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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Financial Ecosystem Neluns – What Is It?

Before we start the review of the ecosystem Neluns, the term «financial ecosystem» need to be considered.
There is a growing need in the current circumstances for reforming banking system. All the finance and credit institutions must adapt to client needs to stay afloat and have a high yield. Individuals and entities want to see the bank as one stop provider. They want solutions to all their insurance, banking and investing issues. Financial ecosystem is something new that satisfies modern requirements. This was made possible through technological development. Proper level of technologies allows them to collect and process large amount of personal data that is necessary for successful work of this system.

Innovative and Prospective

Meet innovative financial ecosystem Neluns that’s going to change financial market. It combines such elements as banking, insuring and cryptocurrency. In short, this project is the solution for the above-mentioned issues. The company creates an enabling environment for developing of the cryptocurrency market. While refining important mechanism of our financial system, they organize such ecosystem that will work cohesively and effectively. As bank it provides:

  • Momentary money tranfers, withdrawal and removal of cash in any cash machine
  • Deposits not only in fiat and but also in cryptocurrency
  • Issue cards supported by Visa and MasterCard
  • Mobile application

As an exchange, it takes on responsibility for:

  • Selling and buying cryptocurrencies
  • Exchanging crypto currency for fiat money
  • Effective functioning even during peak loads
  • Protection against cyber attacks
  • Secure trade operations
  • Trading on well-known platform such as Metatrader, TAKION and others

As an insurer it offers:

  • Insurance for trading
  • Risk and transaction insurance

Things You Should Know to Start Investing

It is registered in The United States, and opened in 2018. Their official site is neluns.io. Pre-Sale and Pre-ICO has been comlpeted. ICO is being conducted now up to 5 October. When purchasing the NLS tokens (by the way, there is no minimum investment), you invest your money in forward-looking financial ecosystem, which unlike similar project offers you tokens that meet the standard ERC-20 and is run by experts and experienced financiers. The Neluns team are Nick Thielman (with 11 years of financial experience) and Darrell Martin (with more than 14 years in Banking). Other team members are Madeline Williams, Leslie Haynes and Patrick Skinner. The official website states is planned to raise 112 million dollars, 80% of which would go to the building the effective financial ecosystem. After ICO, they will start the implementation of the plans, the attainment of which is scheduled for the middle of the next year. We are confident that the future of the crypto currency and the market in general for projects like Neluns.

Website: https://neluns.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Neluns/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/theneluns
Telegram: https://t.me/TheNelunsChat
Medium: https://medium.com/@iconeluns
Whitepaper: https://neluns.io/static/ver165/whitepaper/whitepaper.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4694028

Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1937264

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