors, so they are ready to create solution for all these issues. 

Situation in sector of cryptocurrency insurance is pretty the same. People are afraid of fraud, while level of scam ICOs and cryptocurrency projects is getting higher every day. Platform, which want to control other ICOs are not able to provide all its users with transparent information. In addition, most of the do not have real tools to impact the team or to make it work faster. Cryptocurrency market needs full fledged insurance industry to develop and Neluns had already started this process. Neluns is going to create term that will allow traditional insurance companies to enter cryptocurrency market. In such terms, investors will be sure that in case of ICO’s fail, they will get compensation, so they do more investments. As simple as that. 

Website: https://neluns.io/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Neluns/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/theneluns

Telegram: https://t.me/TheNelunsChat

Medium: https://medium.com/@iconeluns

Whitepaper: https://neluns.io/static/ver165/whitepaper/whitepaper.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4694028

Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1937264

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